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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(32)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Аязбаева С. PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY OF EFL TEACHING // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2018. № 12(32). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/32/112739 (дата обращения: 03.10.2024).


Аязбаева Сауле

master student, Foreign Languages Department,

Kazakhstan, Ust-kamenogorsk city

A teacher working in the modern world needs to know both the nomenclature of available means and their didactic appointment. Effective use of each of the means is possible only if the teacher knows what, where, when it is appropriate to use in the educational process and what results can be obtained.

In order to achieve the set learning goals, a variety of teaching aids are envisaged for the foreign language, which are classified in the methodological literature as follows:

In the first place, in the role assigned to them in the teaching and educational process, the main and auxiliary ones.

Teaching facilities are divided into basic and auxiliary. The division of the means of instruction into basic and auxiliary objections does not cause, however, one can not agree with the way this division is presented in the methodical literature, where the basic textbook and the book for the teacher, and everything else to the auxiliary means. This division reflects traditional ideas about the means of instruction, that there is a textbook. With the existence of training and methodological kit, the reference to the basic means of only a textbook and books for the teacher does not orient the teacher correctly enough. It seems to justify the use of only one textbook and a book for the teacher when teaching a foreign language, and as for the other components of the teaching and methodological set, they become optional (I want to use, I do not want).

Carrying out the division of the means of training into basic and auxiliary ones, it follows that all the funds included in the training and methodological complex should be considered as the main ones, and those that can be used for work in specific conditions, but they are not included in the educational and methodical complex, to the auxiliary ones.

The very idea of ​​the educational and methodical complex is to maximally activate both the intellectual and emotional spheres of the student's personality, to "tap" all channels of information entry and modernize the training by introducing TSS. This idea is precisely realized in the complex of mandatory components of the educational and methodical complex. The exclusion of even one of them leads to a violation of the system and a decrease in the effectiveness of training.

To the auxiliary means, we would include such teaching aids as, banners and code materials, which the teacher can use at his discretion. Also, to the aids can be attributed all those funds that the teacher himself or the student's asset in the foreign language cabinet makes or picks up.

Secondly, at the addressee, for the teacher and students.

The division of funds by the addressee, that is, to whom they are intended teacher or student, can not always be done clearly enough. Only the teacher is provided with a program and a book for the teacher, as well as methodological literature of the theoretical and practical plan, which allows him to update his knowledge on the methodology of teaching a foreign language, and get acquainted with the best practices.

Only for the student: a textbook,  books for reading, a school dictionary.

The rest of the funds are at the teacher's disposal, but they are also used by students in the lesson and after-hours. These include: sound recordings, pictures, applications, filmstrips, transparencies, film fragments, etc.

Thirdly, through the channel of information flow - to auditory, visual. [2]

One of the most revolutionary advances in recent decades, which greatly influenced the educational process in the world, was the creation of the World Wide Web, the Internet has received the name, which literally means "international network" (English, international net).

The Internet is an excellent tool for getting information about the latest developments in the world. Thus, you can use the Internet to turn a classroom into a news agency, and your students in first-class reporters. This kind of activity is suitable for the senior classes, since it includes extensive reading and the art of interpretation, fluent speech.

Almost all the important newspapers in the world have their own web pages. In order to find out where and what newspapers exist, you can invite students to visit the MEDIA LINKS page, which offers links to a variety of publications.

You can offer students to work two or three, to study articles covering all aspects of life: editorials, sports, weather, culture ... The advantage of this work is the full involvement of the whole class in combination with the differentiation of tasks: strong students can study more difficult Articles, while the weaker can be instructed to report on weather conditions or anything from the field of culture.

In addition to working on reading and speaking skills, vocabulary can be replenished. To do this, students should be asked to compose vocabulary articles based on the information they have read. It is possible to acquire new grammatical skills, examples of which have met in the articles.

The result of this work can be the creation of a page devoted to one particular event, where it is necessary to try to give a neutral vision of the problem, based on the analysis of information from various news agencies.

The main advantage of this work is that students get access to information first-hand, and not to a week or that earlier press releases, and are involved in the thick of world events, personally exerting influence on it.

The Internet can and should be used not only passively, but also actively. Students can try themselves in the role of not consumers, but information providers. The YOUNG VOICES OF THE WORLD site is an open forum, which is a kind of publishing house where people can publish their works, making them available to a multi-million audience and expressing their opinions for discussion. All works are accompanied by the electronic address of their creator, which allows the implementation of feedback and initiation of discussions.

Communication in virtual reality is carried out using e-mail, which for the mastery of intercultural competence can be used as follows:

Establish friendly correspondence.

International exchange of letters can be carried out in any class and at any level of language proficiency. In addition to the purposeful use of the studied language, establishing friendly contacts and studying culture in this way, electronic correspondence has advantages over paper: it is faster, more convenient and cheaper.

To obtain optimal results of this type of activity, it is necessary to address some of the problems that may arise in the course of the work.

Not all letters come with answers, which entails deep disappointment. To prevent this from happening, you can invite students to communicate with several partners at once (in the same group or in a parallel, in another city or even in a country).

After analyzing the experience of using e-mail in the process of teaching foreign languages, Mark Varshauer and other teachers came to the following conclusions:

1. Preference is given to working in small groups, without strict supervision by the teacher. The best results are achieved at the expense of the students' ability to choose the topic for discussion, and not to follow the instructions of the teacher and the majority of the group implicitly (in this case a new group is simply formed).

2. Electronic communication is an excellent practice of the language, where the transition from form to content takes place - towards true communication and free flight of thoughts. The presence of a real public ensures the improvement of the quality of the letter - the speech of schoolchildren becomes more expressive, the usual narrative and descriptive genres are added to the argument.

3. The process of writing changes - more attention is paid to editing work and correcting mistakes, and even for the creation of monologues, students often seek the opinion or advice to their partners - this work is the embodiment of the principle of interactivity.

4. Using e-mail increases interest in the very process of learning the language.

Apart from the formal language experience acquired through telecommunications, it is also possible to deny the development of intercultural competence. [1]

Currently, priority is given to communication, interactivity, authenticity of communication, language learning in a cultural context, autonomy and humanization of learning. These principles make it possible to develop intercultural competence as a component of communicative ability. In this paper, an attempt is made to identify ways and means of optimizing the learning process using Internet technologies.

Teaching the true language, the Internet helps in the formation of skills and skills of speaking, as well as in teaching vocabulary and grammar, providing genuine interest and, therefore, efficiency. Moreover, the Internet develops skills that are important not only for a foreign language. This, above all, is connected with mental operations: analysis and synthesis, abstraction, identification, comparison, comparison, verbal and semantic forecasting and anticipation, etc. Thus, the skills and abilities, formed with the help of Internet technologies, go beyond the competence of another language, even within the "language" aspect. The Internet develops social and psychological qualities of students: their self-confidence and their ability to work in a team; Creates a learning-friendly atmosphere, acting as a means of an interactive approach.

In conclusion, the English language has got status of a global language due to globalization and general computerization. Modern English language teaching aims to lingual and social adaptation of student to contemporary life. A modern experience professional should possess skills of expression of the thoughts in English, i. e. he should possess communicative competence which includes speech, language and cultural levels.



  1. Polat E.S. Internet at lessons of a foreign language. IYAS No. 2,3 of 2001.
  2. Polat E.S. Methods of using teaching aids for foreign languages in the language laboratory of vocational schools. M. - Higher School - 1988. p.160

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