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Статья опубликована в рамках: CLXIII Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 20 апреля 2023 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Tretyakov E. DESIGN OF LISTENING ACTIVITIES TO AUTHENTIC AUDIO TEXTS FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CLXIII междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 8(162). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/8(162).pdf (дата обращения: 06.02.2025)
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Tretyakov Evgeni

Student, Department of Foreign languages, Kazakh-American Free University,

Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk

Rybalkina Ekaterina

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Master of Pedagogical Sciences, senior Lecturer of Foreign languages department, Kazakh-American Free University,

Kazakhstan, Ust-Kamenogorsk



Третьяков Евгений Вадимович

студент, кафедра иностранных языков, Казахстанско-Американский свободный университет,

Казахстан, г. Усть-Каменогорск

Рыбалкина Екатерина Александровна

научный руководитель, магистр пед. наук, старший преподаватель кафедры иностранных языков, Казахстанско-Американский свободный университет,

Казахстан, г. Усть-Каменогорск



Goal of this article is to develop tasks with using of authentic materials aimed at teaching listening for intermediate students. During research were used descriptive, literature study and analysis and classification method. With using of these methods were determined features of authentic materials, features of intermediate students and described peculiarities of tasks for listening. The novelty of this research lays in designing tasks for intermediate level of English and their describing.


Целью данной статьи является разработка заданий с использованием аутентичных материалов, направленных на обучение аудированию учащихся среднего уровня. В ходе исследования использовались описательный, метод анализа и изучения литературы и классификационный методы. С помощью этих методов были определены особенности аутентичных материалов, особенности учащихся среднего уровня и описаны особенности заданий на аудирование. Новизна данного исследования заключается в разработке заданий для среднего уровня владения английским языком и их описании.


Keywords: authentic materials, intermediate level students, description of listening tasks, listening tasks with using authentic materials, listening tasks for intermediate students, listening tasks for intermediate level students, description of listening tasks for intermediate students.

Ключевые слова: аутентичные материалы, учащиеся среднего уровня, описание заданий на аудирование, задания на аудирование с использованием аутентичных материалов, задания на аудирование для учащихся среднего уровня, описание заданий на аудирование для учащихся среднего уровня.


Topic of teaching listening still stays relevant for our days, because this skill is included in one of the most important skills of language proficiency. Teachers makes up different exercises those aimed on developing it and implies them in their classes. In last years was written big number of works, where teachers consider the topic of listening in different ways, so we can say that topic of teaching listening remains relevant to this day. Goal of this article is to develop tasks with using of authentic materials aimed at teaching listening for intermediate students.

Authentic texts are a type of texts those were created for the natives by native speakers. It is a song, texts of songs and news. Milrud and Nosovich have given some criteria that are consistent with authentic texts: cultural aspect, situational aspect (text must sound naturally) and aspect of national mentality. Parieva thinks that authentic material has to comply with next requirements: understandable first sentence of speech, existing of intonation and balance between short and long sentences. Authentic text doesn’t have to be long, but include for most part known vocabulary and repeat information. Milrud and Nosovich gave some aspects those authentic texts are consisted. First - reactive authenticity. It is ability of text to call authentic emotional, thinking and speech impact. Second – grammatical authenticity. It considers using grammar features peculiar to English language. Third - authenticity of design. In audio text we can hear different background noise, speech of different people and sounds of phone [1].  Text for listening should be no longer than 3 minute and be heard no more than 2 times. If listeners don’t perceive for two attempts, they can read a script. Authentic material for listening as it was mentioned before have different kinds and all they have own benefits. Textbook recordings sometimes can give discussion questions at the end that saves a lot of time for teacher. They also can include grammar and vocabulary those were learned on the lesson [2, p. 47]. Animation includes story-line that can be good for prediction tasks, entertaining tone, simple language and good for low-mid levels of English. Interviews or television shows include models for learners’ tasks, good source for discussing and structured feature (questions and answers) [2, p. 51]. Authentic text doesn’t have to be long, but include for most part known vocabulary and repeat information. We have different types of authentic video materials. First – entertainment programs. It is short interviews, sport programs and short cartoons. Second – videos consisting facts. It can be documentary film for example. Third types are shorties. They can last 10 seconds or even 16 minutes. It can be news or advertisements [3, p. 222]

Exercises which will be introduced in this chapter of article will be directed to students with intermediate level of English. It can be students of school or learners of special language courses. On this level they don’t get confused when native speakers in cartoons, audio materials and YouTube videos start to speak fluently and with accents. Students with this level know from 2000-3000 words and phrases, some idioms and constructions “in addition to”, “as well as” and “because of”. If we speak about listening, he can understand adapted text for his level, meaning of non-adapted audio with an accent and unknown words, watch film in original with subtitles on native language and listen simple audio book [4].

According to the goal of article, I chose textbook “Upstream” that include tasks which will develop listening skill of learners and give opportunity for practicing it. There will be introduced different listening tasks, like fill in the gaps in song, pick the correct answer that is right for text and match speakers to the statements. These tasks are just one of many that can be used in teaching listening. They were chosen for introducing of variety of tasks those can be implied by teacher on his lessons.

Task 1. Unit “While there is a life, there is a hope” – Listen and fill in. Then, listen and sing.

A Turning point

Jimmy worked in an office

From eight o’clock 1) …… four

His job was satisfying

But he 2) …. for something more

He was waiting for a sign

And he knew there’d come a time

When a turning point would change his life

And bring a chance for him to shine

Jimmy had an old guitar People

3) …. To hear him play

And he knew he could be

4) ………

If he could only find a 5) ……

He was waiting for a sign…

When Jimmy played at a party

His dream 6) …. became real

A 7) …. produced heard him

And offered him a 8) ….

He was waiting for a sign…

Jimmy made a record

It went straight to 9) …. one

He’d found the life he wanted

He’d found his 10) …. in the sun

He had been waiting for a sig

This task involves all students in work, because they have to concentrate on lyric and fill in the gaps. Teacher should turn on this song for 2-3 times, because it can be hard for some students to recognize words while they are listening to it.  After listening attempts, teacher may ask some students to read parts of lyric those the finished and next step is singing all together. This exercise can develop listening, because they will recognize familiar words in the song and get how to pronounce them. Also, singing can develop vocabulary and speaking skill, because they will learn new words and practice them during listening process. Turning on song in the classroom can rise motivation of students to work on lesson.

Task 2. Unit “My Home is My Castle” – Listen and for questions 1-7, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1. Marsha Ward

A) has written several books.

B) has personal experience of child safety.

C) Is an expert in home security.

2. Every year, accidents in the home

A) are becoming more common.

B) happen because children stay away from school.

C) send more than a million children to hospital.

3. Marsha says most accidents in the home

A) are caused by carelessness.

B) need not have happened.

C) are unavoidable.

4) The majority of home accidents happen to

A) young children.

B) older children.

C) parents.

5) Children in a bath

A) should use a rubber mat.

B) should never be left unsupervised.

C) enjoy playing in the water.

6) Where does Marsha think accidents are more likely to happen?

A) on the stairs.

B) in the bathroom.

C) in the kitchen.

7) According to Marsha, children

A) must never play in the kitchen.

B) should not be allowed in the kitchen.

C) must be kept away from dangers in the kitchen.

This task was oriented on individual work. It has while-listening character. Teacher turns on audio and leaners while they are listening, have to pick appropriate variant from 3 of them. This task requires understanding of context, because questions 3 and 4 are paraphrased/given in some other words.  Teacher can turn on audio 1 and maximum 2 times, if it is necessary for learners.  After last attempt to listen, teacher can ask several students to read questions and their answers. This task is appropriate to use after some other activities or leading questions, because students will have base view on topic.

Task 3. Unit 7 “Penny Wise, Pound Foolish” – Listen to the sentences and match the speakers to what they are selling.

A) seafood/fish

B) flowers

C) glassware/ornaments

D) baked goods

Speaker 1 …

Speaker 2 …

Speaker 3 …

Speaker 4

This task requires from students enough level of concentration. Teacher should turn on this audio for several times. It will give opportunity to understand text more clearly and determine seller of flowers, seafood, baked goods and glassware in right way. Task has individual character, so learners work by themselves and after matching, teacher will ask one or some students to read answers. Also, teacher can ask his students to prove their choice, so it will develop speaking skill too. This task is appropriate to include after leading questions or discussion about the topic of unit. Evaluating this task, teacher should pay attention to right answers and grammar in speech while students are speaking.

Task 4. “Travel Broadens the Mind” (Invitations - Accepting and refusing) – Listen to the dialogue and write A (accepted), R(refused) or NS (not sure) for each one.


2) ….



1)  - Oh, Hi Steve. How are you?

- Fine. Listen, I'm meeting George and Mary for lunch in an hour. Would you like to join us?

- Thanks, I'd love to but I'm working this afternoon.

2) - Hi Matt!

- Oh, hi Ann. I haven't seen you for ages.

- I know, have you got time for a coffee?

- That's a great idea.

3) - Shall we go to that new restaurant for dinner tonight?

- No, I'd rather not. I'm not keen on Chinese food.

4) - I heard that there's a really good film on at the Odeon. Why don't we go?

- I don't know. I've got to finish this report. I'll let you know how I'm getting on later.

This task is aimed on perceiving new phrases for the most part. They are “, have you got time for”, “I'd love to but”, “Would you like to”, “I'd rather not. I'm not keen on”, “Shall we …?” and “That's a great idea”. All these phrases can be used in speech, when students want to refuse, invite and accept invitation. If we talk about task itself, teacher turns on audio material and learners write for each short dialogue if invitation was accepted, refused or speaker couldn’t answer exactly.  Evaluating this task, teacher pays attention to right answers of students.

In conclusion, we see those tasks for intermediate students, those teachers can use on his lesson, have big variety. It can be exercises where students have to match speakers with appropriate for them answer, listen song and fill in the gaps words those were missed, complete test that based on audio text and others, those weren’t mentioned. From manual were chosen three topics: “Travel Broadens the Mind”, “Penny Wise, Pound Foolish”, “My Home is My Castle” and “While there is a life, there is a hope”. From first topic was picked up task, where learner choose if person in the dialogue accepted invitation, refused or expressed uncertainty. From topic “Penny Wise, Pound Foolish” was suggested exercise where learner match each speaker to the right answer. Topic “My Home is My Castle” introduced task, where student have to choose right answer that appropriate for content of audio. As example for last topic was taken exercise with song, where learner have to write missed words during listening process. Suggested tasks weren’t tested in classes, but they were chosen based on the proven effectiveness of other similar tasks. All these exercises can be implied on school lessons or on classes of special language schools.



  1. РОЛЬ АУТЕНТИЧНЫХ ТЕКСТОВ В ОБУЧЕНИИ АУДИРОВАНИЮ [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://s.econf.rae.ru/pdf/2010/11/Vinogradova.pdf (дата обращения: 07.04.2023)
  2. J.J. Wilson. How to teach listening: учебник. – Pearson Education Limited, 2008. – 190 с.
  4. Уровень английского языка — Intermediate (B1) [Электронный ресурс]. – URL: https://skysmart.ru/articles/english/uroven-yazyka-intermediate (дата обращения: 07.04.2023)
  5. V.Evans, J. Dooley. Upstream Intermediate B2. Student's Book: учебник. – Express publishing, 2008. – 222 с.
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