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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 1(45)

Рубрика журнала: Экономика

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Библиографическое описание:
Гадоева М.Х. THE OFFERS OF CREATING THE UNIQUE TYPES OF HOTELS FOR UZBEKISTAN'S CONDITION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2019. № 1(45). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/45/127893 (дата обращения: 29.03.2025).


Гадоева Муборакхон Хайриддин кизи

студент факультет сервиса и туризма, Самаркандский институт экономики и сервиса,

Республика Узбекистан Самарканд



Gadoeva Muborakkhon Khayriddin kizi


Student faculty of service and tourism, Samarkand institute of economics and service,

Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan


Abstract. There are many unusual hotels in the world. These hotels are for extreme man, fantasy travelers. Each hotel has its own characteristics for every taste. Scientists and businessmen seriously develop projects of entirely foreseeable future – hotels in airships, deep-hotels and hotels in space in orbit. In Uzbekistan also can build the unique type of hotels to develop the tourism.

Аннотация. В мире много необычных отелей. Эти отели для экстремальных людей, путешественников-фантастов. Каждый отель имеет свои особенности на любой вкус. Ученые и бизнесмены серьезно разрабатывают проекты в обозримом будущем - отели на дирижаблях, глубоководных отелях и отелях в космосе на орбите. В Узбекистане также можно построить уникальный тип отелей для развития туризма.


Keyword: unusual hotels, Uzbekistan, mountain area, customer satisfaction, cozy and comfortable, unique design, international tourism, tradition.

Ключевые слова: необычные отели, Узбекистан, горный район, удовлетворенность клиентов, уютная и комфортная, уникальный дизайн, международный туризм, традиция.


Hotels are the most beneficial and one of the income resources in tourism field. The features, condition, comfort, and, even the design and architectural style in hotels can be the factor of marking a position of hotels. It is important that in which degree the hotel is comfortable and cozy for customer to fix quality of current hotels. The degree of coziness and comfortableness is complex factor which includes the following criteria:

  • The types of rooms in hotels: single, double and etc…
  • The current condition of features in room;
  • Presence of restaurants, bars and etc…
  • The IT features, computers, phone, cable-TV and others like these;
  • The condition of the yard and environment over the hotel;
  • The existence additional free or paid services of hotel;
  • The other features related to hotels.

The criteria that have aforesaid are belong to international standards and can show main quality of every hotels in the present day.  Moreover, to mark the quality of hotels it is also must be accounted staffs and their preparation, degree of service, knowledge and skills, languages which they know, and also uniform, appearance and others like these.

Together with this, it is used more several ways to verify the position of hotels. And most of them are non-official as well as they are not related to international standards. Even they cannot be belonging to “Stars degree” or “Crown degree”. Nowadays, there are such kinds of hotels which are not comfortable or cozy, but they can attract lots of tourists and customers to themselves. These kinds of hotels which are said are called “Unusual hotels”. They have important and only one rule of quality degree to mark their position and it is their unique style and theme. To create unusual hotels it is important to attend the following factors:

  • The unique appearance of the area which is hotel located in;
  • Unusual design;
  • Extreme condition;
  • Strange things over hotel and features;
  • The services in this hotel;
  • The hotel which was built from the historical event, fairy-tale, cinema, cartoon and others;
  • The hotel for only special kind of people;
  • The hotel that can work only in certain period;
  • The hotel which was built for memory of one historical place or person, and certain building that was reconstructed and turned into the luxury hotel;
  • And others like these…

 Everyone has got their own idea of their ultimate hotel: it could be an out of the way little boutique hotel in Europe, or it could be an inn hotel in Europe. These days, it seems nobody wants to stay at a ordinary hotel. The criterion of customers is a simple one: they must feel at home, they must feel good to be there. May it be a simple romantic hotel committed to the best local cuisine, a small charming hotel placed within breathtaking landscape, the boutique hotel in the bustling city centre or a simple bed and breakfast above the ocean. For example, a fancy restaurant might have a Mediterranean theme to attract customers who like that type of food and atmosphere. If the above restaurant cooks authentic Mediterranean cuisine and uses the proper decorating elements, then this will make customers happy and more willing to visit the business.

On the other hand, if we count the factors that we said above, we can build several types of unusual hotels. It is building lots of hotels like these in the tourism-developed countries. There are many preferences of them. Particularly, to build unusual hotel we don’t need so much money as well as for some types it doesn’t need the specific conditions. Furthermore, most of unique hotels are built to solve the problem of land-defect in mega cities. They can make customers interested in them and can attract, although they are not so expensive. Generally, unusual hotels have lots of useful sides. Only one problem with creating them is they have to be unique type in the world. Because of this, it is required during the creation to research more.

Today’s world, Uzbekistan is one of the countries which are developing the tourism in. It is attracting more tourists due to its touristic resources. The part of the tourism in GDP is more than 2 percents. This index is growing year by year. There are a lot of standard hotels in the area. Specialists give their attention to build B&B, Guest House, Dormitory, Hostel, Mini-hotel and others like them. Because, they are so comfortable and cozy, it is not necessary so much cost to construct them. Also, tourists are satisfied with them. But, while it is mentioned to develop tourism more and more, we need to create and construct the abovementioned kind of unique hotels and services, as well as, advertise them in international market.

For the Uzbekistan, it is reasonable to construct the hotels which are economical, comfortable, cozy and not so big, because the number of tourists is not so much. The most of country’s part is like desert. As a result, to attract tourists to wastelands and deserts, it is required to create and build extreme tours and services, unusual hotels in the locations. Specifically, there are several followings:

  • To show the Uzbekistan’s history we can build some places, gardens and inns of ancient period;
  • The designs, architectural styles and pictures from the legendaries like “Alpomish”, “Rustam” and also fairy-tales;
  • Yurt camps, camels and etc…

Moreover, there are lots of picturesque and beautiful mountains over the country. We can also build both of them are traditional and modern, as well as extreme kind of unique hotels in these locations.

The abovementioned type of hotels can give their side to improve the ecological tourism in Uzbekistan. And because of this, it will be opened new destinations of tourism.

In the downtowns, cities and other urban areas like business centers and tourist destinations we also can create and construct unique kind of hotels. It can be illustrated the followings:

  1. The Winterkarden in the Munich, Germany. This hostel was built for students, and there is free internet, warm room, soft bed, breakfast, trees which is green annually. The students can have a rest and talk with each other while it is not so expensive. Hostel has simple design and Students are satisfied with it.
  2. Designing the ordinary rooms with unique pictures and ways, equipments, we can also build unusual hotels. It should be accounted the quality of customers for this: kids, young persons, old persons, according to their jobs, professions, skills and etc. and design should be absolutely exclusive.
  3. There are such a kind of unusual hotels in the world, we can do picnic inside of room, but the outside of hotel…and it is so enjoyable. It doesn’t need special area to build this kind of hotels as well.

Generally, for the people of cities it is need fresh air, flowers, green yards and some kind of unique place. But most of them have not got possibility or leisure time to go countryside. We can create these comforts with unusual hotels. It effects not only for international tourism, but also local tourism.

When all said and done, we can conclude. It is possible to create lots of unusual hotels in Uzbekistan. Only we need is to research and study the more unusual hotels over the world and analyze them. The unique hotels can be the future hotels.



  1. Tuxliev I.S., Hayitboev R., Safarov B., Tursunova G.R., “Tourism essentials” (in uzbek language), class book, Tashkent-2014
  2. Аliеvа M.T. “Hotel’s management” (in uzbek language). Class book. –Tashkent- 2009.
  3. V.Lakyza, J.Brusenets, “Unusual hotels of the world”, the scientific publication
  4. www.UzA.uz
  5. www.welcome-uzbekistan.uz
  6. www.uzbektourism.uz
  7. www.wikipedia.uz
  8. The guardian, “World’s most unusual hotels”

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