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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXXXVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 08 апреля 2024 г.)

Наука: Технические науки

Секция: Архитектура, Строительство

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Библиографическое описание:
Kakimtay Z. ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OF THE INTRODUCTION OF MEMBRANE WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS INTO THE URBAN INFRASTRUCTURE OF KOKSHETAU // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXXXVI междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 7(185). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/7(185).pdf (дата обращения: 20.10.2024)
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Kakimtay Zarina

master's student, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,

Kazakhstan, Astana



Какимтай Зарина Кымбаткызы,

магистрант, Евразийский национальный университет им. Л.Н. Гумилева,

Казахстан, г. Астана



Clean drinking water is a key resource for the health and well-being of society. In this regard, it is important to ensure access to quality water for all citizens, especially in urban areas where the population concentration is high. This article discusses the environmental and social aspects of the introduction of membrane water treatment systems into urban infrastructure, with a focus on the city of Kokshetau. The advantages of such systems, their impact on the environment and social well-being of the population, as well as possible risks and challenges in their implementation are discussed.


Чистая питьевая вода является ключевым ресурсом для здоровья и благополучия общества. В связи с этим важно обеспечить доступ к качественной воде для всех граждан, особенно в городских районах, где концентрация населения высока. В данной статье рассматриваются экологические и социальные аспекты внедрения мембранных систем очистки воды в городскую инфраструктуру, с фокусом на городе Кокшетау. Обсуждаются преимущества таких систем, их влияние на окружающую среду и социальное благополучие населения, а также возможные риски и вызовы при их внедрении.


Keywords: Membrane filtration, surface waters, water quality, water purification, reverse osmosis, ultrafiltration.

Ключевые слова: Мембранная фильтрация, поверхностные воды, качество воды, очистка воды, обратный осмос, ультрафильтрация.


The quality of drinking water is a fundamental factor affecting the physiological and biological aspects of human life. The problem of providing citizens of the city of Kokshetau with high-quality drinking water remains relevant and has been causing a serious problem for many years. Citizens have to consume water that does not meet quality standards, the situation of which is even aggravated during the spring rainfall. According to the results of sanitary and epidemiological control analyses conducted in the city of Kokshetau, it was found that 153 out of 260 water samples did not meet the prescribed standards. It is noted that over the past five years, this issue has not experienced significant changes, including aspects of microbiological and sanitary-chemical nature. The main reason for these anomalies is the malfunction and insufficient efficiency of existing water treatment plants that provide citizens with high-quality drinking water. First of all, it should be noted that the existing water treatment systems were put into operation between 1950 and 1970 and are designed to serve 70,000 people, which makes them technically obsolete for more than three decades. Secondly, the presented three-stage water purification system used at water treatment plants is insufficient to completely remove impurities and impurities, which leads to an increase in the dose of chlorine used to maintain epidemiological safety of water. This is especially true during spring floods, when the turbidity of the water reaches 48 mg / l, and the color is 45 degrees. Thirdly, it is necessary to analyze alternative surface water sources for wastewater treatment plants, since existing sources are susceptible to pollution and require purification from bottom sediments, as well as do not provide sufficient water for consumption. The need to replace existing water treatment plants and switch to the use of advanced technologies in the field of water treatment is extremely significant from the point of view of providing high-quality drinking water for the urban population. The main task in this context is to take into account environmental and social aspects when implementing such systems in urban infrastructure. The State Municipal Enterprise Kokshetau Su Arnasy, based on design solutions developed between 1950 and 1970, mainly focuses on the removal of turbidity, chromaticity and bacterial contamination through the use of standard design solutions. However, the proposed complex of treatment facilities is unable to effectively cope with the barrier functions of removing dissolved organic pollutants of natural and anthropogenic origin, as well as in the case of a significant deterioration in the initial characteristics of water.

Membrane technologies for drinking water purification in large volumes are becoming increasingly popular every year, due to their environmental safety and accessibility in terms of operating costs. The environmental benefits of membrane systems include the possibility of long-term use without waste generation. Unlike chemical treatment processes, membrane filtration systems provide safe drinking water without the use of chemical additives, which meets high standards of drinking and sanitary water. The modular structure of the membrane systems makes it possible to adapt the cleaning processes in accordance with the requirements of the consumer. One of the most obvious advantages of membrane filtration compared to traditional water purification systems is the more stable quality of purified water. Traditional systems largely depend on coagulation-flocculation processes, in which fine suspended particles are combined into dense clumps, which are subsequently removed through sedimentation tanks and filter media by deep filtration. Failure to comply with the effective coagulation-flocculation process can lead to deterioration of the separation of solid and liquid phases during the operation of cleaning plants. In membrane water purification, only repeated chlorination occurs, which leads to a decrease in the need for chlorine. Unlike traditional systems, membrane filtration (for example, the UV treatment method) is based on a sediment filtration mechanism, which ensures effective separation of solid and liquid phases even without the coagulation-flocculation process. One of the most common membrane filtration systems for surface water treatment is ultrafiltration (UV). UV membranes with a pore size of 0.002–0.1 microns are usually used to separate fine solid particles from filtrate. It is a low-pressure membrane filtration system that is adapted to replace conventional sand filters. The significantly smaller area occupied by this low-pressure membrane filtration system makes it attractive for large-scale applications. The two most commonly used large-scale membrane water treatment systems are ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis. These findings confirm that with the correct design of membrane water filtration systems, high-quality filtrate can be obtained.

Membrane water purification systems are advanced technologies with a number of advantages over traditional filtration methods. One of the key advantages of membrane systems is their relatively small footprint compared to traditional systems. This is due to the modular concept of many pressure-operated membranes, which allows for quick and simple upgrades to increase purified water productivity. In conditions of limited land resources and the need for urgent modernization of municipal wastewater treatment plants, membrane systems represent a promising solution that requires further study and implementation. In addition, membrane systems have a number of other advantages, including the absence of accumulation of pollutants, environmental cleanliness, ease of operation, compact size and a high degree of automation. Such systems make it possible to obtain high-quality water without impurities, and their service life depends on the composition of the source water. However, the condition of the membranes is influenced by various factors such as hardness salts, dissolved iron and organic compounds, which can reduce their effectiveness and service life.

It should also be noted that membrane systems, including reverse osmosis and ultrafiltration methods, provide effective solutions for water purification, making it suitable for consumption. This is especially true for regions with limited freshwater resources or water pollution problems. Improving the quality and accessibility of drinking water through membrane systems contributes to maintaining public health and improving the environmental sustainability of the region. The implementation of membrane systems may require significant investments, but their long-term benefits include cost-effectiveness, improved public health and reduced costs for the treatment of diseases associated with water pollution. Therefore, the introduction of membrane water purification systems should be considered as a strategic decision in order to ensure stable and high-quality water supply for all segments of the population, which ultimately contributes to improving the social and environmental well-being of society.

Based on the analysis of the presented data on the state of water supply in the city of Kokshetau and problems related to the quality of drinking water, it can be concluded that the introduction of membrane filtration is necessary to improve the situation. The city of Kokshetau is facing an urgent problem of poor drinking water quality, which is confirmed by the results of sanitary and epidemiological control analyses, which revealed a significant number of inappropriate samples. Despite many years of efforts aimed at solving this problem, the situation has not improved, which indicates the need to apply new technologies in the field of water treatment. Membrane water purification systems are advanced technologies that ensure high quality of purified water. They effectively remove pollution, ensure environmental cleanliness and have a high degree of automation. Due to its modular concept and relatively small footprint, membrane systems can be easily implemented even in confined spaces.In the context of the city of Kokshetau, the use of membrane filtration seems to be the most effective solution to improve the quality of drinking water. This technology will provide not only a stable and high-quality water supply for the residents of the city, but also contributes to solving environmental and social problems associated with poor water quality.Thus, the introduction of membrane filtration into the water supply system of the city of Kokshetau is an extremely important step that will provide residents with clean and safe drinking water, as well as contribute to the sustainable development of urban infrastructure in general.



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