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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXXVIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 07 декабря 2023 г.)

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Sagadieva D., Manuilenko M. Armed conflicts and civil war in the modern world // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXXVIII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 23(177). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/23(177).pdf (дата обращения: 10.03.2025)
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Armed conflicts and civil war in the modern world

Sagadieva Damira

Student, Faculty of International Relations, Astana International University,

Kazakhstan, Astana

Manuilenko Marina

Student, Faculty of International Relations, Astana International University,

Kazakhstan, Astana

Akerke Beskemer

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, Astana International University,

Kazakhstan, Astana

Currently, people are forced to witness many clashes, accompanied by armed conflicts and, in some cases, turning into civil wars. Such a situation has a direct impact on the political, economic and social situation in other regions, and can also cause severe escalation and spread beyond the main hostilities. However, despite the fact that such conflicts and wars attract attention at the global level, many are not fully aware of the true causes and consequences of such confrontations.

An armed conflict refers to a violent clash between or within states that devote their energies to defending rights and ensuring security. Speaking of clashes, civil wars represent armed struggle between social classes of one country to seize power in the country itself or in a particular region. Civil war may be a historical consequence of long-term social and economic inequalities, poor political decisions that led to discontent and protests. Based on these definitions, you can notice something in common. Conflict and war - these words are related to each other. War is the result of a conflict that took the serious intention of fighting for something with the help of armed forces. The escalation of violence and the use of armed forces in such situations becomes a way of applying pressure and resolving disputes through military action. It is worth noting that there is no country that has not faced at least a civil war or conflict. To some extent, every country has gone through some kind of conflict. This could be in the present time or a hundred years ago. Wars and conflicts definitely influence the history of a particular country. The conflict leaves its mark on the history of the country. And the country itself chooses what history to write and pass on to its future generation. There are cases when the younger generation is ashamed and does not want to remember the actions committed by the country's leaders in the past. As an example, we can cite Germany and the events of the Second World War. Nowadays, many young people in Germany do not like to talk or remember the dark past of their country. we can note the Italian Civil War, which took place in 1943-1945, or the Peruvian Civil War in 1884-1885. Therefore, you should not believe that civil wars ended a hundred years ago and are no longer happening.

there are many examples of civil wars in our world. But it is worth noting that today there are fewer civil wars than armed conflicts, which are increasing every year. It is not for nothing that civil wars are called civil wars, since the role played by the society that fights for its place in society. Most often it can be two protesting parties among themselves, who have different views on one side or another. First of all, a civil war is associated as a large-scale armed conflict between two or even more factions.

Of course, armed conflicts and civil wars cannot arise without a compelling reason. They are based on the inability of the parties to agree and find compromise solutions for a peaceful outcome of the conflict. The main factors of armed action are determined by disagreements due to territorial disputes, religious and ethnic differences, political contradictions, the emergence of economic interests, as well as the spread of violence and extremist ideas.

It is important to understand that most conflicts are accompanied by humanitarian crises and therefore, without exception, armed conflicts and civil wars entail deep human tragedies, taking hundreds of thousands of human lives, causing the suffering of millions of people, destruction of infrastructure and loss of civil trust. Peace settlements and humanitarian assistance play an important role in attempts to overcome crises. Therefore, it is important to strive to resolve conflicts through diplomatic methods of peaceful negotiations and pay more attention to preventive measures.

To prevent armed conflicts and civil wars, it is necessary to actively work to build trust, international and global cooperation, improve the quality of life of the population, distribute resources and create fair political systems based on the rights and interests of all citizens.

In conclusion, armed conflicts and civil wars have serious consequences for the political, economic and social situation not only in the combat zone, but also in neighboring regions. To prevent such conflicts, it is necessary to use peaceful settlements and dialogue between the conflicting parties, which can ensure long-term peace and stability of states. It is important to recognize the role that everyone can play in preventing conflict and promoting peace. Promoting conflict resolution, helping victims and supporting international humanitarian organizations can make the world a better and safer place for all people. Understanding the causes and consequences of armed conflicts and civil wars is an important step towards their prevention and resolution. It is worth noting that the younger generation is more likely to choose a method of resolving conflicts not by armed means, but by a more diplomatic method, using soft power. perhaps in the future there will be fewer armed and civil conflicts.



  1. Difference Between Civil War and Revolution: website. – URL: http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-civil-war-and-revolution/ (date of the application: 26.11.2023)
  2. Can war achieve peace: website. – URL: https://www.coalitionbrewing.com/can-war-achieve-peace/ (date of the application: 26.11.2023)
  3. Communal conflict, civil war, and the state {electronic resource}. – URL: https://www.accord.org.za/ajcr-issues/communal-conflict-civil-war-and-the-state/ (date of the application: 26.11.2023)
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