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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(293)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kydyrbayeva P.N. THE ROLE OF THE EUROPEAN LANGUAGE PORTFOLIO IN ENHANCING STUDENT MOTIVATION AND INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE: INSIGHTS FOR PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 39(293). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/293/351012 (дата обращения: 03.03.2025).


Kydyrbayeva Peruza Nurlybaykyzy

4th year student, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Almashova Kamila Askarkyzy

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, master of pedagogical sciences, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


This study investigates the role of the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in enhancing student motivation, engagement, and intercultural communicative competence (ICC) at the basic secondary school level. The research is based on a survey of 25 pre-service teachers, exploring their familiarity with the ELP and their perceptions of its effectiveness as a tool in language education. The study emphasizes the potential of the ELP to foster a deeper engagement in language learning and promote ICC. Findings aim to provide valuable insights into how the ELP can be integrated more effectively into teacher education programs to better prepare educators for nurturing linguistic and cultural competence in diverse classroom settings.


Keywords: European Language Portfolio (ELP), intercultural communicative competence (ICC), student motivation, student engagement, language education, pre-service teachers, teacher training, cultural awareness, secondary school education.



The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a tool designed to support language learners in documenting and reflecting on their linguistic and cultural experiences. The ELP includes three primary components: the Language Passport, which tracks language proficiency; the Language Biography, which details the learner’s educational journey; and the Dossier, where students store evidence of their work and accomplishments [4]. Research has shown that the ELP can significantly enhance learner motivation by encouraging active participation in the learning process and promoting a sense of ownership over one’s educational path [10]. Additionally, Byram (2021) underscores the importance of integrating intercultural communicative competence (ICC) into language education, noting that this not only fosters effective communication but also develops critical thinking skills crucial for both personal and professional growth [3]. Despite the increasing emphasis on ICC in language education, there is limited research focusing on how the ELP influences student motivation and engagement, especially in the foundational stages of secondary education. This gap is particularly significant given that the basic secondary school years play a crucial role in shaping students’ attitudes toward language learning and cultural awareness. This article seeks to explore the role of the ELP in enhancing motivation, engagement, and ICC by examining the perceptions of pre-service teachers.

1. To what extent are pre-service teachers familiar with the European Language Portfolio (ELP)?

2. How do pre-service teachers perceive the ELP’s impact on fostering intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and student engagement?

These questions will be explored by analyzing survey responses from pre-service teachers, providing insights into their understanding of the ELP and their views on its potential to enhance both ICC and student engagement in secondary school language learning.


The European Language Portfolio (ELP) is a multifaceted tool designed to document language learners’ experiences across both formal educational settings and daily life. It comprises three key components: the Language Passport, which tracks language proficiency and background; the Language Biography, which helps set learning goals and track progress; and the Dossier, where learners collect work samples to demonstrate their language abilities [8]. Rooted in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), the ELP promotes not only multilingualism but also cultural awareness and learner autonomy. According to Little (2006), a primary objective of the ELP is to foster learner independence through self-assessment, enabling learners to reflect on their language skills, set personal goals, and monitor progress, which ultimately enhances intrinsic motivation and engagement [9].

For educators, understanding how the ELP influences student motivation is crucial. Teachers can leverage the portfolio’s built-in self-assessment and reflection practices to create a student-centered learning environment. By enabling students to track their progress, the ELP helps them recognize their achievements, boosting their confidence and fostering a positive attitude toward learning. This approach encourages deeper reflection on their learning processes, motivating students to take ownership of their educational journey [1]. Dörnyei and Csízer (1998) emphasize the importance of fostering a positive learning atmosphere, building strong relationships, and offering engaging tasks to increase motivation. They suggest that strategies such as promoting autonomy, personalizing lessons, and integrating cultural elements into language learning are essential for sustaining student motivation and engagement [7]. Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC) is a central goal in language education, linking linguistic proficiency with cultural understanding. Byram (2021) argues that ICC involves more than just language mastery; it encompasses the ability to engage effectively in cross-cultural communication [2]. Kunanbayeva (2013) defines ICC as the capacity to mediate communication between cultures, combining linguistic, cultural, and communicative skills to facilitate meaningful interactions [7]. The ELP directly supports ICC by promoting plurilingualism and pluriculturalism, allowing learners to integrate new language skills with their existing cultural knowledge, as emphasized by the Council of Europe (2001) [5]. This approach helps learners not only acquire language skills but also develop a more nuanced understanding of their own and other cultures, fostering greater intercultural awareness and empathy.

The ELP’s role in fostering ICC is particularly relevant for pre-service teachers, who must recognize that teaching language is about more than just grammar and vocabulary—it’s about preparing students to communicate effectively in a multicultural world. By helping students develop both linguistic and cultural competence, teachers can equip them with the tools to navigate diverse social contexts with sensitivity and understanding. Ultimately, the ELP is a valuable tool for enhancing student motivation, engagement, and ICC at the secondary school level. By fostering autonomy, self-reflection, and experiential learning, it prepares students for effective communication in a globally interconnected world.



The study involved 25 fourth-year undergraduate students from the “Training of Foreign Language Teachers” program at Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages. These participants were selected because they represent future educators who may implement the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in their teaching practices. Their perspectives are crucial for understanding how the ELP could foster Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC), as well as student motivation and engagement at the secondary school level. Participation was voluntary, and responses were collected anonymously.

Data collection

Data were collected over two weeks using a structured online survey administered through Google Forms, chosen for its accessibility and ease of organizing responses. The survey, consisting of 15 questions, aimed to explore participants’ perceptions of the European Language Portfolio (ELP), its impact on Intercultural Communicative Competence (ICC), student motivation, and engagement, as well as potential challenges in its implementation in secondary school classrooms. The survey included a combination of multiple-choice, Likert scale, and open-ended questions to gather responses that would provide valuable insights into future educators’ views on using the ELP in their teaching practices. All responses were collected anonymously.

Data Analysis

The responses were analyzed using quantitative methods, with multiple-choice and Likert scale questions being examined through descriptive statistics, such as percentages and averages. This analysis aimed to identify trends and patterns in the participants' perceptions of the ELP's effectiveness in enhancing ICC, motivating students, and promoting engagement.


Research Question 1

The aim of the survey was to assess pre-service teachers' familiarity with the European Language Portfolio (ELP). According to the results presented in (Pic. 1), the majority of participants (84%) reported being familiar with the ELP, with 36% indicating that they were "very familiar" with it. In contrast, 16% of respondents stated that they were "not familiar" with the ELP. This suggests that a significant portion of future language teachers have at least some level of awareness about the ELP. This finding is important as it highlights the recognition of the ELP among pre-service teachers, potentially indicating its relevance as a tool in foreign language teaching at the secondary school level.


Picture 1. Familiarity with the European Language Portfolio


Research Question 2

The second question aimed to explore how the European Language Portfolio (ELP) facilitates the development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and student engagement. The results from (Pic. 2), which presents a bar chart of the most effective ELP activities for promoting ICC, show that Cultural Comparison Tasks were perceived as the most effective, with 44% of participants selecting them. This was followed by Group Projects (32%) and Reflective Journals and Self-Assessment (28% each).


Picture 2. The most effective ELP activities in promoting ICC


Based on the responses shown in (Pic. 3), it is clear that most pre-service teachers believe that the development of ICC is a crucial component of language learning. Specifically, 96% of participants rated the importance of ICC development as “important” (40%) or “very important” (56%). This overwhelming majority reflects a strong consensus among future language teachers on the value of incorporating cultural understanding into language education. Additionally, the survey also explored the ELP’s role in student engagement, as shown in (Pic. 4). The findings suggest that the ELP has a positive influence on student involvement in language learning. 68% of participants rated the ELP’s impact on student engagement as “high” or “very high,” indicating that the portfolio is perceived as an effective way to motivate students and encourage active participation. This is significant because engagement is a key factor in fostering meaningful language learning experiences. However, it is important to note that 12% of participants rated its impact on engagement as “low,” and 20% were neutral.


Picture 3. Importance of ICC in Language Learning


Picture 4. ELP’s role in student engagement



This study aimed to examine pre-service teachers' familiarity with the European Language Portfolio (ELP) and assess its perceived effectiveness in promoting intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and student engagement. The findings suggest that pre-service teachers broadly recognize the ELP as a valuable tool for fostering both ICC and engagement. However, the perceived impact on student engagement revealed some variability. While many participants viewed the ELP as effective in enhancing engagement, others felt its influence was more limited. Regarding familiarity with the ELP, the majority of respondents (84%) indicated prior knowledge of the tool (Pic. 1), which points to its recognized relevance in language teaching. However, the 16% of participants who were unfamiliar with the ELP underscore the need for greater integration of such tools in teacher preparation programs. In terms of ICC promotion, Cultural Comparison Tasks were identified as the most effective ELP activity, with 44% of participants selecting this option (Pic. 2). These activities, which facilitate the exploration of cultural similarities and differences, are crucial for deepening intercultural understanding. Group Projects (32%) and Reflective Journals/Self-Assessment (28% each) were also seen as valuable activities that promote collaboration, self-reflection, and accountability—critical components of ICC development. These findings align with the concept of plurilingualism, emphasizing the interconnectedness of linguistic and cultural competence. Such activities enable learners to integrate their linguistic and cultural knowledge, thereby enhancing their ability to navigate diverse intercultural contexts. While preferences varied across participants, the results suggest that the ELP offers a range of activities suited to different learning styles, though careful adaptation to specific classroom dynamics is essential. The overwhelming majority of respondents (96%) agreed that developing ICC is a crucial goal in language education (Pic. 3), highlighting the widespread recognition of its importance. Regarding student engagement, 68% of participants believed that the ELP had a significant impact on motivation and involvement (Pic. 4). Nevertheless, 12% rated its impact as low, and 20% were neutral, suggesting that the ELP's effectiveness is not uniform across all teaching contexts. This variability points to the influence of factors such as the specific implementation strategies, the diversity of student preferences, and the context in which the ELP is used. The practical implications of these findings indicate that while pre-service teachers see the ELP as a promising tool for enhancing ICC and engaging students, its universal applicability remains uncertain. The differences in engagement levels reflect the complex nature of educational tools like the ELP, which may yield varying results depending on contextual factors such as teaching methods and the unique needs of learners. Previous research supports the notion that the success of such tools often hinges on their integration within specific educational settings and the needs of individual learners [10].

A notable limitation of this study is its reliance on a small sample size (25 pre-service teachers from a single university), which may not accurately reflect the broader population of future language educators. Furthermore, given that the data was self-reported, potential biases in participants' assessments of the ELP's effectiveness cannot be ruled out. Future research could address these limitations by incorporating larger, more diverse samples and longitudinal designs to investigate the long-term effects of the ELP on student motivation, engagement, and ICC development in real classroom settings.


In conclusion, this study underscores the European Language Portfolio (ELP) as an effective tool for promoting intercultural communicative competence (ICC) and enhancing student engagement. Pre-service teachers recognize its value in fostering cultural awareness and motivation, though perceptions of its effectiveness vary, particularly regarding student engagement. This variability suggests that the ELP's impact may depend on teaching context and student preferences. While most participants view ICC development as crucial, the diversity in preferred activities highlights the need for adaptable approaches. The study supports the ELP's growing relevance in language education, but also emphasizes the need for further training in teacher preparation programs. The small sample size limits the findings, suggesting that future research with a larger, more diverse group could offer deeper insights into the ELP's long-term effects in classroom settings.



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  3. Byram, M. Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence (2nd ed.). Revisited edition. 2021.
  4. Council of Europe. Principles and guidelines: European Language Portfolio (DGIV/EDU/LANG(2000)3). Language Policy Division, 2000. URL: https://search.app/Qd61721GiUTUPHMe7
  5. Council of Europe. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, teaching, assessment. Strasbourg: Language Policy Unit, 2001. URL: http://www.coe.int/lang-CEFR
  6. Dörnyei, Z., & Csizér, K.  Ten commandments for motivating language learners: Results of an empirical study. Language Teaching Research – 1998. Vol. 2. №3. – P. 203–229.
  7. Kunanbayeva, S. S.  The modernization of foreign language education: The linguocultural-communicative approach (2nd ed.). Hertfordshire Press. 2013.
  8. Little, D. The European Language Portfolio: Structure, origins, implementation and challenges. Language Teaching, 2002. 35(3), 182–189.
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  10. Stoicheva, M., Hughes, G., & Speitz, H. The European Language Portfolio: An Impact Study. 8th International Seminar on the European Language Portfolio, Graz, 29 September–1 October 2009.

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