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Статья опубликована в рамках: CXLII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 06 июня 2022 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Biyankhu A. MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AS A MEANS FORMATION OF CRITICAL THINKING // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CXLII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 11(142). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/11(142).pdf (дата обращения: 04.03.2025)
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Biyankhu Abu-Beker

Master student, 2 course Kazakh Ablai khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Almaty, Kazakhstan


This article discusses the features of the formation of critical thinking among students in the classroom using modern information technologies. The main directions of using information technologies in the process of teaching informatics were identified. The main features of the use of information technologies have been identified and analyzed in order to identify their capabilities for the formation of information, reflective and research skills of critical thinking in students in the classroom. The provisions for the formation of students' critical thinking with the use of information technologies are formulated.


Keywords: critical thinking, reflective skills, research skills, information skills, technology, thinking, students.


The dynamic development of modern society requires new approaches to the organization of the learning process in general and informatics in particular. A necessary condition for a full-fledged and comprehensive education is knowledge of information technology. Knowledge of the computer has become a criterion for the general literacy of the individual. The ability and willingness of high school students to solve complex non-standard tasks, using a powerful arsenal of information technologies, indicates the presence of information competence of a high school student, which is acquired directly in computer science lessons.

The rapid development of information technologies, in addition to a noticeable reduction in temporal and spatial barriers to the dissemination of information and data, has opened up new prospects in the field of education. Can be done with confidence argue that in the modern world one of the dominant trends is the combination of educational and information technologies and the formation on this basis of fundamentally new integrated learning technologies based, in particular, on Internet technologies.

Convenience and flexibility in the presentation of material, quick access to information and data located in different regions and countries, high speed of updating and other advantages of Internet technologies allow quickly put them into practice.

The American professor D.H. Jonassen believes that “the use of computers as tools of cognition through the use of applications as formalisms for the presentation of knowledge contributes to a faster and more complete assimilation of the material than with the use of all available educational computer programs. Therefore, in his opinion, among the educational tools that contribute to the development of critical thinking, we can include means multimedia, expert systems, databases, spreadsheets.

In the 21st century, in the context of the mass use of computer technology in almost all areas of modern society, the issues of introducing information technology tools into the practice of teaching are of great importance. The use of learning technologies based on computer support for educational and cognitive activities. Crossing the threshold of school, a modern high school student must possess the qualities that a person needs in the 21st century, including the quality of critical thinking.

Despite the fact that most aspects of the problem of the formation of students' critical thinking have been the subject of study, the issues of the formation of critical thinking skills of high school students using information technology have not been sufficiently developed and require further research. Therefore, the task of this article is to consider the features of the formation of critical thinking in schoolchildren using computer technologies. Therefore, the task of this article is to consider the features of the formation of critical thinking in schoolchildren using computer technologies.

Psychological and pedagogical aspects of the use of information technologies in the educational process, their influence on the development of mental activity and disclosure of the intellectual potential of students were studied in the works of many scientists. According to the main provisions of their work, information technology is:

  • a tool for the formation of personal qualities of future specialists necessary for life in the conditions of digitalization of society;
  • means of computer technology act as powerful components of a person's intellectual capabilities and influence the development of not only cognitive, but also motivational, emotional spheres of a person;
  • computer and information technologies change the forms of information transfer, intensify the activities of the teacher and students, contribute to
  • the effectiveness of innovative pedagogical technologies, and also raise traditional forms of the learning process to a new level;
  • technical means of information technology provide only certain didactic opportunities, the effectiveness of which in
  • largely depends on the validity and methodological justification of their application;
  • information technologies should be rationally combined with traditional methodological systems of education, organically fit into a certain pedagogical system with its goals, content, methods and learning.

This article deals with information technologies that are used to teach computer science at school. Information technologies can be divided into two types: based on modern technical means and based on modern Internet technologies.

Among information technologies based on technical means, there are:

computer - work with training programs; performing mathematical calculations; search for information; modelling of various processes and multimedia - the ability to use computer applications; use of training videos in the classroom; demonstration of presentations for the audience; use of materials from the global Internet).

Educational information technologies based on modern Internet technologies include electronic libraries, webinars and systems electronic diaries and journals [1].

To decide the conceivable outcomes of involving data advances for the development of decisive reasoning, taking into account the bearings and patterns in the utilization of computer educational activities instructive advances, educational capacities and the capability of computer educational activities technology is important. Recently, the priority is the development and application of those software tools that embody the ideas of learning theories focused on the development of students' personalities. Particularly great opportunities for development personality, the formation of critical thinking skills are embedded in the means training of a new generation, which include systems of simulation modelling, business games, virtual worlds, expert systems, multimedia and electronic reference books, encyclopaedias, etc. These funds training implement the possibilities of information technology, the purpose of using which, in addition to traditional educational ones, are determined by the tasks digitalization of modern society, as well as the need to intensify processes of intellectual development of students [2].

One of the features of information technology is that most modern information technologies make it possible to implement constructivist learning models in which the student actively acts on his own, constructs his knowledge, and does not perceive the world as the teacher sees it [7]. S.A. Rakov and T.A. Oleinik indicate that the main activities when using constructivist environments are experimentation in order to test their hypotheses, predict results, develop algorithms, study patterns, meaningful interpretation of the data obtained, etc., namely in such actions critical thinking skills are manifested. They are an effective tool for modeling real situations, processes and phenomena, provide an opportunity to build analytical, graphical, object models, make changes and additions to them, analyze variants of models with different sets of parameters, compare, check the proposed solutions, choose the best.

Information technology provides application on tools and computer graphics are the embodiment and further development of the well-known didactic principle of visualization of learning. These perception instruments give the chance to deal with the educational experience by offering some adaptation of the portrayal, position of items on the screen, and secondary school understudies themselves, as per their vision, comprehension of inward connections, play out these activities, which adds to the advancement of decisive reasoning.

Data innovation is a method for improvement reflexive abilities of decisive reasoning abilities of discretion, self-evaluation, check of the got arrangement, its correlation with the state of the issue.

This is primarily due to the fact that with the help of informational technologies, you can instantly check the effectiveness of mastering the learned material, since there is instant feedback between the student and the computer program that checks this knowledge. And also activates mental activity, stimulates an independent search for errors in their actions and ways of correct solutions. Also, information technology provides a unique opportunity to visually see the need for self-control, self-assessment of one's own actions, and if the teacher organizes this process correctly, the result will be very effective [3].

We will consider the possibilities of new generation services for solving our educational or everyday life tasks using the example of Google services*. The author of the blog can be a student. He publishes his own developments, abstracts, short articles or the results of practical work performed. This type of blog can be used as a journal for writing assignments. There is a positive educational moment here: a blog post teaches you to be responsible for your words, to defend your position, since what is written can be protested other participants.

Google Accounts* (English Google Accounts* - account, account) is a system of common accounts for using all the services of Google Corporation*.

Thus, the user of one of the Google services* gets many others in addition. However, there is no reason to blame the companies for imposing services, since the use of each service must be confirmed.

Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that training organized using information technology can activate the cognitive and research activities of high school students, intensify the processes of intellectual development of the individual, promote the formation of information, reflective and research skills critical thinking.

*(По требованию Роскомнадзора информируем, что иностранное лицо, владеющее информационными ресурсами Google является нарушителем законодательства Российской Федерации – прим. ред)



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