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Статья опубликована в рамках: CXL Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 05 мая 2022 г.)

Наука: Технические науки

Секция: Технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Bekirova E. A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO PROFESSIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CXL междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 9(140). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/9(140).pdf (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)
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Bekirova Elmaz

student, Department of Labor Protection in the social sphere and mechanical engineering, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov,

Russia, Simferopol

Abitova Shazie

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor, Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov,

Russia, Simferopol



Бекирова Эльмаз Алимовна

студент, кафедра охраны труда в социальной сфере и машиностроении, Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова,

РФ, г. Симферополь

Абитова Шазие Юсуфовна

научный руководитель, канд. с.-х. наук, доц., Крымский инженерно-педагогический университет имени Февзи Якубова,

РФ, г. Симферополь



Since one of the main tasks of labor protection is the preservation of human life and health in the course of his work, which can be achieved through the prevention and prevention of occupational injuries and occupational diseases, it is advisable to study the occupational risk management system. In this article, the author discusses the importance and necessity of implementing a professional risk management system in the workplace. The main stages of the professional risk management process and the methods used for risk assessment are described.


Поскольку одной из главных задач охраны труда является сохранение жизни и здоровья человека в процессе его трудовой деятельности, что может быть достигнуто за счет профилактики и предотвращения производственного травматизма и профессиональных заболеваний, является целесообразным изучение системы управления профессиональными рисками. В этой статье автором рассматривается важность и необходимость внедрения системы управления профессиональными рисками на производстве. Описываются основные этапы процесса управления профессиональными рисками и методы, применяемые для оценки рисков.


Keywords: occupational safety, occupational risk, occupational risk management system.

Ключевые слова: охрана труда, профессиональный риск, система управления профессиональными рисками.


The creation of favorable working conditions for employees is one of the main goals of the Labor Legislation of the Russian Federation. In order to ensure the protection of the life and health of workers employed in all spheres of the economy, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation contains a whole section devoted to labor protection issues. According to this document, the concept of labor protection implies systematic measures aimed at preserving the life, physical and psychological health of employees during the realization of official duties. Labor protection as a system includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, therapeutic and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures to eliminate or reduce the risk of injury to an employee, his illness.

As a result, the concept of "occupational safety management system" has been introduced into the legislation. The occupational health and safety management system refers to a set of interrelated and interacting elements that establish policies and objectives in the field of occupational health and safety for a particular employer and procedures for achieving these goals. The creation and organization of the functioning of the occupational safety management system is the responsibility of the employer, which is assigned to him by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

In the course of work, the worker is affected by factors of the production environment and the labor process, which can have a negative impact on health. The combination of these factors is the object of labor protection. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over one hundred thousand chemical and biological substances, about fifty physical factors of the working environment and almost twenty types of physical activity and ergonomic factors, as well as many psychological and social problems can be harmful to health and increase the possibility of accidents, diseases or stressful conditions, cause dissatisfaction with work and disrupt well-being. It becomes clear that the complete exclusion of unfavorable factors from the production environment is impossible even in those organizations in which the best modern technologies and the latest equipment are implemented. Thus, any technology and any production process tend to be dangerous, hence emerges the risk of injury or disease.

Risk is a combination of the probability of occurrence of a dangerous event in the course of work, the severity of injury or other damage to human health caused by this event. According to A.P.Algin, "risk is an activity associated with overcoming uncertainty in a situation of inevitable choice, during which it is possible to quantify and qualitatively assess the probability of achieving the intended result, failure, deviation from the goal" [1, p.43].

The term "occupational risk" was introduced in order to characterize the likelihood of harm to health as a result of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors in the performance of duties by an employee. Section 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines occupational risk as "the probability of causing harm to health as a result of exposure to harmful and (or) hazardous production factors when an employee performs duties under an employment contract or in other cases established by the Labor Code, other Federal Laws" [3].

In order to identify the risks and assess them, the following steps should be taken:

1. Identification of dangerous events that may occur in the workplace and their causes

2. Establishing the probability of their occurrence

3. Determining the consequences of these events

4. Organization of measures that can reduce adverse consequences or reduce the likelihood of dangerous situations.

In the above sequence, professional risk management takes place in the organization. The occupational risk management system is aimed at:

• reducing the number of employees injured or killed as a result of accidents;

• reducing the proportion of workers working in conditions that do not meet sanitary and hygienic standards;

• reducing the share of organizations (especially industrial enterprises) with unsatisfactory working conditions.

Section 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation [3] requires each employer, regardless of the state and the specifics of the institution's activities, to develop and implement a labor protection management system, which is an integral part of the overall management system of the institution. Exactly this system allows to reduce the risks of dangerous and harmful production factors, prevent unpleasant incidents and improve the quality and efficiency of work. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the occupational risk management system is the reduction of the risks of occupational diseases and occupational injuries.

Researchers D.A. Melnikova and G.N. Yagovkin [2] include the following factors for improving the system:

- automation of management;

- system analysis;

- compliance with the principles of rational organization of the system;

- reorganization of the existing management system into a problem-oriented structure.

Thus, we come to the conclusion that managing occupational risks means developing a set of interrelated measures aimed at preventing occupational injuries. In order to identify and assess the levels of risks, the employer independently chooses any existing methodology, taking into account the nature of its activities and the complexity of the operations performed, while the possibility of using different methods of assessing the level of occupational risks for different processes and operations, as well as categories of employees is not excluded.

All risk assessment methods are based on consistent identification of potential hazards ("What could happen?"), identification of the probability of their occurrence ("What is the probability that this will happen?") and assessment of possible consequences ("What could be the consequences?"). Thus, regardless of the method used, answers should be found to each of the three key questions that will lead to the determination of risk levels and their ranking in order of priority of preventive and protective measures.

When choosing approaches to the development of professional risk management methods, it is necessary to take into account the following:

1. The process of occupational risk management should be carried out continuously - this is a necessary condition for improvement in the field of occupational safety and occupational health.

2. Employers, employees and other parties should be interested in improving working conditions and preserving the health of employees.

3. The risk management action plan should include:

- compliance with the requirements stipulated by the current legislation;

- appointment of competent persons to monitor occupational risks and the results of work to reduce them;

- carrying out corrective measures and monitoring the effectiveness of preventive measures;

- informing employees about the implementation of the measures taken, as well as issues of their training;

- determination of conditions and measures that can be taken to revise the risk.

Risk reduction measures should be implemented in the following hierarchy:

− elimination of hazards;

− replacing one risk with another (with smaller one);

− technical measures;

− administrative measures;

− use of personal protective equipment.

Among them, the elimination of danger is the most preferable, but this possibility is not always presented. Next in priority are activities aimed at using materials, substances, processes that perform the same functions, but are less dangerous. In turn, administrative control and organizational measures can reduce the likelihood of dangerous situations (for example, reducing the number of people at risk, daily inspection of workplaces, provision of training, warning signs, organization of access control, equipment inspection, etc.). The use of personal protective equipment is also a mandatory action, but does not guarantee complete safety.

So, the system of occupational risk management consists in choosing and implementing the most effective and economically justified management decisions in order to reduce the degree of damage to the health of employees, reduce the danger, and first of all eliminate the danger, i.e. create safe working conditions. Risk management also includes monitoring the dynamically changing conditions of the production environment that determine the degree of risk.

Occupational risk management is based on economic, social and political assessments, the results of risk assessment, the degree of possible material and moral damage to the health of employees, assessment of the level of costs in the implementation of various management solutions, as well as the amount of benefits from the implementation of a particular management solution.



  1. Альгин, А.П. Риск и его роль в общественной жизни / А.П. Альгин.- М.:Мысль, 1989.-188 с., с.43.
  2. Мельникова Дарья Александровна, Яговкин Герман Николаевич Основы организации управления профессиональными рисками // Известия Самарского научного центра РАН. 2014. №1-7. URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/osnovy-organizatsii-upravleniya-professionalnymi-riskami (дата обращения: 19.04.2022).
  3. Федеральный закон от 02.07.2021 N 311-ФЗ "О внесении изменений в Трудовой кодекс Российской Федерации" - Режим доступа: http://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_34683/78f36e7afa535cf23e1e865a0f38cd3d230eecf0/ (дата обращения: 23.04.2022).
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