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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 7(303)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Zubkova O. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF LOGICAL THINKING OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN IN MATHEMATICS LESSONS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2025. № 7(303). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/303/362786 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Zubkova Olga

student, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelSU"),

Russia, Belgorod

Bogachev Roman

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod



Зубкова Ольга Сергеевна

студент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» (НИУ «БелГУ»)

РФ, г. Белгород

Богачев Роман Евгеньевич

научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, доц., Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» (НИУ «БелГУ»),

РФ, г. Белгород



This article discusses approaches to teaching mathematics, focusing on the importance of forming general learning skills and developing students' analytical thinking. The author emphasizes that the learning process should be organized in such a way that students not only acquire knowledge, but also learn to reason, analyze situations, establish connections and identify essential features of mathematical objects.

The key idea of the article is to focus on developing learning, which involves students in creative activities, contributing to the activation of their thought processes. The significant potential possibilities of integrating partial search and research methods into a traditional mathematics course are touched upon.

Thus, the purpose of learning is not only the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also the development of students, there are no obstacles to the realization of this goal.


В данной статье рассматриваются подходы к обучению математике, акцентирующие внимание на важности формирования общих учебных умений и развитии у учащихся аналитического мышления. Автор подчеркивает, что процесс обучения должен быть организован таким образом, чтобы ученики не только усваивали знания, но и учились рассуждать, анализировать ситуации, устанавливать связи и выявлять существенные признаки математических объектов.

Ключевой идеей статьи является ориентация на развивающее обучение, которое включает учащихся в творческую деятельность, способствуя активизации их мыслительных процессов. Затрагиваются значительные потенциальные возможности интеграции частично-поискового и исследовательского методов в традиционный курс математики.


Keywords: learning process, mathematics, skills, activity, learning tasks, analogy, training exercises, teacher, knowledge formation.

Ключевые слова: процесс обучения, математика, умения, деятельность, учебные задания, аналогия, тренировочные упражнения, педагог, формирование знаний.


The process of teaching mathematics must be structured in such a way that students master general learning skills, learn to reason, and operate with concepts. So that students can: analyze the current situation and draw conclusions; see different functions of the same object; establish connections between this object and others; identify essential features in them and filter out the latter from the unimportant; compare mathematical objects, classify them, generalize observed phenomena, transfer known methods of activity to other conditions. [1]

It is in such an activity that these skills are necessary and they are formed in it. "Therefore, the main thing in the methodology of developmental learning is its orientation towards the inclusion of students in the situation of creative activity. This entails a significant strengthening of the role of partially exploratory (heuristic) and exploratory teaching methods." There are significant potential opportunities for using such a technique in a traditional mathematics course. We will note some of them, while at the same time focusing on the methodological techniques for their implementation, which are part of the noted teaching methods. They are also used in our practice. [2]

1) The teacher sets non-standard educational tasks of an entertaining nature. These tasks determine the type of student activity.: They can be included in creative or reproductive activities, depending on how the teacher sets the learning task (the latter can be in the form of a question or in the form of an imperative sentence).

2) Search for the common in the private. The use of samples is also important for developing learning.

3) Generalization and use of a generalized model of the generated action. In this case, the teaching methodology is built from the general to the particular by first clarifying the principle of performing the studied action, modeling it in one form or another, and then students using this model perform specific actions.

4) The use of analogy. An analogy is a way of reasoning based on the identification of similar features in two mathematical objects, leading to the presumed judgment that the proposed action with the second object should be performed in the same way as it was performed with the other object. [4]

5) Converting training exercises into creative ones. This is achieved by asking additional questions during the exercise.

6) Identification of a new function of this object.

It consists in seeing (revealing) in a given object (drawings, numerical expressions, and others) something that is not directly given in it.

It doesn't matter which system a particular teacher works in. If the purpose of learning is not only the formation of knowledge, skills, and abilities, but also the development of students, then there are no obstacles to achieving this goal, even in the context of a traditional learning system. [1]



  1. Galperin P.Ya. Psychology of thinking and the doctrine of the step-by-step formation of mental actions // Research of thinking in modern psychology. Moscow: Prosveshchenie, 1966. -  236 с.
  2. Galperin P.Ya. Formation of mental actions and concepts. Moscow: MSU, 1985. –145 с.
  3. Blonsky P.P. Memory and thinking. Ed2. Moscow: Akademiya Publ., 2007. – 208 с.
  4. Davydov V.V. Mental development in primary school age. Moscow: Pedagogika, 2001. – 167 с.
  5. Kuzmina N.V. Professionalism of the teacher and the master of industrial training. Moscow: Higher school. 2009 – 67с.

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