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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 5(301)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Vorobyeva O. PREVENTIVE FIRE SAFETY MEASURES FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2025. № 5(301). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/301/360982 (дата обращения: 24.02.2025).


Vorobyeva Olga

student, Department of Preschool and Special (Defectological) Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

In the modern world, no one is immune from social upheavals or natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and fires. We adults are particularly worried about children. The desire to discover something new and spontaneity often puts children in real danger. Preschool children do not have a protective psychological reaction to a fire situation. Many children do not know the rules of fire safety and rules of conduct during a fire.

The problem of the safety of pupils' vital activity is recognized as one of the priorities. It is impossible to avoid accidents by prohibiting "it is impossible" alone, we must strive not to prohibit, but to give the child comprehensive knowledge.

Every child should know how to behave in case of fire.

1. Keep flammable devices out of the reach of children.

2. Show by your example that you turn off electrical appliances, especially small appliances (iron, hairdryer, coffee maker, kettle, etc.)

3. Tell us that in the village or in the country without adults it is impossible to approach and turn on the heaters (fireplaces, batteries).

4. Do not forget to remind that "matches are not toys for children"!

The child should know what to do if he sees a flame:

1. Do not touch the fire, but call for help from adults!

2. If the adults are not at home, leave the apartment and seek help from the neighbors!

3. Do not seek shelter in a burning apartment!

4. Do not take the elevator down, but run down the stairs!

5. If the apartment is locked, do not panic, but call 01 or 112 and call for help from neighbors!

It must be remembered that only smoke can be more dangerous than fire. In order not to suffocate in a fire, you should breathe through wet gauze and crawl to the exit without getting to your feet. Smoke tends to rise up.

Parents need to try not to scare the child, but to make him want to be attentive and careful.

Fire is a very big danger! 

The following methods can be used to teach preschool children fire safety:

  • Practical exercises. The goal is to teach the skills of extinguishing an incipient fire and saving oneself from fire and smoke, to introduce the rules of fire safety at home and in kindergarten.
  • Guided tours to the fire station and kindergarten. The goal is to introduce children to the fire safety corner, the warning system, fire extinguishing equipment, and evacuation routes.
  • Games. Competitive, mobile, didactic, story-role-playing and theatrical games. They help to teach children to find among the dangerous objects those that are the cause of the fire.
  • Conversations. For example, "Fire is a friend and enemy of man", "Fire alarm", "People of heroic profession", "What can spoil a New Year's holiday?".
  • Introduction to fiction. For example, K. I. Chukovsky's "Confusion", the fairy tales "How a man made friends with fire", "How fire married water", S. Ya. Marshak "The Fire", "The Story of an unknown hero", "The Cat's House".

It is also possible to organize cognitive and research activities, for example, to conduct experiments with fire, so that children analyze and draw conclusions.

Table 1

Working with parents


A conversation on the topic:

"Fire-hazardous items at home."


Folder - moving on the topic: "Home security."


A conversation with parents on the topic: "Rules of conduct in case of fire."


A conversation with parents on the topic: "Children's pranks."


A conversation with parents on the topic: "Careful of the fire."


To draw the parents' attention to the poster "PPB at home".


Visual design of the parent's corner.

The marmoset folder "Fire is a friend - fire is an enemy".


A travel folder on the topic: "A match is not a toy."


Consultations for parents: "Rules of conduct in a fire-hazardous situation."



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