Статья опубликована в рамках: LXIX Международной научно-практической конференции «Культурология, филология, искусствоведение: актуальные проблемы современной науки» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 10 апреля 2023 г.)
Наука: Филология
Секция: Литература народов стран зарубежья
Скачать книгу(-и): Сборник статей конференции
Абикенова Жанар Жамбылкызы
магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби,
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
Матай Булбул
магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель, Казахский национальный университет им. Аль-Фараби,
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
Матай Сабира
магистр педагогических наук, ст. преподаватель, Казахский национальный женский университет,
Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы
This article deals with the problem of teaching foreign languages through the cognitive aspect, and interaction of language and thinking is justified in the article. Cultural peculiarities of every nation are reflected in its language, which is specific and unique as it fixes in itself the world and a person in different ways.
В данной статье рассматривается вопрос об обучении иностранным языкам через когнитивный подход, а также обосновывается связь языка и мышления. Культурные особенности каждого народа отражаются в его языке, который специфичен и уникален тем, что фиксирует в себе мир и человека по-разному. Вот почему проблема взаимосвязи языка и культуры речи занимает первое место среди проблем исследований, проведенных в области лингвокультурологии и когнитивных наук.
Keywords: foreign language education, cognitive approach, cognition, linguoculturology, intercultural communicative competence, linguistic picture of the world.
Ключевые слова: обучение иностранному языку, когнитивный подход, познание, лингвокультурология, межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция, языковая картина мира.
Currently, in connection with the strengthening of international relations, the public's interest in teaching a foreign language at an early age has increased. In the strategic address of our president "Kazakhstan - 2050", which sets the country on a new political path, citizens of Kazakhstan need to master the trilingual language by 2025, and good knowledge of English for integration through education [1]. Therefore, one of the priorities of the President's address is the formation of trilingual citizens. Thus, it is an urgent problem to instill Kazakh, Russian and English languages from an early age in the child's consciousness from the sphere of trilingualism to multiculturalism.
At the modern stage of the development of society, significant changes are taking place in various spheres of human life, which also significantly affect the education system. The modern paradigm of Education presupposes a transition from the centralization of knowledge when, when designing the content of Education, preference is given to the totality of theoretical knowledge, when it is considered a system of theoretical knowledge, practical qualifications and skills, as well as socially and professionally important qualities, without paying much attention to the use of knowledge in practical activities, the purposeful formation of competencies reflected in the learning results. In other words, modern education is aimed at improving not only knowledge, qualifications and skills for students, but also the skills and competencies necessary for life.
The methodology of teaching a foreign language in the preschool period began to develop in the world from the XIX century. Learning a foreign language at an early age is learning that takes place on an intuitive experiential basis from the moment the child is born to school. Including in western states (USA, England, France, etc.), the importance of trilingual education has been proved, and bilingual (two foreign languages) teaching is widespread in preschool educational institutions.
The object of the modern education system is a person who is brought up and developing in a multicultural space. In connection with the sharp increase in national consciousness, the desire for ethnic and ethnocultural self-identification is the reason for the great interest of the population not only in their own nation, but also in the environment of other close and distant nations.
According to the opinion of E. I. Passov, teaching a foreign language is the education (formation) of a person as an individual: the development of spiritual wealth, abilities, raising needs, the upbringing of a morally responsible and socially adapted person. As a result, knowledge is that through integration into culture, the formation of a person takes place, and by absorbing it, a person becomes its subject [2, 33].
Among the scientists who considered the term" intercultural communication", S. S. Kunanbayeva, D. A. Ivanov, V. D. Shchadrikov, A. T. Chaklikova and others., it was studied on the basis of theories defining the concepts of" competence of intercultural participation", on the basis of theories defining the concepts of" competence of intercultural participation and its sub-competencies " in the works of scientists D. N. Kulibaeva, S. Savignon, D. Haims, etc. [6].
According to S. S. Kunanbaeva, considering the work related to the process of "intercultural participation", it is necessary to pay special attention to two different issues of intercultural communication:
a) participatory factors (situation, genre and style of language, form of participation, presence of nonverbal means and forms of behavior);
b) Psychological factors (quality of perception, reaction, attribution, stereotyping, empathy; the following types of pschological reaction to another culture include: denial, adaptation, acculturation;
с) cultural factors (basic concepts, norms, values, experience);
Learning, teaching and understanding of each foreign language, thinking, improving the quality of knowledge in this language almost all this directly depends on the culture, cognition, world view of the owner of this language. N. D. Galskova, based on the scientific conclusion of A. Chenkin, says: "the cognitive aspect of training foreign languages is related to such categories, as knowledge, mousetrap and the process of memorization, intended during the study of foreign language, for the culture of the people – his mistress". Of course, the basis of cognitivism is the psychology of a person who has mastered a foreign language, language communication, functional and cultural values are reflected in the language of the owner of the language in the process of speaking that language. [3,109 P.]
The main role here is played by the perception of knowledge, which is accompanied by a cognitive character, the establishment of interaction through physical submission and culture.J. Lakoff says:" all these changes will affect the current year, according to which our conceptual system will follow from our physical and cultural experience unconditionally connected with them " [4,48 P]. In addition"...our conceptual system is based on physical, social and past views of the experience and passes through it..."[4, p.49].
If we take into account the above-mentioned words, a special role is played by the formed opinion about this language, which is not mastered by another language. The general understanding of the people who own this language, formed in the cognition of thought, will greatly facilitate its learning of another language. Personal experience, general understanding, form their own posture. In the process of perceiving a different language, he perceives it in comparison with his own culture. This perception is a cognitive perception, a cognitive category, and a language category.
In modern linguistics, conceptual research is actively carried out on the channel of two main directions – cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology. The results of numerous conceptual studies and theoretical principles, both cognitive linguistics and linguoculturology, indicate that linguistics are areas that rely on an anthropocentric orientation.
One of the main problems of cognitive linguistics is cognitive meaning. The meaning of language units is studied in conjunction with the human thinking system. The main concepts that are emphasized in this direction are: the picture of the world, the linguistic picture of the world, the model of the world or the cognitive model.
If we formulate the conclusion from the research work, as mentioned above, language and culture complement each other and cannot exist without each other, that is, where there is no culture, there cannot be a language, where there is no language, there cannot be a culture.
In her work, G. M. Alimzhanova determined the place of language in culture."..language ensures that culture is a means of communication. Language is the most basic and most powerful weapon that makes up a particular nation by preserving its culture, history, traditions and passing them on from generation to generation..."[5, 25].
Therefore, the linguistic name not only emphasizes a certain object, but also refers to a product that arose in accordance with the worldview characteristic of the nation. In connection with this, one of the newly developing branches of linguistics is linguoculturology, which studies language in relation to culture, and also considers the interaction of the functioning and development of language, formed and characterized on the basis of ethnocultural and ethnopsychological factors.
Linguoculturology is a science that studies from the point of view of linguistics the categories of folk culture reflected and fixed in the language, arising from the junction of linguistics and Cultural Studies [6, 28]. Linguoculturology considers principles and patterns in the social, cognitive, ethical, aesthetic, political, moral, spiritual, domestic spheres that have a national character through linguistic means. Linguoculturology aims to recognize the reflection of national identity in language, the facts of language and spiritual culture of the population through cognitive, ethical, aesthetic categories, and determine their function and place [7, 19].
And the main task of linguoculturology is to identify national and cultural features in the linguistic picture of the world and cultural significance in the content of the word, to consider them in close connection with the cognitive consciousness of the linguistic and cultural subject. In this regard, the relevance of anthropolinguistic research is determined by the consideration of the complex relationship of the image of the world, language, culture in unity.
Formation of literary and cultural, intercultural communicative, Linguo-linguistic qualifications by familiarizing students with the literature, history of the country of the studied language, its traditions, outstanding writers; cultural and historical realities dating; that is, intercultural communication competencies can be formed.
In short, as determined by the experience and theory of teaching a foreign language, the individual forms and further develops and systematizes a new culture in his mind, to which he begins to adapt. Learning a foreign language is not only mastering the grammar and vocabulary of the same language, speaking in the same foreign language, but also mastering, feeling, forming in the mind the culture of the people who own the language they are using or learning.
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