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Статья опубликована в рамках: CXXXVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 07 марта 2022 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Makhkamboeva O. DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING THROUGH READING // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CXXXVI междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 5(136). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/5(136).pdf (дата обращения: 07.03.2025)
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Makhkamboeva Okila

master's student, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


Creating decisive reasoning abilities and decisive reasoning attitude in undergrads has been defined as an essential objective in advanced education for a really long time. As of late it has become more critical in executing this objective to improve understudies' employability in the quick evolving work environment. This study explored the adequacy of creating decisive reasoning through writing perusing. A couple of methodologies are fused into the course configuration: perusing cognizance pop tests, learning log, bunch introductions, directed in-class conversation with Socratic addressing abilities and individual exposition question reports. At last, a couple of discoveries were found: 1) writing perusing helped the individuals who scored low in the pretest further develop their generally speaking decisive reasoning abilities, especially those in investigation; 2) understudies' English capability didn't connect with their exhibition in both the pretest and posttest; 3)some understudies were self-assured they would in general show more demeanor toward decisive reasoning than any time in recent memory yet this needs a subsequent longitudinal review with a normalized measure to evaluate the viability in this regard; 4) Students found directed in-class conversation more compelling than other understudy coordinated exercises in creating decisive reasoning.


Keywords: decisive reasoning, perusing, showing techniques, EFL instructing, strategies, homeroom.


Among the numerous objectives of English language advancement at different degrees of study, we track down basic proficiency, decisive reasoning and basic understanding turn of events. With the surge of data that our understudies experience on different web-based stages, it has turned into a focal worry to outfit them with the abilities to basically approach and assess the texts they read.

At the point when we read fundamentally, we ponder and consider our perusing. It involves a cognizant understanding methodology, wherein we anticipate what we are perusing, we look for data, and we have assumptions. It likewise implies that we examine and assess our perusing cycle and materials fully intent on passing judgment on their worth.

Barnet and Bedau (p.3) arranged the accompanying rundown: 'Likely most understudies and educators would concur that, as basic perusers, understudies ought to have the option to:

Sum up precisely a contention they have perused;

Find the proposition of a contention;

Find the suppositions, expressed and implicit;

Break down and assess the strength and the proof and the sufficiency of the thinking presented on the side of the theory;

Investigate, assess, and represent errors among different readings on a point.'

Decisive reasoning and perusing include:

Whenever understudies foster basic education abilities they can depend on various sorts of contentions and utilize various kinds of proof to make a statement. For instance, hard sciences, for example, physical science or science progress by coordinating lower levels of learning and understanding into recently introduced ones. Each new subject matter is based on a past one in a pyramid-like way. It is essential to remind understudies to focus on the particular necessities of various school subjects and to request their instructors for input on esteemed articulations from decisive reasoning.

Significance of decisive reasoning and perusing

The multiplication being used of terms, for example, 'counterfeit news' and 'falsehood' shows how effectively perusers can be deluded by various data entryways. One more consuming issue of contemporary proficiency abilities is the capacity to recognize assessment from reality. By giving understudies techniques to work with texts fundamentally, we can assist them with turning out to be all around educated and sure perusers and scholars.

Primary understanding methodologies

The perusing system is intelligent and intertextual, and it is a blend of customary base up and hierarchical techniques. We for the most part approach a text with a specific measure of foundation information, and our advantage/inspiration joined with understanding methodologies, assist us with our cognizance. Simultaneously, jargon, punctuation and grammar structure a similarly significant piece of our understanding of a text, particularly when we read in an unknown dialect.

Here are a few explicit inquiries to pose to energize basic perusing.

Here are a few inquiries to assist your understudies with moving toward texts basically. You can choose and adjust these inquiries for your understudies' language and understanding levels. Remind your understudies that basic perusing generally has a reason. They can begin by inquiring as to why this writer has composed this text, Did s/he basically need to engage their perusers? Does the creator share their perspective according to the viewpoint of a specific orientation, social class or social gathering? Is the creator attempting to let you know something? Is the creator attempting to persuade you regarding their qualities and feelings?

Who composed the text? What might be said about it?

Remind your understudies that the creator's voice isn't equivalent to the account voice. There may be similitudes between the conclusions and values addressed by a creator and his/her storyteller, however they should be broke down as various elements.

Expanding basic understanding abilities

At the point when your understudies are perusing a story, an article or a news thing, remind them to focus on every one of the subtleties. In the language class we will more often than not focus on composed and spoken texts, be that as it may, our general judgment of a text additionally relies upon visual components. Pose inquiries about the accompanying subtleties.

What does the cover enlighten you regarding the text?

What does the title propose?

What do the shades of the book/site cause you to feel and think about?

Is the text outlined? Provided that this is true, how are the delineations? How would they cause you to feel? Do they assist you with getting the text?

Does the text look simple or difficult to peruse? Does it seem to be amusing, genuine or exhausting? Focus on the textual styles in the texts.

Association between decisive reasoning and basic perusing

Great perusers are great basic masterminds, as they continually investigate, assess what they read, say, hear and compose. They figure out how to think in structures, in various examples, and they contemplate their reasoning in another dialect. Whenever you think in another dialect, you use reference focuses, seek clarification on some things, and structure assessments in a more cognizant way.

metacognition: mindfulness and comprehension of one's own points of view

Metacognitive techniques in perusing are firmly associated with decisive reasoning abilities. Guo and Roehrig clarify that 'metacognitive mindfulness is conceptualized as the "information on the peruser insight comparative with the understanding system and the restraint instrument they use to screen and upgrade cognizance" (Sheorey and Mokhtari, 2001, p. 423), which is a basic part of talented perusing.' (p. 45) They add that 'numerous specialists reasoned that metacognitive mindfulness develops with the age of the peruser; more seasoned and more effective perusers are bound to move toward various classifications in various ways and use additional understanding procedures'. (p.46) But this doesn't imply that we can't begin working with basic mindfulness since the beginning.

As may be obvious, decisive reasoning and basic perusing share a ton of attributes, and they support one another. Great perusers will be great students. It likewise implies that they will be great masterminds.

Pose open-finished inquiries. During homeroom perusing meetings stop after a more extended segment (for instance, toward the finish of a 15-minute understanding meeting), and suggest open-finished conversation starters. In the Helbling Readers Series you will observe conversation boxes that assist you with zeroing in on the text, tap into your understudies' encounters and initiate their experience information. These conversation questions are additionally great for combining new jargon.

Begin discusses. Bunch discusses function admirably when we might want to work on thinking and argumentation. During discusses understudies reuse new jargon and deliberately utilize practical language.

Character interview and investigation. This is a sort of hot seating movement. Pick a person from a story and put that person in a tough situation, then, at that point, ask him/her inquiries.



  1. Barnet, Sylvan, and Bedau, Hugo. Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing: A Brief Guide to Argument. Bedford/St. Martin's. 2010.
  2. Guo, Ying, and Roehrig Alysia D. "Roles of general versus second language (L2) knowledge in L2 reading comprehension." Reading in a Foreign Language. 23.1 (2011): 42-64.
  3. Paul, Richard, and Elder, Linda. A Miniature Guide to Critical Thinking Concepts and Tools. The Foundation for Critical Thinking, 2006.
  4. Critical Thinking and Literature-Based Reading. Report. Madison, WI: The Institute for Academic Excellence, 1997. Retrieved July 8, 2009
  5. Friedman, T. The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005.
  6. Halpern, D. “Teaching Critical Thinking for Transfer across Domains: Dispositions, Skills, Structure Training, and Metacognitive Monitoring,” American Psychologist, Vol. 53 (1998), pp. 449-455.
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