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Статья опубликована в рамках: LXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 08 марта 2023 г.)

Наука: Филология

Секция: Языки народов зарубежных стран Европы, Азии, Африки, аборигенов Америки и Австралии

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Библиографическое описание:
Tazhenova A., Kydyrbai K., Zakirova M. MUTUAL INFLUENCE OF LANGUAGES AND CULTURES IN THE MULTIETHNIC SPACE OF KAZAKHSTAN: DIDACTIC ASPECTS // Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки: сб. ст. по матер. LXVIII междунар. науч.-практ. конф. № 3(57). – Новосибирск: СибАК, 2023. – С. 35-44.
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Tazhenova Ainagul

Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Abay University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Kydyrbai Kymbat

Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Kazakh Agrarian Research University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Zakirova Meruet

Master of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Kazakh Agrarian Research University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Таженова Айнагуль Саиновна

магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель Университет Абая,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Кыдырбай Кымбат Кенесбековна

магистр педагогических наук, ст. Преподаватель Казахский аграрный исследовательский университет,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Закирова Мерует Ерболовна

магистр педагогических наук, ст. Преподаватель Казахский аграрный исследовательский университет,

Республика Казахстан, Алматы



Of particular interest are studies of the influence of languages and cultures in the multiethnic space of Kazakhstan on each other. Search strategy: All search strategies for the analysis of peer-reviewed literature are developed by the authors based on a research question. All these conditions, which lead to various linguistic interactions in a multiethnic society, contribute to the formation of a special cultural and social environment with its established or emerging linguistic and behavioral stereotype, which as a result allows us to talk about a special culture of the language, as well as the subculture of a certain region. The main goal is the possibility of creating a multicultural interethnic linguistic field that provides unhindered language learning. A study of the polyethnic space of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted and didactic aspects of the mutual influence of language and cultures within it were considered.


Особенный интерес представляют исследования влияния языков и культур в полиэтническом пространстве Казахстана друг на друга. Стратегия поиска: Все поисковые стратегии для анализа рецензируемой литературы разработаны авторами на основе исследовательского вопроса. Все указанные условия, которые приводят к различным языковым взаимодействиям в полиэтническом обществе, способствуют формированию особой культурной и социальной среды с ее устоявшимся или формирующимся языковым и поведенческим стереотипом, что в результате позволяет говорить об особой культуре языка, а также субкультуре определенного региона. Основной целью является возможность создания поликультурного межнационального лингвистического поля, обеспечивающего беспрепятственное изучение языков. Проведено исследование полиэтнического пространства Республики Казахстан и рассмотрены дидактические аспекты взаимовлияния языка и культур внутри него.


Keywords: intercultural society; multiculturalism; influence of language; culture.

Ключевые слова: межкультурное общество; мультикультурализм; влияние языка; культуры.


Introduction. At the present stage, important changes are taking place in the world, determining the role of ethnic factors affecting all spheres of society. Today, most of the countries of the world are defined as multi-ethnic. Their number varies depending on the criteria applied by international organizations (over 5% of the proportion of non-titular ethnic groups in the total population).

The multiethnic population of any country is a unique ethnic organism, the scientific understanding of the development of unity and diversity of which is necessary for the successful functioning of the state.

In the process of intercultural communication, each person simultaneously solves two major problems – to strive to preserve their cultural identity and to integrate into someone else's culture, which gives rise to the mutual influence of cultures on each other.

Kazakhstan is a multinational country that combines the trends of the West and the traditions of the East.

Today, Kazakhstan's achievements in building a multinational and multi-confessional society are particularly clearly visible, in which equality of opportunities for economic, social, cultural, and spiritual development for representatives of all nations and nationalities and the practical implementation of the principles of interethnic harmony, unity of the Kazakh people, humanism, a harmonious combination of the rights of the nation and human rights are really ensured. Of particular interest are studies of the influence of languages and cultures in the multiethnic space of Kazakhstan on each other. This determines the relevance of this topic and its significance.

Methodology. A review was conducted to identify concepts, identify gaps, and analyze theories and methods of published research. Search strategy: All search strategies for the analysis of the reviewed literature are developed by the authors on the basis of a research question. The literature was searched in the following bibliographic and other scientific databases: Scopus, Web of Science, Medline, PubMed, Google Scholar*, e-Library.ru.

The search strategy included keywords: intercultural society, multiculturalism, influence of language and culture.

Methodological filters included all types of research. The search was limited to research publications in English, Russian and Kazakh published after 2005.

Inclusion criteria:

1) full texts available in databases;

2) texts in English, Russian and Kazakh;

3) studies performed or published after 2005;

Exclusion criterion: duplicates of studies.

At the first stage of the search, 31 articles were found, after studying the abstracts of which the authors excluded 21 as irrelevant, or due to lack of access to the full text and not meeting the inclusion criteria. At the next stage, the authors studied the full-text results of 10 publications.

Results.The Republic of Kazakhstan, by all indicators, belongs to a multiethnic and multicultural state, where more than 15 million people live, belonging to 109 ethnic groups, ethnogroups [1, 157].

The National Policy of Kazakhstan regulates interethnic relations and processes within the framework of the national policy based on the legal framework, including the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as on the relevant bodies and institutions working at the central, regional and local levels. Article 14 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan guarantees that ― no one can be discriminated against for reasons of their origin, as well as social, official or property affiliation, including gender, race, nationality, language, connection with religion, beliefs, place of residence and any other circumstances, and article 19 notes that ―everyone has the right to use their native language and culture, free choice of languages of communication, learning, creativity [2, 54]. Therefore, all ethnic groups and ethnic groups living in the Republic have the same right and are not discriminated against.

Kazakh politicians consider such concepts as: common linguistic, territorial, historical, economic, spiritual and material self-consciousness, culture, mentality, religion, psychology, demography, etc. to be the core conditions for the formation of an ethnic group. These signs are reproduced in the ethnic consciousness of peoples, where they are aware of their unity, mainly the community of birth and, thereby, the ethnic clan.

It is well known that people living together pursue different goals, and they take different steps to achieve these goals, and this is the possibility of conflict. But people unite in groups in order to live together, and the main task in civil society is to ensure this unity – the unity of various socio-political, socio-cultural or other forces and interests and the introduction of opposing forces into a single creative path. For the successful functioning of state policy, ethnopolitics and politics, the state should help define it as a strategy for finding ways and methods of conflict resolution, as well as ways of reconciliation between the conflicting parties of all participants in the community of conflicting parties.

«National policy is a comprehensively determined system of measures taken by the state in the field of national communications aimed at the implementation of national interests and the resolution of national conflicts» [3, 130]. This is an integral part of the policy of the state, its political parties, organizations and associations that indicate a strategic course on the ethnic national issue, the development of interethnic relations, cultural and linguistic development of ethnic groups, that is, the entire nation, and usually find consolidation in special programs and relevant sections of the Constitution of the country and its legislative documents. Undoubtedly, national policy differs in goals, content, orientation, forms and methods of implementation, as well as in the final results. National policy can be the goal of national consolidation, interethnic integration, rapprochement of nations and national isolation, strengthening ethnic purity, protecting the nation from the influences of a foreign factor, achieving national sovereignty, etc. The main goal of ethnic policy is to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens regardless of nationality, to create civilized interethnic forms of communication and a peaceful way to resolve conflict situations, to improve the mechanism of scientific and research management of ethnic processes in the country.

Today, the process of interaction between the Kazakh, Russian and English languages is quite actively noticeable in the business sphere of Kazakhstan. Socio-political, economic, historical, cultural and other factors have shaped the Kazakh business discourse as a special kind of unity of speech, where at least three languages function: Kazakh, Russian and English. As the results of the survey show A.According to Aimoldin, most business professionals consider it important, first of all, that the Kazakh language function in the general Kazakh economy: 98.6% of respondents believe that the Kazakh language should become the language of state legislative acts; 95% – state bodies, organizations, law enforcement agencies and 83% – official events, etc. Russian is considered necessary in order to to support integration and business relations in the post-Soviet space. Today it is actively used as the language of accounting, financial and technical documents (87.5%), business communications (85.6%) and non-governmental media (79.1%). English is considered a way of communicating with the global economic space, as well as a way of career advancement with the acquisition of prestigious and highly paid jobs. More than half of the respondents fully support the trinity of languages, not to mention other languages functioning in the country (59%) [4, 19].

It turned out that if state institutions and organizations launch production in both Kazakh and Russian, then most private enterprises and companies still continue to use mainly Russian. At foreign enterprises, the main means of business contacts is English and Russian. With regard to residents of other countries, it should be noted that the entire contract and the contract are drawn up in Russian and English. English, first of all, plays the role of the main language of business communication in the largest national enterprises. For the activities of all embassies and official representatives of foreign business, official representatives of international organizations, it is necessary to conduct business communication in English.

When asked how respondents rate their knowledge of English, 68% of respondents said that they are good enough for English, and 80% of respondents believe that they feel more confident in English. More than half of the respondents (62.5%) had previously passed international tests in English under the IELTS, TOEFL and others program, where the average score was 6.0 IELTS and 500 TOEFL. Many Kazakhstani, international and national companies that provide for the use of English have special certificates as one of the key factors in preparing for work. At the same time, almost all respondents (95.38%) would like to improve the level of English, and some of them (30.4%) claimed that the most difficult task in communicating in English is to be able to use special terminology and specific words, for example, from the field of slang or jargon. First of all, English is used to communicate with customers (59.6%), work colleagues (46.5%), suppliers (32.6%) and administration (20,4%) [4, 20].

The increase in the number of English-speaking specialists in Kazakhstan is primarily due to international cooperation. As a result, the activities of numerous joint ventures and foreign companies and the expansion of international cooperation in Kazakhstan create a huge need in the labor market for specialists with knowledge of English. For example, analysis of popular job search sites (for example, HeadHunter(http://hh.kz /),JabKZ(http://finаncе .dgoirs.uhoo.com/dgoir/ JobKZ/), etc.) showed that in more than 90% of advertisements showed that one of the necessary criteria for hiring is knowledge of English. Currently, English is becoming one of the main requirements for admission to the position of a civil servant. Now foreign leaders, individual experts from private sectors, citizens of Kazakhstan – employees of International organizations will be involved in public service.

Considering the Russian language in the intercultural environment of Kazakhstan, we can say the following: the status of the Russian language largely depends on the special situation of linguistics, which can be considered an element of speech communication in the conditions of language diversity, where the degree of its diversity and its influence on the choice of language coding are determined by the socio―situational problem in which speech communication is carried out [5, 102].

The most typical situations related to the functioning of the Russian language in the Commonwealth of Independent States, especially in Kazakhstan: 1) speakers have their own language and intermediary language, that is, the language of interethnic communication, which, as a rule, does not act as a third language, but one of two languages, the role of which they realize as their native language, and communication in which it is possible conduct as in an identical language [6, 248]. The second typical language situation characteristic of Kazakhstan is defined by L.P. Krysin as follows «One communicator, in addition to his native, speaks the language of the interlocutor, and the interlocutor does not know him or does not speak, because speech can only be carried out with the help of a Russian representative of indigenous peoples in the former republics of the USSR, (in most cases, Russians have poor command of the language of indigenous nationality – Tajik, Uzbek, Kyrgyz, Lithuanian, Latvian, Estonian, etc. therefore, speech communication between Russians and speakers of these languages often occurs in Russian). [7, 337].

All these conditions, which lead to various linguistic interactions in a multiethnic society, contribute to the formation of a special cultural and social environment with its established or emerging linguistic and behavioral stereotype, which as a result allows us to talk about a special culture of the language, as well as the subculture of a certain region.

Discussion. Intercultural communication is the most complete and comprehensive expression of the linguistic and cultural differences of each representative of different peoples as a linguistic personality. At the intersection of cultures, representatives of various peoples who participated in their junction personally act as a person, a member of society or a representative of a certain culture as a subject of activity.

The activity at the intercultural level has its own peculiarities, although all the above-mentioned aspects accumulate in it. They require from the interlocutor an intercultural level not only knowledge of the language, which at this moment becomes an instrument of participation, but also knowledge of culture, mentality, national character, psychology of representatives of this country. These data testify to the morality, opinions and mentality, the cultural values of this population [8, 49]. There is no doubt that the harmonization of the dialogue of two or more cultures is possible only with the understanding and respect for each other of their representatives.

The problem of teaching foreign languages and cultural communication is expressed in close contact with each other and the need for a broad discussion on this issue.

Each foreign language lesson is a dialogue of cultures, an experience of communication between them, because each of the lexemes in foreign speech reflects its own world and its specific culture: the meaning of each word is reflected in the formation of national consciousness, which should be taken into account in the process of cognition and understanding of the language, since each foreign word has a different world, a different worldview [9, 1226].

At the moment, in the system of learning a foreign language in Kazakhstan, as in other areas of social life, there is a stage of a complex revolution in the field of reshaping national values, solving goals, tasks, teaching methods.

Large-scale changes in the teaching of foreign languages, an increase in interest in learning foreign languages lead to drastic changes in attitudes to this issue. Obviously, the basis of this is social and historical reasons.

The new time and new demands demanded urgent, radical changes in the methodological basis of preparation for the study of foreign languages and specific methods and techniques in it.

In accordance with the requirements of society, the main goal of learning a foreign language is to form the intercultural communicative potential of people learning a foreign language. That is, entering into intercultural communication on a foreign basis means not only the ability of language communication in society, but also understanding and perception of the spiritual values of another ethnic group.

As indicated in the Strategy for the Development of Foreign Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, new pedagogical and information technologies are being purposefully introduced into the process of training specialists in the field of a foreign language [10].

In the process of mastering a foreign language, it is necessary to gradually achieve and master this knowledge by a person, develop the skills and abilities necessary for successful intercultural communication. People who take part in any cross-cultural relations, interacting with other cultures, often differ greatly, and, first of all, their language, traditions, customs of public life, clothing, national cuisine differ, and the attitude to the work performed often causes difficulties, sometimes reaching the extreme. But these are only special issues of intercultural communication.

As a result, I would like to say that learning a foreign language is not a fashion, but a laborious process of obtaining a vital education in a modern society developing in a global direction. Someone studies languages because they need a job, someone travels freely and communicates with a person, and someone just wants to study it for general development. The state regulation of languages in multinational and multicultural Kazakhstan is aimed at improving interethnic relations, at the formation of linguistic and cultural tolerance, at the development of interethnic integrations, strengthening the unity and integrity of the state. Kazakhstan uses not only authority and trust, but also cultural and historical traditions, while not excluding a sense of responsibility and a desire to share its own experience with others. This makes it possible to avoid social contradictions, promotes peaceful, peaceful coexistence of many ethnic groups in our prosperous multi-ethnic state.

Conclusion. The conducted research of the multiethnic space of the Republic of Kazakhstan revealed that more than 15 million people belonging to 109 ethnic groups and ethnic groups live in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which gives it the characteristics of a multiethnic and multi-confessional state.

Today, three languages are actively represented in the multiethnic space of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Kazakh, Russian, and English. Based on the study, it was revealed that if state institutions and organizations conduct office work as in Kazakh, so it is in Russian, then most of the private companies and firms continue to use mainly Russian. In foreign companies, the main means of communication are English and Russian.

Currently, the system of teaching foreign languages in Kazakhstan, as well as in other spheres of social life, is undergoing a stage of a complex turning point (revolution) in revaluation of national values, processing of materials, solving goals and objectives, teaching methods. The main goal is the possibility of creating a multicultural interethnic linguistic field that provides unhindered language learning. A study of the multiethnic space of the Republic of Kazakhstan was conducted and didactic aspects of the mutual influence of language and cultures within it were considered.


*(At the request of Roskomnadzor, we inform you that a foreign person who owns Google information resources is a violator of the legislation of the Russian Federation - ed. note)



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