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Статья опубликована в рамках: CCVI Международной научно-практической конференции «Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ» (Россия, г. Новосибирск, 13 февраля 2025 г.)

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Библиографическое описание:
Saydin K.K. THE ROLE OF INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES IN DEVELOPING SENIOR STUDENTS’ WRITTEN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION USING THE TASK-BASED LEARNING (TBL) APPROACH // Научное сообщество студентов: МЕЖДИСЦИПЛИНАРНЫЕ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: сб. ст. по мат. CCVI междунар. студ. науч.-практ. конф. № 3(205). URL: https://sibac.info/archive/meghdis/3(205).pdf (дата обращения: 12.03.2025)
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Saydin Karakoz Kudretillakyzy

bachelor’s student, 6B01701 - “Training of Foreign Language Teachers,” Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan,

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Golovchun Aleftina Anatolyevna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Ablaikhan KazUIRandWL,

Almaty, Kazakhstan


Teaching writing is one of difficult areas in learning a foreign language, as only little attention paid to this skill rather than others. However, the importance of it shouldn’t be underestimated. For teaching writing the usage of Internet technologies can be beneficial when it is integrated with Task-Based Learning(TBL) Approach. This article is aimed to show the importance and usage of certain kind of Internet Technologies in the framework of Task-Based Learning(TBL) Approach.


Keywords: internet technologies, Task-Based Learning Approach, Intercultural communication, writing skill, competence, platform.



The field of Education is changing alongside with the modern world. Traditional teaching methods are being replaced by the modern ones, for facing the demand of today’s society. Learners need not only get a theoretical knowledge, but also, use them in real-world application for international success. Because, the role of intercultural communication plays a big role as the level of interaction and competition between countries are increasing. Related to The State Mandatory Standard of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, specifically in the field of education, the aim is set based on forming a personality who is able to communicate effectively within different cultures and who has an “intercultural communicative competence.” For forming this, trilingual educational system is working in order to meet the needs of modern society and equip learners with skills which are essential for succeeding in global world and workplace [1]. Related to this, the Role of Internet Technologies is attracting a widespread interest in teaching process, as they can enhance Intercultural Communication.

However, in teaching Foreign Language, in writing skill is the one for the attention is not paid fully. Mostly, in schools speaking skill is much more valuable rather than writing skills. In this case, there is a need for optimization of teaching writing as a mean of intercultural communication. Because, it requires more time to think for using verbal and semantic meanings in order to tackle communicative issues. In addition to this, writing skill plays a vital role in interaction between various cultures and with the representatives of them as it contributes to successful and effective communication in various fields [2]. Moreover, the use of digital tools in learning process can be highlighted for developing learners’ 21st skills which are essential for being succeed in the future. Thus, the effective use of technologies not only interest students, but also prepares them for their future by developing required skills. Related to this, the role of educators can be shown by prioritizing the use of digital technologies for preparation [3].

In developing writing skills the effectiveness of Task-Based Approach was explored by various studies. According to results of those studies, this approach was appropriate for developing writing skills and managed to improve the quality of learners’ writing satisfactorily. This approach not only allows to interest and engage students, but also to can help to create different activities and tasks in usage of English in authentic situations [4].

Examples of Internet technologies for enhancing writing skills in the classroom can be Padlet, Trello and Quill. They can be used for improving students’ writing by giving an opportunity to draft, write, draw, publish and discuss.


By literature review, studying and analyzing works of others theoretical method has been applied around the theme in this study.

Writing is one of important skills as other skills like speaking, listening, reading. However, the process of teaching writing can be difficult. Because teaching writing to students of English as a foreign language consists of several forms of actions as followings: reinforcement, language development, style of learning and writing as a skill itself.  Moreover, alongside with speaking, reading and listening skills, writing is one of basic language skill that students are needed. Because, in the process of learning a language, students have to know how to write. Therefore, in writing there are some unique conventions such as punctuation, construction of paragraphs and so on. In this case, by highlighting all of essential features of writing to students, there is the job of teachers- to teach and give students that skill [5].

In learning process students face some difficulties in writing by not only being afraid of making mistakes but also in expressing their opinions and lose their interest. However, as the solution for this problem can be the usage of Task-Based Learning(TBL) which is an approach, rather than method gives an opportunity to students for exploring their thoughts and be active during the lesson. Because, lesson is based on performing tasks and the target language students need or learning comes up naturally as they progress through the task. This TBL can help students to stay active and do not being afraid of making mistakes in grammar, vocabulary or in writing [6, p. 115-116].

This approach gained popularity after the publication of Jane Willis’ “A Framework for Task-Based Learning” in 1996. In her book she mentioned that a task-based learning’s aim is to provide students with the opportunity to experiment, both in spoken and written language. Related to this, she proposed 3 main phases of this approach: a) Pre-task phase: where instructor or teacher introduces the topic and with words or phrases that students may need in completing the task. b) The task cycle: where students are required to complete tasks, share with their findings in class. At the end, teacher who acted as a chairperson will give a summary or feedback. c) Language focus: analysis of students and practice from teacher of new words, phrases or some mistakes that she/he has noticed in Task cycle. The integration of Internet Technology is motivated properly related to TBL, these technologies can help students to reduce the level of their fears about failure in using language, motivate them to take actions and to be creative. Some technologies can provide an access to interact with the native speakers of the target language. In addition, specifically, students will have an opportunity to work collaboratively and share their written works through wikis, blogs, sites and so on [7].

As there was mentioned above platforms as Padlet, Trello and Quill can used in teaching process for improving writing skills. Here is the guide how to use those tools and brief description.

  • Practical application Internet Technology Padlet in FLT

 Platform Padlet one of effective tools for using in teaching a foreign language. In Padlet teacher can create his/her own board by introducing a task and then send a link to students. Tasks can be completed in various forms such as: blank board-the most appropriate one, with wall, canvas, timeline, map and so on. Inside the board teacher gives a topic and description to the task, then students can write their answers and download photos, videos, audios, diagrams from both their phones and from the Internet. Teacher can give a feedback to each student in the form of comment, audio or video. Furthermore, there is an AI generated tasks for making the process easier.

  • Practical application Internet Technology Trello in FLT

Platform Trello is used for organising ideas, sharing thoughts and writing. Teacher can create a board and send a link to students. Students after registration can join to the assigned activity and complete the task. Each student will have their cards, where they can write their names and for each task add new card to one column. Teacher can set a deadline for tasks and comment on each students written work individually.

  • Practical application Internet Technology Quill in FLT

Platform Quill.org combines both writing and grammar skills development. After registration teacher can create a classroom and add students of each class. Then there is an opportunity to choose the template of an activity related to the topic of the lesson and assign to the class. Students can register by their own or the teacher can add students’ names and platform creates an account and give username with password for each student. Based on the lesson and assigned task, students can enter and pass a test or review. However, at the end of the task students will not be able to see their results. Responses and results of students for each question will be shown to the teacher as a form of an analysis with correction of mistakes and with percentage of each learner. Platform helps to make summary by analysing each learners specific skills based on the topic.


As the writing skill considered as one of difficult skills alongside with others, it’s obvious that teaching writing can ve exhausting and difficult process. However, integrating Internet technologies like Padlet, Trello and quill by using Task-Based Learning(TBL) framework can offer a great opportunity to improve students’ writing skills by interesting them to lesson. Each platform help students to brainstorm, draft, write and share with their ideas by promoting collaboration. These technologies, the TBL framework supports a more structured and interactive approach to teaching writing. Students not only write, but also they will have a chance to leave a comment and give feedback to their classmates’ writing task.



  1. Government Compulsory Standards of Preschool Education, Primary, Basic Secondary, General Secondary, Technical, and Vocational Post-Secondary Education – Appendix to the Order of the Minister of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 348. – Astana, 2022.– Access mode: https://adilet.zan.kz/rus/docs/V2200029031
  2. Harmer, J. The Practice of English Language Teaching. 3rd ed. – Harlow: Longman, 2001. – P. 79–80.
  3. Oskarita, E., Arasy, H. N. The Role of Digital Tools in Enhancing Collaborative Learning in Secondary Education // International Journal of Educational Research. – 2024. – Vol. 1, No. 1. – P. 26–32. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.62951/ijer.v1i1.15
  4. Panavelil, A. Teaching and Learning to Write Using a Task-Based Approach in an EFL Class // Methodologies for Effective Writing Instruction in EFL and ESL Classrooms. – IGI Global, USA, 2015. – Chapter 8, P. 115-122. – DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-6619-1.ch008 – Available online: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273127875_Teaching_and_Learning_to_Write_Using_a_Task-based_approach_in_an_EFL_Class
  5.  Svyrydiuk, V., Hordieieva, A., Kyrykylytsia, V. Internet Technologies as a Means of Organizing the Teaching of Foreign Language Writing in the Context of Intercultural Communication // Information Technologies and Learning Tools. – 2024. – No. 99(1). – P. 179–192. – DOI: https://doi.org/10.33407/itlt.v99i1.5483.
  6. Thirakunkovit, S., Boonyaprakob, K. Developing Academic Writing Skills through a Task-Based Approach: A Case Study of Students’ Collaborative Writing // rEFLections. – 2022. – Vol. 29, No. 3. – P. 526–548. – URL: https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/reflections/article/view/261319
  7. Willis, J. A Framework for Task-Based Learning. – Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers, 1996. – P. 38–87.
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