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Статья опубликована в рамках: CXVII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 20 мая 2021 г.)

Наука: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Kengessova A. USING OF MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGIES AT ENGLISH LESSONS ON THE UPDATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CXVII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 10(117). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/10(117).pdf (дата обращения: 23.02.2025)
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Kengessova Aknur

2nd year master's student, Foreign language:two foreign languages Insitute of philology and multilingual education, Abai kazakh national pedagogical university,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Баданбекқызы Зауре

научный руководитель,

Scientific director, docent, Insitute of philology and multilingual education, Abai kazakh national pedagogical university,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


Using multimedia technologies opens new opportunities in educational process as well as in development of creative abilities of students. Educators, scientists, programmers, producers of multimedia teaching aids, teachers-practitioners all together open new informational educational environment where the determinant is integration of educational and informational approaches to educational content, methods and learning technologies.


Keywords: multimedia technologies, informational base of educational process, visualization of knowledge, interactive interface, demonstration of visual materials, creative thinking, multimedia equipment, electronic learning systems.


Development trends of the modern higher education system are inextricably linked with widespread introduction into the educational process of various forms, methods and means of active learning. One of the leading trends in the informatization of society is the development of multimedia technologies, their penetration into various spheres of social life: production, business, science, education, mass consumer culture.

The use of multimedia technologies opens up new opportunities in organizing the educational process, as well as developing the creative abilities of students. For the effective implementation of active learning methods, a lot of serious work is required on equipping in sufficient quantities with computer equipment, as well as in the preparation of a methodological and information base in the organization of the educational process. This will ensure the implementation of active learning methods in improving the quality of training specialists, taking into account the increased requirements in the market. Currently, multimedia technologies are one of the most rapidly developing areas of new information technologies in the educational process. [1, 56p.]

The first task is to create such knowledge representation models in which would be the ability to represent monotonous means as objects characteristic for logical thinking, and images-pictures with which figurative thinking operates. The second task is to visualize those human knowledge for which it is not yet possible pick up text descriptions. The third is the search for ways of transition from the observed images of pictures to the formulation of some hypothesis about those mechanisms and processes that are hidden behind the dynamics of the observed pictures.

Thus, the clear advantages of the use of multimedia technologies (operational use of information, the combination of audio and visual material, etc.) in the organization of the educational process do not raise doubts. The use of such technologies significantly activates educational information, makes it more visual for perception and easier to assimilate.

The modern education system is increasingly using information technology and computer telecommunications, which is facilitated by a number of factors, and, first of all, the equipping of educational institutions with powerful computer technology and the development of community of Internet networks.

Scope of application of computers in teaching and performing scientific research immense. The following priority issues of integration of computer technologies in the educational process:

- psychological and pedagogical cycle,

- systematization of educational computer tools;

- consideration of the role of the world INTERNET network in education [2, 14p.]

Each teacher has his own style of work. Someone is used to working at the blackboard, someone prefers to explain the material sitting at his desk or standing at the lectern, it is easier and more accustomed for someone to move freely around the classroom.

But, be that as it may, many teachers are faced with the need to demonstrate visual materials. The lecture and seminar form of training should be combined with modern innovative solutions.

Studying foreign experience, the following important aspect can be highlighted: teacher acts not as a distributor of information (as is traditionally accepted), but as a consultant, advisor, sometimes even a colleague of the trainee. This gives some positive moments: students actively participate in the learning process, learn to think independently, put forward their points of view, and simulate real situations.

The use of multimedia technologies allows the teacher to manage the demonstration of visual material much more efficiently, to organize group work and create your own innovative developments, while not breaking the usual rhythm and work style.

Methodological foundations for designing a media lesson

In the process of a media lesson, two are involved in the transmission and assimilation of educational information new components of the educational process:

1. The computer organically takes the place of a new universal technical means of teaching and development.

2. The software supplements the traditional technology of teaching any school subject or its individual sections and topics. They contain clearly structured educational information in text form, many visual images in the form of diagrams, figures, tables, video clips, equipped with animation and sound effects.

At the same time, both the computer and the programs should be organically interconnected with other components of the learning process: goals, content, forms, teaching methods, activities of the teacher and student.

What changes does the use of a computer and multimedia programs entail?

First of all, the didactic principles of teaching are expanded and enriched.

In recent years, didactics have already undergone a revision of the meanings of such principles as visibility, accessibility, consistency, and conscientiousness. Two new principles were also defined - individualization of learning and activity.

At present, the principle of integrativity is being promoted to a leading position in the formation of the components of educational activity with the use of computers. It involves the establishment of integrative relationships by the teacher, which make it possible to brighten up the characteristics of the subject, show the relationship between the content of individual subject educational sections and modules, between subject learning and general information on-line training of schoolchildren. The established connections make it possible to organically include a computer in the educational process, combine traditional and computer teaching methods, create a special information pedagogical environment conducive to intensification educational process.

When the teacher uses computer technology only for a visual demonstration of educational information, the lesson is conducted in a classroom with one set of hardware funds.

The work of students in the classroom can be organized as follows:

- frontal - viewing video fragments, observing changes in objects,

- individually - performing practical work, solving problems,

- in small groups - implementation of a general educational project, setting up a model experiment, etc. [3, 10p.]

The structure of the lesson can reflect all the components and links of the learning process, as well as the obligatory alternation of activities at the computer and without it:

- actualization (repetition of educational material, primary assimilation of the material) - for

computer and (or) without a computer;

- the formation of knowledge, abilities, skills (awareness and comprehension of the block of educational

information, securing educational material) - at a computer and (or) without a computer;

- application (application of educational material in practice, checking the level of mastering the material) - at a computer and (or) without a computer.

The choice of the optimal organizational forms and methods remains with the teacher.

Nowadays, computer training programs are widely used as active teaching aids.

Computer-based training programs are by no means a substitute for the teacher.

High-quality multimedia programs will serve as a good addition to the training course, they can be successfully used in courses, electives, additional classes. They are convenient for independent work. It's hard to imagine a modern educational institution without computers, and hence without computer training programs. It is a very promising learning tool that uses visual memory and associative thinking. The future belongs to them.

The history of educational programs has been going on for about three decades. First it is were the simplest BASIC programs used in the Norton Commander shell.

To understand how they work, you first had to learn how to work on a computer - either ask your friends, or sit over books, or sign up for computer courses. But still, the easiest thing was just not to be afraid of the computer and get acquainted with it.

"Scientific poke method." And now - the novice user is offered a choice a lot of possibilities. Including multimedia tutorials. And it remains only to envy the current "dummies".

A large selection does not always imply a good quality of the offered products. Most often you have to buy a "pig in a poke". The seller cannot advise anything, because he cannot test all the discs he sells.

Of course, it is best to purchase licensed products. As a rule, it takes much more time and effort to develop it, and a much better quality is obtained product than pirates, whose main goal is to do everything quickly, without thinking too much about quality. Such discs are created in a week, filled with scanned information from paper books, and contain a large number of typos. Shell - one for all products. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a single software shell, only when it is made with high quality by professional programmers.

It is known that for active mastery of a specific subject area, it is necessary not only to study theory, but also to form practical skills in solving problems. For this you need to learn how to build mathematical models of the studied processes and phenomena, design solution algorithms and implement them in the form of programs. For achievement or this purpose, the EI includes a series of model programs that provide graphical illustration of the structure and operation of algorithms, which allows not only to increase the degree of their understanding, but also contributes to the development of the student's intuition and imaginative thinking.



  1. http://bilim-all.kz/article/5460-Agylshyn-tili-sabaqtarynda-zhana-adis-tasilder-arqyly-oqushylardyn-qyzygushylygyn-arttyrudyn-zholdary
  2. https://ust.kz/word/agylsyn_tili_sabagynda_akt_ny_qoldanydyng_tiimdiligi_bayandama-46066.html
  3. Войтко С.А. Об использовании информационно-коммуникационных технологий на уроках английского языка // Интернет-журнал Фестиваль педагогических идей “Открытый урок”, 2004–2005.
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