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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXXXVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 08 апреля 2024 г.)

Наука: Экономика

Секция: Менеджмент

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Библиографическое описание:
Syzdykbayeva K., Serkebayev T., Nurbek A. MODERN DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR CAPABILITIES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT AT THE ENTERPRISE AS A MEANS OF IMPROVING THEIR QUALITY AND REDUCING COSTS // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXXXVI междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 7(185). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/7(185).pdf (дата обращения: 20.10.2024)
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Syzdykbayeva Kamila

student, educational program management and administration, Kazakh-British Technical University,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Serkebayev Tair

student, educational program management and administration, Kazakh-British Technical University,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty

Nurbek Alikhan

student, educational program management and administration, Kazakh-British Technical University,

Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty



Сыздыкбаева Камила Галымовна

студент, образовательная программа менеджмент и управление, Казахстанско-Британский технический университет,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Серкебаев Таир Габитович

студент, образовательная программа менеджмент и управление, Казахстанско-Британский технический университет,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы

Нұрбек Алихан Нұрмұханұлы

студент, образовательная программа менеджмент и управление, Казахстанско-Британский технический университет,

Республика Казахстан, г. Алматы



This article examines the role of modern information systems in project management at the enterprise. The authors analyze the possibilities of such systems in improving the quality of projects and reducing costs. The use of information systems to optimize the processes of planning, monitoring and coordinating work on projects, as well as to automate routine tasks and improve the effectiveness of communication between team members is discussed. The authors emphasize the importance of choosing a suitable information system, taking into account the specifics of the enterprise and its needs in project management. It is concluded that the introduction of modern information systems can contribute to the successful implementation of projects, improve their quality and reduce costs.


В данной статье рассматривается роль современных информационных систем в управлении проектами на предприятии. Авторы анализируют возможности таких систем в улучшении качества проектов и снижении затрат. Обсуждается применение информационных систем для оптимизации процессов планирования, контроля и координации работы над проектами, а также для автоматизации рутинных задач и повышения эффективности коммуникации между участниками команды. Авторы подчеркивают значимость выбора подходящей информационной системы с учетом специфики предприятия и его потребностей в управлении проектами. Делается вывод о том, что внедрение современных информационных систем может способствовать успешному выполнению проектов, улучшению их качества и снижению затрат.


Keywords: modern information systems, project management, project quality, cost reduction, process optimization, automation, information system selection.

Ключевые слова: современные информационные системы, управление проектами, качество проектов, снижение затрат, оптимизация процессов, автоматизация, выбор информационной системы.


In modern conditions, digitalization is becoming an integral part of almost all areas of activity. It did not bypass such an area of the enterprise's activities as project management. Modern technologies allow you to manage projects more efficiently and transparently. Using specialized software products, you can control the timing of tasks, track the quality of work, analyze costs and predict results. Digital technologies can significantly improve the quality of projects and products by automating processes, optimizing resources, and increasing the accuracy and speed of decision making. This in turn helps reduce costs and increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.

The foregoing indicates that the problem of using modern digital technologies in project management is relevant and important for enterprises striving for sustainable development and successful operation in the digital economy.

The purpose of the article is to study the main possibilities of using modern digital technologies and their capabilities in enterprise project management as a means of improving their quality and reducing costs.

First of all, it should be noted that Project management information systems are used to solve the following tasks:

- developing a project work schedule;

- determination of the critical path and time reserves for completing project work;

- determining the project’s needs for financing and resources;

- determining the level of resource utilization;

- risk analysis;

- project management;

- analysis of deviations of work performance from the planned and forecasting of the main parameters [6, p. 51].

The main qualitative advantages of using project management systems include [3, p. 336]:

- increasing control over projects;

- classification of projects according to significance, set goals, expected results, and this allows strategically important projects to be given priority in resources and financing;

- optimization of the project schedule allows for the most efficient allocation of company resources. This takes into account the availability of resources, the priority of projects, resource delivery schedules, and funding limitations;

- transfer of experience gained. The experience gained during the implementation of projects can be used to avoid mistakes in future projects and reduce the time for project planning;

- clear planning of work.

Project management information technologies allow you to automate one or more components of project management: drawing up a work schedule, managing resources, costs, risks, quality, etc. Project management automation systems contain the following structural elements:

- tools for calendar and network planning,

- means of solving individual problems (among them we should highlight pre-project analysis, development of business plans, risk analysis, time management, cost management),

- means for organizing communications between project implementers [1, p. 56].

In an automated project management system, the project model is usually built on the basis of three elements:

- project work structure;

- resource structures;

- matrices for assigning resources to project work [5, p. 36].

The structure of the project’s work is a list of stages and works of the project according to their subordination, relationships between the works, and the approximate duration of the work. In automated mode, the program determines the start and completion dates of individual work and the entire project, calculates the project schedule, and time reserves [5, p. 39].

In automated project management systems, there is one important feature of planning - their structure, duration of implementation and their relationship are determined, and not the connection of work with specific dates. Using this feature, the system can apply a sequence of actions to optimize the project, as well as track changes in the project schedule during its implementation.

The project resource structure is human resources, equipment, materials and facilities. Features such as resource quantity, productivity and cost can be described in spreadsheets. Systems can also include resource usage calendars.

The assignment matrix includes information about the resources used and how they will be used for each stage of the project. The system also stores data about the properties of resources and their work needs. Upon completion of registration of these resources for each stage of the project, the program automatically recalculates the schedule taking into account the limited resources.

Several hundred systems have now been developed with the help of which it is possible to implement the functions of scheduling and project control. Among them are Microsoft Project, Open plan Professional, Spider Project, sure Trek Project Manager, Primavera Project Planner (P3), Time Line, Ca Super Project, Project Scheduler, Turbo Project, Artemis Views [2, p. 12].

Let's take a closer look at some project management information systems. For a clear perception of the advantages and disadvantages of information systems, let’s put them in a comparative table.

Table 1.

Project management information systems


MS Project package

SureTrak Project Manager

Primavera Project Planner (P3)

Primavera Project Planner for the Enterprise (P3e)


  • easy interface;
  • can be integrated with other Microsoft software products;
  • support for information exchange with Microsoft Outlook;
  • transferring data about tasks to the work team, and - in the opposite direction - the work team can inform the manager about all changes in the work calendar.
  • for use at lower levels of management;
  • system interface is standard, okny;
  • a set of tools is available (up to 20 levels);
  • 9 types of work have been implemented, all dependencies between works, 10 types of restrictions;
  • the Monte Carlo method is proposed (estimates the probability of failure to complete a project within a given time frame);
  • grouping and ordering of work according to different criteria at different levels of project detail.
  • professional project management package;
  • is designed to analyze project risks by determining the probability of time and cost of work and the project as a whole.
  • for working with complex multi-level hierarchical projects;
  • cost analysis;
  • risk analysis;
  • resource planning.



  • this package provides a minimum set of tools for planning and resource management. In Microsoft Project, you can only schedule people and equipment as resources;
  • the package is not Russified, therefore, to effectively use these tools, knowledge of the English language, in particular project management terminology, is required.
  • restrictions on the number of calendars;
  • allows you to describe only 30 additional calendars.
  • restrictions on the number of calendars;
  • allows you to describe only 30 additional calendars.
  • restrictions on the number of calendars;
  • allows you to describe only 30 additional calendars.
  • limiting schedules due to the number of resources.


The project manager and team, using the software, can significantly increase the level of efficiency, validity and speed of management decisions. Software packages for project management today allow you to automate all basic operations, namely [4, p. 93]:

- development of a project schedule without taking into account and taking into account limited resources;

- determination of the critical path and time reserves for completing work on the project;

- determining the project’s needs for financing, materials and equipment;

- risk assessment and project planning taking them into account;

- analysis of project implementation;

- determination of deviations of work performance from the planned and forecasting of the main parameters of the project.

The totality of system costs and revenues determines the level of efficiency of project management systems. There are 3 main parameters for the rational use of project management, these include: time, cost and quality of work. Factors such as delays in the use of innovations, increased project costs and poor quality work lead to losses for the enterprise due to ineffective project management. Incorrect calculation of future and direct project costs entails ineffective management of the work budget and quality of work.

Consequently, the success of implementing an information system and obtaining maximum benefits and benefits in an enterprise depends on the effectiveness of cost management throughout the entire life of the project.

Also, from the use of project management information systems there is not only an economic effect (the quality of the organization of the components of the enterprise, improvement of financial and economic indicators), but also a social one, that is, these are indicators such as: an increase in the level of investment attractiveness of the enterprise, clarity and transparency of accounting and analysis, adaptability as a result of business restructuring, increased project mobility. These elements cannot be measured in quantitative terms, but their role in the enterprise is very important. Any organization is subject to constant changes in the external environment; it is necessary for it to quickly and adequately respond to these changes in accordance with a systems approach [1, p. 57].

Thus, enterprises implementing project management information systems must be aware that the operation of these systems will require some changes in the project management process. Their implementation includes many functions that have an impact on the work of all departments of the enterprise. That is why the enterpriseThe company must carry out structurally consistent actions to connect the new project management information system. The process itself must be subjected to a systematic approach, consisting of planning a set of works and monitoring their implementation. After conducting theoretical studies of information technology implementation models, an enterprise can use them for further effective project management and control of project implementation through automation, which makes enterprise project management fast and accurate.



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  2. Kirillova K. A., Sindikaev M. V. Project management information systems // Student. – 2021. – No. 16-3(144). – pp. 11-14.
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  4. Sigarova V.V. Project management in the era of modern digital technologies // Science Diary. – 2023. – No. 11(83). – P. 93
  5. Project and technology management: Textbook / I. L. Tukkel, S. N. Yashin, E. V. Koshelev, A. A. Ivanov; Under the general editorship of Professor I. L. Tukkel and Professor S. N. Yashin. – St. Petersburg: BHV-Petersburg, 2020. – 388 p.
  6. Chizhova D. N. Features of project management in the digital economy // Socio-economic management: theory and practice. – 2020. – No. 4(43). – pp. 49-53.
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