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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 06 апреля 2023 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Petrosyan G. FOREIGN LANGUAGES AROUND US (THE LANGUAGE OF MEDIA AND THE INTERNET) // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 7(161). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/7(161).pdf (дата обращения: 31.03.2025)
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Petrosyan Gurgen

Student, Department of Marketing Services and Brand Management, State University of Management,

Russia, Moscow

Kostikova Yulia

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, senior lecturer of the department of foreign languages, State university of management,

Russia, Moscow



Петросян Гурген Арменович

студент, кафедра маркетинга услуг и бренд-менеджмента, Государственный университет управления,

РФ, г. Москва

Костикова Юлия Валерьевна

научный руководитель, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, Государственный университет управления,

РФ, г. Москва



Явление глобализации распространяется по всему миру уже достаточно давно. Иностранные языки играют в нем жизненно важную роль. Они позволяют людям общаться и обмениваться опытом с разными людьми из разных стран через Интернет. Человек может получать новости из различных источников на многих языках.


The phenomenon of globalization has been spreading around the world for quite much time now. Foreign languages play a vital role in it. They allow people to communicate and share experiences with different people from various countries via the Internet. One can receive news from diverse sources in lots of languages.


Ключевые слова: английский язык, глобализация, Интернет, средства коммуникации, кодифицированные правила, СМИ, феномен.

Keywords: english, globalization, Internet, means of communication, codified rules, media, phenomenon.


At present times, different kinds of media possess our lives. In the modern age, it is impossible not to face them every day. The Internet is one of these kinds. It is the most influential source of information among the media. Even TV, printed media, and radio have lost their popularity. Due to the spread of media, globalization has gained its popularity in the whole world. People from different countries can get in touch sharing their experiences in their own languages. Although every country and every nation has their own mother tongues, there exists a big chance of the Internet language to be alike and one can understand another person by recognising universal phrases. The basis for them is mainly in English. It has indeed become a world's means of communication.

The language of the Internet is not only about breaking traditional linguistic rules due to the lowering level of cultural development and lack of control, but also a complicated and diversified notion. To prove it right, definite features of this unique but at the same time very simple language should be concerned. With the appearance of the Internet a new so-called language appeared. However bizarre it sounds, people started using emojis and pictures to express their feelings and thoughts. Words have lost their power. At first, oral speech was superseded on the Internet. Then, pictures and emojis overplayed writing speech and currently humanity is at this point of Internet communication’s development, when most users struggle to live life in a real life community and effectively communicate with people. Generation gap, inability to express emotions and feelings on its full scale, simplification of verbal communication, failures in communication in the flesh, inability to switch from one speech style to another, being able to use only one speech style, wide-spreaded illiteracy and a lot of language borrowings - these are only part of characteristics of a new-born language.

It is also worth mentioning that the language of the Internet is not for everyone. Every generation has its own cipher, memes and expressions. There can be situations, when people, talking the same language, do not understand each other, because of acronyms and specific collocations, connected with realia from their age. Older generations are not even aware of such a language, when they hear some unknown words, they do not approve of it, as its origin is mostly foreign. Linguistic purism is spreading around many nations. Approaches to this phenomenon drastically differ. Some researchers and prominent figures fight for their mother tongue to be free from borrowings. Meanwhile, there is a big number of people, who vote for internationalisms to be present in languages.

This kind of a language also demonstrates an unthinkable diversity of derivation grounds. On the basis of several researches, a number of adaptational basis are found: mimicry of the English pronunciation (the word “windows” as an example); translation (computer mouse); graphical similarity of the Cyrillic and Glagolitic alphabets (Basic - Васик); different types of loan-translations (Воротов - Bill Gates), and etc. These phenomena are quite popular and spread around the whole world via the Internet with a hypersonic speed.

One more thing to be mentioned is an overall denial of all grammar rules on the Internet. Hardly will you ever find a person, who follows language rules, when chatting with friends or acquaintances. Everyone is used to it and takes it for granted. Today, this denial is usually of fictional nature, just a game, one more funny joke on the Internet, which can only be adequate with a single proviso: one is well aware of the norm. Spelling most words wrong as a social phenomenon implies many dangers and unpredictable aftermath. It influences the vulnerable nervous systems of many people and deterrs mass grip of the norm. This is the reason for stabilizing and codifying orthographic rules.

One more aspect of this language is a step-by-step appearance of new interpersonal communication genres. At the moment, speech behavior in chats, forums, blogs and social networks differ enough to see them as independent genres. Many linguistic researches on every nation’s ways of Internet communication appear.

Also, there is such language as the language of media on the Internet. Electronic media can be divided into different categories. Some of them are just copies of printed media. Other issues are concentrated on new information technologies. For example, “Московские новости” includes new sections on the website: a questionnaire, forums, guest books, special columns, and blogs. This is of great use in terms of communicating with readers. The most important peculiarity of electronic media, unlike the printed, is the interactive way of presenting information. It provides a strong bond between a reader and editorial company. To be completely honest, interactivity is the main weapon of the Internet. A russian scientist Kakorina says: “Internet communication helps an explicit type of speech behavior to appear, it provokes speakers to express their personal freedom and personality.”

There is a number of various researches on this relevant topic. The first basis for them is finding out the root of the media language appearance. According to the culture expert, Dmitriy Suvorov, the vast majority of the words are being adopted from foreign languages. He also says that the Internet helps in building the language of media, which is universal for teenagers from all over the world. They are able to understand each other easily. He insists that almost 100 % of elderly people in the age of sixty and more cannot understand this language, therefore they cannot understand their grandchildren, if they speak to them, using specific words. It might seem a problem, but the scientist does not think so, he even finds this phenomenon positive as it helps children to feel independent. There also exist results of the students’ survey on how many of them use this language daily. They are the following: 67% use it every day, 21% - now and then and only 12% answer that they never use this way of communication. To draw the conclusion, the language of media and the Internet is widely spread among youngsters and they use it to share their opinions with each other, but they are also able to use the language that corresponds to all the rules.

Communicating on the Internet is currently a part of all of us. There is no way to escape it. One should tolerate the existence of this language and help it to develop. It would be a mistake to see the language as a threat to all the norms. The process of somehow influencing any tongue radically, lies deeper down than just the appearance of modern young people's language. It has a big potential and can replace English in the end.



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