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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(140)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Sopybayeva L. "FORMATION OF CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION SKILLS OF A FUTURE ENGLISH TEACHER" // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2021. № 12(140). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/140/207011 (дата обращения: 03.10.2024).


Sopybayeva Larissa

Master student, of training foreign language teachers department, Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh. Dulaty

Qazakhstan, Taraz

Kudabayeva Perizat

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Ph.D., Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty

Qazakhstan, Taraz city



Сопыбаева Лариса Эдуардовна

магистрант, факультет «Подготовка преподавателей иностранных языков», Таразский региональный университет имени М.Х. Дулати,

Казахстан, г. Тараз

Кудабаева Перизат Асанбаевна

научный руководитель, канд. пед. наук, Таразский региональный университет имени М.Х. Дулати,

Казахстан, г. Тараз



The need to improve the professional training of students, that is, future teachers of a foreign language, is determined by many government decisions, as well as the concept of foreign language education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The issues of professional training of future teachers of a foreign language in the conditions of university education are becoming extremely relevant. The changes that are taking place in the modern world in all spheres of life, including in the field of professional foreign language education, set the higher school the task of training specialists of a new formation, whose competence ensures their demand in the labor market. The changes taking place at the present historical stage in all spheres of life under the influence of objective global processes could not but lead to new requirements for a new type of specialist, for the preparation of which traditional education loses its effectiveness and even expediency.

At the same time, observations of the organization of the educational process in a language university reveal that the professional training of a graduate of a language university, which is implemented through the traditional training system, is insufficient for the implementation of their professional activities. In the context of the process of globalization and integration, the training of specialists who meet the requirements of competitiveness in the labor market is becoming particularly relevant.

The restructuring of higher education and the mastery of the basics of science, technology and culture by the younger generation at the appropriate level depends on the professional readiness of the teacher.


Необходимость совершенствования профессиональной подготовки студентов, то есть будущих учителей иностранного языка обуславливается многими правительственными решениями, а также концепцией иноязычного образования Республики Казахстан.  Вопросы профессиональной подготовки будущих учителей иностранного языка в условиях университетского образования приобретают исключительную актуальность. Изменения, которые происходят в современном мире во всех сферах жизни, в том числе и в сфере профессионального иноязычного образования, ставят перед высшей школой задачу подготовки специалистов новой формации, компетентность которых обеспечивает их востребованность на рынке труда. Происходящие на современном историческом этапе изменения во всех жизненных сферах под влиянием объективных всемирных процессов не могли не привести к новым требованиям к специалисту нового типа, для подготовки которого традиционное образование утрачивает свою эффективность и даже целесообразность.

Вместе с тем, наблюдения за организацией образовательного процесса в языковом вузе обнаруживают, что профессиональная подготовка выпускника языкового вуза, которая реализуется посредством традиционной системы обучения, оказывается недостаточной для осуществления своей профессиональной деятельности. В условиях процесса глобализации и интеграции подготовка специалистов, которые отвечают требованиям конкурентноспособности на рынке труда, приобретает особую актуальность.

Перестройка высшего образования и овладение подрастающим поколением основами науки, техники и культуры на соответствующем уровне зависит от профессиональной подготовленности учителя.


Keywords: foreign language competence, communication, cultural studies, professional communication, culture, professional skills.

Ключевые слова: иноязычная компетенция, коммуникация, культуроведение, профессиональное общение, культура, профессиональные умения.


The expansion of the range of international cooperation of independent Kazakhstan has put the teaching of a foreign language in the educational priorities and has determined the setting of the case of teaching a foreign language as an independent state task. In the course of teaching foreign language communication to students of the pedagogical faculty, there is a huge variety of situations that are associated with the future profession of a foreign language teacher and are focused on the formation of professional and pedagogical skills of a future foreign language teacher.

The competence approach embodies the innovative process in education in our time in accordance with the general concept of the educational standard adopted in many developed countries and means the transition in the design of the content of education and the system of quality control to the system of its competencies. Transition to the so-called "competence-based " paradigm and the" competence-based " model of education. The result of the learning process itself should be a systematizing factor in the construction of the specialist model, which is the main indicator of the quality of education.

One of the main tasks of pedagogical foreign language education at the present stage is to prepare a highly professional teacher who is ready for pedagogical work not only in content, but also in process and technology in line with the competence approach, which creates conditions for the full manifestation and development of personal functions of subjects of educational activity, who are able to think freely, create, independently search and choose the ways of their social affirmation and at the same time change themselves.

As for the modeling of the content of professional and pedagogical training of a foreign language teacher, it is provided by the selection of materials, methods, forms and means of teaching, which are aimed at developing the needs and motivational sphere of students and their competencies.

A foreign language teacher is a person who, according to the content of professional activity, must possess a set of qualities: be able to design the educational process, combine different approaches to teaching technology, use innovative teaching systems, carry out pedagogical reflection, that is, solve problematic, situational problems based on the method of situational analysis in professional and pedagogical activities.

The increasing complexity of the system of scientific knowledge, its integration and differentiation require the faculty to expand and deepen their qualifications through changes in teaching technologies, aimed at reorienting the teacher's activities from information to organizational – to guide the independent educational and cognitive, research and professional and practical activities of students. This involves increasing the level of personal activity not only of students, but also of teachers themselves, as well as considering learning as a process of interpersonal interaction and communication in the systems "teacher-student"," student – student " to achieve the goal that unites them.

S.S. Kunanbayeva's statement that "new requirements are put forward to the specialist model, and the main strategic orientation of professional training of a specialist is the formation of managers of a new formation who are able to provide the tasks of accelerating the modernization of the country, who have a highly developed creative potential and innovative-analytical type of thinking, the ability to respond to dynamically changing working conditions and requirements for the professional level of a specialist, with the quality of their training and the corresponding qualification standards of the world, the formation of the future generation of our country with a developed worldview culture and the established system of universal values" [1].

The analysis of preliminary observations, as well as our own experience, shows that the orientation of many situations in the process of teaching foreign language communication to the simultaneous formation of students 'professional-pedagogical and professional-communicative skills has a positive effect on the motivation of students' learning activities, diversifies the learning process, gives it a pragmatic character. It is in this regard that a very valuable factor is that in the process of foreign language education, attempts are often made to learn foreign language communication in the context of the student's future practical activity using innovative information technologies [2].

The modern definition of the quality of education and its results in the complex category "competence/competence", the need to reflect this change in social requirements in the "content of education", in the "specialist model" in the system of training in higher and secondary vocational education, determine the ongoing active developments to bring to a system-based mutual correspondence and integrity of such categories of the "competence" paradigm of education as "model" of education", "specialist model", "goal", "content", "result", etc. If the term "competence" refers to the category of the result of education, then this indicates that the academic norms for assessing the quality of education in the" knowledge " qualification parameters are replaced by socio-professional competence characteristics and there is an obvious transition, firstly, from a purely qualification to a qualification-competence model of education, and, accordingly, secondly, the qualification model of a specialist gives way to a competence model.

The competence-based approach to the formulation of the final result of foreign language education should today be considered a rationalization of goal-setting and goal-setting not only for foreign languages, but also in the entire philological field, which includes native, non-native and foreign languages.

Modern society requires, firstly, deep professional skills and, in this sense, assumes that specialists are trained in certain and specific types of activities, and, secondly, they are ready to repeatedly change their activities, to move from a mastered activity to a more complex one in the shortest possible time and with minimal effort [3]. It should be noted that changes in the requirements for the level of qualified knowledge and skills of specialists have led to the fact that a specialist must have a high level of functional flexibility and mobility, and for this he needs fundamental and highly specialized knowledge in related fields of science, skills and abilities of a structural approach to solving various professional tasks and problems. Modern, qualification requirements have gone beyond professional standards and assume a wider range of knowledge and skills expressed in competencies.

According to Russian scientists, the competence of the individual is essentially potential. "It manifests itself in human activity and is to a certain extent relative..." [4]. But at the same time, competence is potential" and in the course of education it is formed only as "readiness" for a certain activity, i.e. "competence" as professionalism or skill can not be achieved as a result of education, but only during life, in a constant combination of education, practice and experience.

In connection with the question of what is the final result of education-"competence" as "readiness" or "competencies" as the formed flexible abilities of the graduate", S. S. Kunanbayeva considers "competence/competence" as a unity reflecting the relationship of the "potential whole" and the "actualized particular" . It defines a system of competencies as the goals and end result of education. Identifying the following pattern about the system-forming factor of the learning process result when constructing the graduate model, S. S. Kunanbayeva considers it the main indicator of the quality of education. In turn, the specialist model acts as a system-forming factor for the selection of the content and forms of its implementation in the educational process.

Therefore, the modern qualitative result of education is a pre-selected composition of certain competencies, reflected in the competence model of education and the graduate model as corresponding to the customer's order.

Various authors note that the competence of a specialist includes knowledge, skills, experience, theoretical and applied readiness for the use of knowledge. According to N. F. Talyzina, A. I. Shcherbakov , the concept of "competence" includes knowledge, skills, and skills of pedagogical activity. L. M. Mitina distinguishes two substructures in the structure of teacher's pedagogical competence: activity-based (knowledge, skills, and methods of pedagogical activity) and communicative (knowledge, skills,and methods of pedagogical communication) . The concept of competence in the concept of N. V. Kuzmina is a factor that exists along with other factors in pedagogical professional activity.

In other words, professional and pedagogical competence is the ability of a teacher to turn the specialty of which he is a carrier into a means of forming the student's personality, taking into account the restrictions and regulations imposed on the educational process by the requirements of the pedagogical norm in which it is carried out.

Following Yu. V. Frolov and D. A. Makhotin, we believe that the professional competence of a teacher is a "situational" category, since it is expressed in the readiness to carry out any activity in specific professional (problem situations) and is manifested in solving these professional tasks. At the same time, it is important to always consider the context in which competence manifests itself. The nature of competence is such that it can only manifest itself in an organic unity with the values of a person, that is, under the condition of a deep personal interest in this type of activity. In practice, the content of an activity that has a personal value can be the achievement of a specific result or a way of behavior [5].

An important result of the analysis is the conclusion that the system of education of teachers of a foreign language should become a system of support for their self-development, the assertion of their professional freedom and dignity, the development of their communicative qualities in the intercultural aspect. The experimental work carried out and extensive practical testing indicate that the hypothesis put forward at the beginning of the study was generally confirmed.

At the same time, the results obtained and the conclusions drawn by us do not claim to be exhaustive solutions to all aspects of the problem of forming the intercultural competence of a foreign language teacher at a university at the stage of adaptation to pedagogical activity. The perspective of the research, in our opinion, lies in the further development of such problems as:

- professional mobility of a foreign language teacher in the context of communicative competence;

- continuity of the formation of cross-cultural competence of specialists in the system of higher and postgraduate professional education;

- the use of the rich experience of foreign higher education in the formation of intercultural competence of a foreign language teacher in domestic universities.



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  5. Артемьева О.А., Макеева М.Н., Мильруд Р.П. Методология организации профессиональной подготовки специалиста на основе межкультурной коммуникации. - Тамбов Издательство ТГТУ, 2005. – С. 71.

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