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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 7(303)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Yerygina N. FORMATION OF PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCE OF TEACHERS IN THE FIELD OF HEALTH CARE FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2025. № 7(303). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/303/362761 (дата обращения: 04.03.2025).


Yerygina Natalia

student, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelSU"),

Russia, Belgorod

Bogachev Roman

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelSU"),

Russia, Belgorod



Ерыгина Наталья Романовна

студент, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» (НИУ «БелГУ»)

РФ, г. Белгород

Богачев Роман Евгеньевич

научный руководитель, канд. филол. наук, доц., Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет» (НИУ «БелГУ»)

РФ, г. Белгород



The article is devoted to the urgent problem of preserving children's health in modern society, emphasizing its status as the greatest social value. The article analyzes the need to review approaches to protecting the health of the younger generation in the context of an increasing number of deviations in their state of health.

Based on extensive research, the article emphasizes that the healthy development of children is directly related to the competencies of teachers involved in a healthy lifestyle. The central place is occupied by the concept of "health-saving competence" among educational specialists, which includes five key aspects.

The formation of a teacher's professional competence is a continuous process that depends on external factors and the environment in which he works. Providing incentives for professional self-development is essential for successful competence development.

The article is of practical importance for teachers and educational institutions seeking to improve the quality of education through the development of professional skills of their employees.


Статья посвящена актуальной проблеме сохранения здоровья детей в современном обществе, подчеркивая его статус как величайшей социальной ценности. Анализируется необходимость пересмотра подходов к охране здоровья подрастающего поколения в условиях роста числа отклонений в их состоянии здоровья.

Основываясь на обширном исследовании, статья подчеркивает, что здоровое развитие детей напрямую связано с компетенциями педагогов, занимающихся здоровым образом жизни. Центральное место занимает понятие «компетентность здоровьесбережения» среди специалистов образования, включающее пять ключевых аспектов.

Формирование профессиональной компетентности педагога представляет собой непрерывный процесс, зависящий от внешних факторов и среды, в которой он работает. Обеспечение стимулов для профессионального саморазвития крайне важно для успешного повышения уровня компетентности.

Статья имеет практическое значение для педагогов и образовательных учреждений, стремящихся улучшить качество образования через развитие профессиональных навыков своих сотрудников.


Keywords:  health preservation, health, health-saving support, children, social value, professional competence, professional self-development.

Ключевые слова: сохранение здоровья, здоровье, здоровьесберегающее сопровождение, дети, социальная ценность, профессиональная компетентность, профессиональное саморазвитие.


Health is the greatest social value. Good health is the main condition for a person to perform his biological and social functions, the foundation of self-realization of his personality. Currently, the task of preserving children's health is important in the life of society. The relevance of the issue is determined by the current situation of increasing the level of deviations in the health status of students and requires a review of the health protection of the younger generation. An analysis of the research suggests that many teachers are really trying to achieve this goal in the educational process by introducing innovative learning tools and technologies. However, this process is often haphazard and formal. A teacher with a high or at least sufficient level of professional competence in this field can provide health-saving support for children. [1]

The competence of health saving means: a) purposeful readiness to form a healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, increasing knowledge about health; b) understanding the factors and conditions affecting health, having knowledge about the peculiarities of one's own body, the patterns of organization of the daily routine and hygienic organization of work; c) practical observance of routine moments of work and rest, hygiene standards; the ability to provide first aid, patient care; d) attitude to personal health as the greatest value, awareness of the impact of social relations on physical and mental health, a positive attitude to life; e) the ability to diagnose one's own health. [4]

The elements of the health-saving component of a teacher's professional competence should be considered: theoretical knowledge of health preservation (personal and theoretical aspect), positive and productive work experience in maintaining health, forming the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and health culture (practical and personal aspect), internal potential for health-saving activities (personal aspect), experience in using technology methods and techniques of a health-saving nature (practical aspect). [2]

The professional competence of a teacher is a multifactorial phenomenon, which includes systems of theoretical knowledge and methods of their application, value orientations, as well as integrative indicators. The professional competence of a teacher is determined by the characteristics of his personality, and its key components are learning and subjective experience. The teacher must have a certain set of competencies declared at the federal level.

Thus, the process of forming and improving the professional competence of a teacher should be systematic, continuous, purposeful and meaningful. This is a process that involves the accumulation of professional experience, maintaining the acquired qualifications, as well as bringing them to a new level in connection with a changing environment. The process of professional competence formation strongly depends on the environment, therefore, it is the environment that should stimulate professional self-development. [1]



  1. Blinov V.I. Professional standard: from development to application // Higher education in Russia. 2015. №4., - 5-14 с.
  2. Bezrukikh M.M., Sonkin V.D., Bezobrazova V.N. "Health-saving school" Moscow, Pedagogical University "The First of September". 2006 – 234 с.
  3. Zimnaya I.A. Key competencies – a new paradigm of educational outcome // Experiment and innovation at school. 2019. №2., - 14 с.
  4. Karaseva T.V. Modern aspects of the implementation of health-saving technologies // Elementary School, 2005. – 234 с.
  5. Kasatkin V.N., Shcheplyagina L.A. "Health. Educational and methodical manual for teachers of grades 1-11, Moscow, 2001.

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