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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(33)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Kenzhegarina A.M. SPACED REPETITION SYSTEM // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2018. № 13(33). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/33/114932 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).


Kenzhegarina Aigerim Maratovna

Student, SDU

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Abstract. Learning requires repetition. Spaced repetition algorithms are aimed at reducing the number of times a learning item has to be accessed by the learner by scheduling item presentation based on psychological models. These models take into account learner performance on previous interactions with the learning item and the rate at which humans forget what they have learned. In recent years, spaced repetition learning software has become popular for simple learning tasks like flash cards used for learning vocabulary.

Keywords: Spaced repetition system, vocabulary.


The importance of learning vocabulary

Vocabulary knowledge is often viewed as a critical tool for second language learners because a limited vocabulary in a second language impedes successful communication. Underscoring the importance of vocabulary acquisition, N. Schmitt [1] emphasizes that “lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second language”. P. Nation [2] further describes the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and language use as complementary: knowledge of vocabulary enables language use and, conversely, language use leads to an increase in vocabulary knowledge. The importance of vocabulary is demonstrated daily in and out the school. In classroom, the achieving students possess the most sufficient vocabulary.

The obtaining of vocabulary is fundamental for fruitful second dialect utilize and assumes an essential part in the arrangement of finish talked and composed writings. In English as a moment dialect (ESL) and English as an outside dialect (EFL) learning vocabulary things assumes an essential part in all dialect abilities. Research has demonstrated that second dialect perusers depend vigorously on vocabulary information and the absence of that learning is the primary and the biggest obstruction for L2 perusers to defeat. Underway, when we have an importance or idea that we wish to express, we need a store of words from which we can choose to express this significance or idea. ''At the point when understudies travel, they don't convey sentence structure books, they convey lexicons'' Many specialists contend that vocabulary is a standout amongst the most critical if not the most imperative parts in taking in a remote dialect, and outside dialect educational program must mirror this. Wilkins[3] states that: ''There isn't much an incentive in having the capacity to deliver linguistic sentences in the event that one lacks the vocabulary that is expected to pass on what one wishes to state … While without punctuation almost no can be passed on, without vocabulary nothing can be passed on' 'other International Journal of Teaching and Education Vol. III, No. 3/2015 22 researchers, for example, Richards and Krashen as refered to in Maximo[4] state numerous purposes behind committing consideration regarding vocabulary. "Initial, an extensive vocabulary is obviously fundamental for dominance of a dialect. Second dialect acquirers know this; they convey word references with them, not language books, and consistently report that the absence of vocabulary is a noteworthy issue''. Then again, vocabulary has been recognized as L2 students' most noteworthy single wellspring of issues. This comment may conceivably mirror that the open-endedness of a vocabulary framework is seen to be a reason for trouble by students.

Another conceivable reason is that, not at all like grammar and phonology, vocabulary does not have rules the students may take after to procure and build up their insight. As it were, it isn't clear in L2 vocabulary realizing what rules apply or which vocabulary things ought to be adapted first. Oxford[5] likewise asserts that vocabulary is "by a long shot the most sizeable and unmanageable part in the learning of any dialect, regardless of whether an outside or one's first language, as a result of a huge number of various implications" Despite these troubles that dialect students look in L2 vocabulary, regardless they need to manage it in their examinations as ''vocabulary has generally been one of the dialect segments estimated in dialect tests''. Besides, numerous students see second dialect securing (SLA) as basically a matter of learning vocabulary and accordingly they invest a lot of energy in remembering arrangements of L2 words and depend on their bilingual lexicon as an essential open asset. Therefore, dialect instructors and connected language specialists currently by and large perceive the significance of vocabulary learning and are investigating methods for advancing it all the more viably. A portion of this examination appears as examination of procedures students utilize particularly for vocabulary (VLS), which is our focal point of consideration.

Spaced Repetition System

Spaced repetition is a method of reviewing material at systematic intervals. At the beginning of the learning process, the intervals are spaced closely together (for example, one hour; four hours; one day). As the material is reviewed, the intervals become systematically longer (four days; one week; two weeks). An ideal system of spaced repetition allows you to review the material before it is forgotten, helping you to retain it in your long term memory.

Spaced repetition is in many ways the opposite of "cramming". Rather than learning information in a short time period, which can lead to quick forgetting, spaced repetition focuses on long-term retention of new information. For example, if you learned material from a textbook chapter in the first week of the semester, you would want to review it on a regular schedule – perhaps the second, fourth, eighth, and last weeks of the semester in order to retain the information in your long-term memory.

How is spaced repetition effective?

Over and over experiencing material at a separated interim is more compelling than looking into the material numerous circumstances in a similar report session. Separated reiteration diminishes the overlooking that happens when material isn't experienced for a huge day and age. Divided reiteration includes currently reviewing learned material, which bolsters learning. Additionally, if a thing is overlooked, you are incited to utilize a more viable learning system to hold the data for later surveys. The dispersing impact is the perception that individuals have a tendency to recall things all the more successfully in the event that they utilize separated reiteration rehearse (short examination periods spread out after some time) rather than massed hone (i.e., "packing"). The wonder was first archived by H.Ebbinghaus , utilizing himself as a subject in a few examinations to remember verbal expressions. In one investigation, following a day of packing he could precisely recount 12-syllable groupings (of nonsense, obviously). In any case, he could accomplish similar outcomes with half the same number of practices spread out more than three days. The slack impact is the related perception ¬that individuals learn shockingly better if the dividing between rehearses step by step increments. For instance, a learning timetable may start with audit sessions a couple of moments separated, at that point minutes, at that point hours, days, months, et cetera, with each progressive survey extending over a more drawn out and longer time interim. The impacts of separating and slack are settled in second dialect obtaining examination and advantages have additionally been appeared for acrobatic, baseball pitching, computer games, and numerous different aptitudes.

Most down to earth calculations for divided reiteration are basic capacities with a couple of hand- picked parameters. This is sensible, since they were generally created amid the 1960s– 80s, when individuals would have needed to oversee rehearse plans without the guide of PCs. Be that as it may, the ongoing notoriety of huge scale web based learning programming makes it conceivable to gather immense measures of parallel understudy information, which can be utilized to observationally prepare wealthier factual models [6].

Spaced Repetition Models

In this segment, we depict a few divided reiteration calculations that may be fused into our understudy display. We start with two normal, set up techniques in dialect learning innovation, and after that present our half-life relapse display which is a speculation of them.

The Pimsleur Method

Dr. Paul Pimsleur was maybe the first to make standard functional utilization of the separating and slack impacts, with his sound based dialect learning program. He alluded to his strategy as graduated-interim review, whereby new vocabulary is presented and after that tried at exponentially expanding interims, blended with the presentation or audit of other vocabulary. In any case, this approach is constrained from that point forward calendar is pre-recorded and can't adjust to the student's real capacity. Consider an English-communicating in French understudy who effortlessly takes in a related like pantalon (pants), however battles to recall manteau (coat). With the Pimsleur technique, he is compelled to rehearse the two words at the same settled, expanding schedule [7].

The Leitner System

Sebastian Leitner proposed an alternate dispersed redundancy calculation planned for use with cheat sheets. It is more versatile than Pimsleur's, since the dispersing ıntervals can increment or reduction relying upon understudy execution. Figure 3 outlines a mainstream variation of this technique.

The primary thought is to have a couple of boxes that relate to various practice interims: 1-day, 2-day,

4-day, et cetera. All cards begin in the 1-day box, and if the understudy can recall a thing following one day, it gets "advanced" to the 2-day box. After two days, on the off chance that he recollects that it once more, it gets advanced

to the 4-day box, and so forth. Then again, in the event that she is wrong, the card gets "downgraded" to a shorter interim box. Utilizing this approach, the speculative French understudy from would rapidly elevate pantalon to a less continuous practice plan, however keep investigating manteau frequently until the point that he can routinely recall it.

A few electronic cheat sheet programs utilize the Leitner framework to plan rehearse, by arranging things into "virtual" boxes [7].


This piece of work aims to highlight the importance of vocabulary learning as an essential part in foreign language learning. Although it has been neglected for many decades, during the 80s it became a

'hot' topic for researchers. Lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second/foreign language and a lack of vocabulary knowledge is an obstacle to learning. Spaced review or practice enhances diverse forms of learning, including memory, problem solving, and generalization to new situations. Spaced practice is a feasible and cost-effective way to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of learning, and has tremendous potential to improve educational outcomes.



  1. Schimitt, Norbert & McCarthy Michael Vocabulary: description, acquisition and pedagogy. Cambridge. United Kingdom 1997
  2. Nation P. Learning vocabulary in another language. Cambridge University, United Kingdom, 2001- p.45
  3. Wilkins, D. Linguistics in language teaching. London: Arnold, 1972.
  4. Maximo, R.Effects if rote, context, keyword, and context/ keyword method on retention of vocabulary in EFL classroom, Language Learning, 2000, 385-412.
  5. Oxford, R. L. Language Learning Strategies. What Every Teacher should know. Boston, 1990.
  6. Kang. Sean H. K. Spaced Repetition Promotes Efficient and Effective Learning Policy Implications for Instruction.Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2016.
  7. Settles B. A Trainable Spaced Repetition Model for Language Learning, Pittsburgh,

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