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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 24(44)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Osmonkulova N.E. LEXICAL EQUIVALENCE OF CULTURAL TERMS (old words) WHEN CONCEPTS ARE SHARED and UNKNOWN IN TRANSLATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2018. № 24(44). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/44/125908 (дата обращения: 21.10.2024).


Osmonkulova Nuska Emilbekovna

Student of International Ala-Too University

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Abstract. In this article I’m going to talk about the main problem in translation ”How to find the equivalent if the words are unknown. Equivalent is very important in translation process. Translators should find proper equivalent in other languages. But what should translators do, if they don’t know these words, if these words are unknown. And also we will talk about how to translate cultural words. For my article I took Alexander Pushkin’s poem Eugene Onegin. In this poem Alexander Pushkin used the words which are difficult to translate. So, we are going to talk about what translators have to do at such kind of situations. Аs a model for my article I used: Luciana Edita Karlina Parasati Kanyahayu Andelo, English Department, Faculty of Letters and Cultures \Udayana University (2014)




This analysis discussed the categorization of cultural terms found in the poem “Eugenie Onegin”, and also discussed the lexical equivalence of cultural terms when concepts were shared or unknown in translation. A theory by Newmark (1988: 94-99) regarding the cultural categories, namely ecology, material culture, social culture, and social-organization political and administrative, was used to classify each cultural term found from the poem.

  1. Cultural Terms Categories:

According to Newmark (1988: 94-99), cultural terms can be divided into  categories, namely:

(1) Ecological cultural terms, which include the names of flora, fauna, winds, plains, hills, and so on,

1.Куртины – Curtain wall

2. Adriatic waves

3. Салгир – Salhir river


(2) Material cultural terms, which include names of food, clothes, buildings or traditional houses, and transportation,

1.Фрак – Tailcoat

2.Вериги – Verigi

3.Лорнет – Lorgnette


(3) Social cultural terms, which include names of work, art performances, and games,

1.Мазурка – Mazurka

2.Балл – Ball

3.Бильярд – Billiard


(4) Social-organization political and administrative terms, which include terms in local political affairs and administrative

1.Абсентеизм – Absentis

2. Авангард - Avant

3. Автократия – Autokrateia



In my analysis part, I’m going to analyze the part of the poem “Eugene Onegin”.  It was published in serial form between 1825 and 1832. The first complete edition was published in 1833, and the currently accepted version is based on the 1837 publication.

Almost the entire work is made up of 389 fourteen-line stanzas (5,446 lines in all) of iambic tetrameter with the unusual rhyme scheme "AbAbCCddEffEgg", where the uppercase letters represent feminine rhymes while the lowercase letters represent masculine rhymes. This form has come to be known as the "Onegin stanza" or the "Pushkin sonnet." In this poem we also may mention, that Pushkin used a lot of cultural words.


Янтарь на трубках Цареграда,

Фарфор и бронза на столе,

И, чувств изнеженных отрада,

Духи в граненом хрустале;

Гребенки, пилочки стальные,

Прямые ножницы, кривые

И щетки тридцати родов

И для ногтей и для зубов.

Руссо (замечу мимоходом)

Не мог понять, как важный Грим

Смел, чистить ногти перед ним,

Красноречивым сумасбродом.

Защитник вольности и прав

В сем случае совсем неправ.


So here we see since the first line, Pushkin started with using the cultural words. Also, I want to add, that most of these words are archaic. It means he used cultural but at the same time archaic words. For example:

Янтарь на трубках Цареграда:

(Amber on the tubes of Constantinople)

They are talking about long Turkish Smoking pipes with amber mouthpieces. And also one important thing, in Russian the word Цареград it is the old name of city, (now it is the Constantinople), but when we translate the poem, we can’t say “Tsaregrad”, it  means we don’t translate the old name of this city, we translate it as “Constantinople”.

Цареград (Constantinople): Nowadays it is called Constantinople. Constantinople is one of the ancient capitals of the world. Constantinople-the disappeared capital of the disappeared state-the Byzantine Empire (Byzantium). The monuments of Byzantine architecture, which are located in Istanbul, remind of the former greatness of Constantinople.

В граненом хрустале

(In faceted crystal):

The term "perfume" doesn't bother you. Until the end of the 19th century, they were not divided into male and female. Moreover, that Onegin in the tank was perfume. Граненый хрусталь is the special name for the tank. This word is more cultural word.


(Russo)- The famous French educator, writer and publicist. Most people don’t know about him, so it may be difficult for the translators, because they can lose the meaning. And may be some of translators will think that it is the word and they will look for the translation, but it is a person.


(Madcap)- Crazy behavior. The synonyms are: crazy, folly, insanity, madness.


У нас теперь не то в предмете:

Мы лучше поспешим на бал,

Куда стремглав в ямской карете

Уж мой Онегин поскакал.

Перед померкшими домами

Вдоль сонной улицы рядами

Двойные фонари карет

Веселый изливают свет

И радуги на снег наводят;

Усеян плошками кругом,

Блестит великолепный дом;

По цельным окнам тени ходят,

Мелькают профили голов

И дам и модных чудаков



Стремглав в ямской карете

(Headlong in the street a carriage):

 The meaning associated with the carriage horse of mail, passengers and goods and the organization of the yams.




 Flat and round vessel like a saucer, a small plate, in the middle of which a candle is strengthened or in which fat is poured and a wick is inserted for lighting.


По цельным

(consisting entirely of something one):

 Consisting, made of a single substance, of a single piece, not composite.


Вот наш герой подъехал к сеням;

Швейцара мимо он стрелой

Взлетел по мраморным ступеням,

Расправил волоса рукой,

Вошел. Полна народу зала;

Музыка уж греметь устала;

Толпа мазуркой занята;

Кругом и шум и теснота;

Бренчат кавалергарда шпоры;

Летают ножки милых дам;

По их пленительным следам

Летают пламенные взоры,

И ревом скрипок заглушен

Ревнивый шепот модных жен.

К сеням

(To the room):

The room between the residential part of the house and the porch.




Polish folk dance, which became widespread as a ballroom.




И снова, преданный безделью,

Томясь душевной пустотой,

Уселся он — с похвальной целью

Себе присвоить ум чужой;

Отрядом книг уставил полку,

Читал, читал, а всё без толку:

Там скука, там обман иль бред;

В том совести, в том смысла нет;

На всех различные вериги;

И устарела старина,

И старым бредит новизна.

Как женщин, он оставил книги,

И полку, с пыльной их семьей,

Задернул траурной тафтой.





Iron chains worn on the body for religious and ascetic purposes.



Траурной тафтой

(Mourning taffeta):


Tight glossy silk or cotton fabric with fine cross ribs.



In this article we’ve seen that Russian poet used a lot of words, which will be very difficult to the translators, because nowadays people don’t use these words. Even translators know the meaning of these words; it is difficult to explain to the people. At present most of these words have become archaic words. So, that’s why at the process of translating, interpreters should use more common and understandable words. In the poem “Eugenie Onegin”, Pushkin also used foreign words. It’s very dangerous to translate if the text includes also other foreign languages, even if you know the translating of other words, and only one foreign word is unknown, you may lost the meaning of your translation.



  1. (Meaning-Based Translation/ Mildred L. Larson)
  2. https://www.sil.org/resources/publications/entry/6579
  3. http://download.portalgaruda.org/article.php?article=337572&val=937&title=LEXICAL%20EQUIVALENCE%20OF%20CULTURAL%20TERMS%20WHEN%20CONCEPTS%20ARE%20SHARED%20OR%20UNKNOWN%20IN%20TRANSLATION
  4. https://quizlet.com/17337292/larson-15-lexical-equivalents-when-concepts-are-shared-flash-cards/
  5. https://sociology.mephi.ru/docs/polit/html/sl_pol.html
  6. https://polka.academy/articles/502?block=604


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