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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 16(270)

Рубрика журнала: Информационные технологии

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Библиографическое описание:
Sapargali S. BIM TECHNOLOGY IN ARCHITECTURE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 16(270). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/269/327518 (дата обращения: 25.02.2025).


Sapargali Sanzhar

Student, International Educational Corporation,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Toktarkozha Gulnara Toktarkozhakyzy

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, master, senior lecturer, International Educational Corporation,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty



Сапаргали Санжар

студент, Международная образовательная корпорация,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Токтаркожа Гулнара Токтаркожакызы

научный руководитель, магистр, старший преподаватель, Международная образовательная корпорация,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы



This article discusses the areas of use of BIM technologies in architecture, also the necessary professional programs.


В данной статье рассмотрены сферы использования BIM технологий в арихитектуре, также необходимые для этого проффесиональные программы.


Keywords: building information model, architecture, modeling.

Ключевые слова: информационная модель здания, архитектура, моделирование.


BIM (Building Information Model or Modeling) is an information model (or modeling) of buildings and structures by which any infrastructure, such as water, gas, electrical, sewerage, communication, etc., is broadly defined Roads, railways, bridges, ports and tunnels, etc.

BIM technology includes all the tools needed for architectural design. They help to analyze and respond to client requirements early in the project. With BIM software, the quality and efficiency of your work will rise to a new level.


Figure 1. Model of a house in Revit


BIM historical overview. The concept of BIM has existed since the 1970s.

The term «building model» (in the sense in which it is used today) was first used in works in the mid-1980s: in a 1985 article by Simon Raffle published in 1986, the term «Building Information Model» He first appeared in an article by G.A. van Nederwin and F. P. Tolman.

BIM and project life cycle. The use of BIM goes beyond the planning and design phase of a project, covering the entire life cycle of a building and supporting all processes, including cost management, building management, Project management, facility operation and environmental building management. However, the terms «Information Model of Building» and «Information Modeling of Building» (including the abbreviation «BIM») became widely used only after 10 years. In 2002, Autodesk released an information document called Building Information Modeling and soon other software vendors also began to declare their involvement in this area, Bentley Systems, Graphisoft, etc.


Figure 2. Basic terms and their descriptions


Best BIM Modeling Programs:


  1. ArchiCAD (demo)
  2. Revit (demo)
  3. Dynamo
  4. FreeCAD

Commercial, fee-paying:

  1. ArchiCAD (full version)
  2. Revit (full version)
  3. AutoCAD Architecture
  4. Vectorworks

(1500-3000 $)

ArchiCAD. In the ArchiCAD 3D architecture software, you also specify whether it is a floor, a door, a window, etc. Since the BIM software contains the intended use of each object, it will automatically assign standard sizes and the materials used.

Dynamo is an amazing tool that can be used at different stages of the design process. At the beginning of planning, it is very effective to study different spatial configurations. Enter the space for various functions in spreadsheet format into the 3D architecture software, and then experiment with different algorithms to find the best solution for your project.

This is very convenient, especially in large projects, where you need to work as a team and the same data set. Tools of this program allows you to quickly draw walls, doors and windows that behave like real-world objects and include the details needed to build them.

  1. Advantages of using BIM technologies in architecture:
  2. Simplification of the design process.
  3. Built-in visualization and analysis tools.
  4. Expansion of BIM business processes with automated design tools.
  5. Intersectoral joint work.

Built-in visualization and analysis tools. Creating realistic visualizations and virtual reality objects based on models. More accurate assessment of the project design through energy analysis tools.

Simplification of the design process. Move from conceptual design to documentation with universal tools that ensure model accuracy at each stage.

BIM is not only easy, it is also comfortable. Geometry definition, design options, process automation and data exchange between applications.

BIM manager. The BIM Manager is hired by a team of developers on behalf of the client starting from the preliminary design stage to develop and monitor the progress of the facility. Oriented BIM design according to predicted and quantified performance indicators, supporting interdisciplinary building information models that manage analysis, graphics, dynamics and logistics.


Figure 3. BIM project



  1. Тапалов В.В. Технология BIM: суть и особенности внедрения информационного моделирования зданий. ДМК-Пресс, 2015.
  2. Тапалов В.В. Основы BIM: введение в информационное моделирование зданий. ДМК-Пресс, 2016. – 394 с.

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