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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(272)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Аубакирова А.О. СПЕЦИФИКА ХУДОЖЕСТВЕННОГО ПЕРЕВОДА СТИХОВ УИЛЬЯМ БАТЛЕР ЙЕЙТС НА КАЗАХСКИЙ ЯЗЫК // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 18(272). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/272/330268 (дата обращения: 02.10.2024).


Аубакирова Анель Ориковна

студент, кафедра теории и практики перевода, Карагандинский исследовательский университет имени Е.А.Букетова,

Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда

Кайыргелды Майгул Кайыргелдикызы

научный руководитель,

старший преподователь кафедры теории и практики перевода, Карагандинский исследовательский университет имени Е.А.Букетова,

Республика Казахстан, г. Караганда



Anel Aubakirova

student, Department of Theory and Practice of Translation Buketov Karaganda Research University,

 Kazakhstan, Karaganda

Maigul Kayyrgeldi

scientific adviser, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Buketov Karaganda Research University,

 Kazakhstan, Karaganda



В данной статье рассматриваются основные проблемы перевода художественных произведений с английского на казахский язык, а также пути решения этих проблем переводчиками.


This article discusses the main problems of translating works of fiction from English into Kazakh, as well as ways for translators to solve these problems.


Ключевые слова: проблемы перевода; литературный перевод; лингвистические методы; импрессионизм; экспрессионизм; особенности художественного произведения; стих.

Keywords: translation problems; literary translation; linguistic methods; impressionism; expressionism; features of the artistic work; poem.


The art of translation has a special importance in the dialogue between world languages and cultures. The Republic of Kazakhstan, especially since the period of its independence, has been implementing its goal of introducing representatives of other nationalities living in the world to its national heritage.

There is every reason to say that the field of domestic literary translation is undergoing rapid development. In this regard, several educational materials and literary works have been translated from foreign languages into Kazakh, and this good initiative is being systematically continued. In addition, the issue of translation from the Kazakh language into world languages is being actively implemented in the country. The task of translating the best works of the classics of Kazakh literature into world languages, introducing the world public to the history, traditions, and spiritual treasures of our independent country became the basis for determining the direction of the important and complex work that will last for several decades. [1]

Humanity interacts and forms through translation. It is known that the world in which we live is built on a certain system, that every action of human life is a small system in itself, without which the whole system of the world cannot be created. Even among the languages of the world's peoples, there should be a system of communication, that is, a translator. The simplest solution to such a connecting system between languages is translation. From this point of view, translation can be said to be one of the factors that unites humanity.

Literary translation is one of the most complex and complex areas in translation studies. It is not for nothing that many researchers recommend considering literary translation as an independent subject of the "General Translation" course from the perspective of translation theory. [2]

That is to say, the linguistic and cultural aspects of creative features in artistic translation are often more expressive than in other types of translation.

In the translation of literary works written in English into the Kazakh language, the translator must deliver the work as a whole to the reader, and the compatibility of language and spiritual harmony between the author and the translator.

Features of the literary translation of William Butler Yeats's poems into the Kazakh language, it is a very interesting and complex process. According to the analysis, the following transformations of lexical transformations were found. Within this classification of lexical transformations, the following examples can be cited from the translation of the poem «The Lake Isle of Innisfree»:

Addition: In the example below, when translating the phrase "purple glow", the word "жалқын қақтың" was added before "Purple glow" and the translator's addition method was used.

Original: ...There midnight's all a glimmer, and noon a purple glow...

Translation: Ол жақта түн жарқылдақ, тал түс ыстық жалқын қақ...

Omission: the phrase "winter-time" refers to a specific winter season, and when you add the word "Through" in front of it, you literally translate "the whole winter season". But the translator gave this phrase only one word, "in winter," because the rhyme should be used in accordance with the literary translation.

Original: Through winter-time we call on spring…

Translation: Аңсадық қыста көктемді... [3]

To define and analyze the conceptual system and cognitive paradigm of the theory of translation of literary work as a series of principles that reveal the translational nature of linguistics and create an important scientific channel of the world fund. For this purpose, it was intended to solve the following tasks:

  • researching the specifics of the development of the theory of translation studies in English linguistics, describing its main stages and directions;
  • assessment of the linguistic identity of foreign scientists as researchers who have comprehensively mastered the basic units of the English language and culture, world values;
  • analysis of the conceptual and cognitive conceptual fund of translating a literary work from English based on traditional and new directions;
  • systematization of conceptual units that motivate the direction of development of the theory of translation studies on the cognitive basis, explaining their continuity with the folk worldview, ideological and semantic nature;
  • to determine the methodological basis and cognitive paradigm of translating a work of art, thereby demonstrating the translational nature of linguistic knowledge;

Starting from the spiritual fund and heritage treasure of the English language, solving the actual problems by identifying and analyzing the scientific bases of the theory of translation of the literary work, continued in harmony with today's cognitive positions, the direction of the original development of the theory of literary translation is the legal dynamic growth of the Kazakh nation, the rise of civilization the result is recognized as a linguistic expression of the nature of the person trying to understand the surrounding world, and the terms contributing to the comprehensive mastery of the translation of the artistic work are brought into one system and explained on a scientific basis.

In order to determine the nature of the development of the theory of translation of literary works from English, to study its connections with the principles of cognitive linguistics, the research works born in the field of translation since the 20s of the 20th century, researches and lexicographic works written in the field of special cognitology were used as a basis. [4]

We call the translation of a literary work a literary translation. The main purpose of an artistic work is to achieve a certain aesthetic effect and create a literary image. There are several types of literary translation. They are divided into translation of poetry, translation of plays, translation of satire, translation of artistic prose and translation of lyrics. A work of art is considered a form of artistic translation. When translating a work of art or literature, the translator faces a number of difficulties. Since the text of an artistic work is a means of providing expressive or emotional, aesthetic information, it has the characteristic of having an image-emotional effect on the reader or listener. That is why the requirements for this type of translation and the translator are very strict. When translating a literary work, especially when translating verses, it is necessary to translate it giving its rhythm and meaning. At the same time, the translator should be able to use such methods as epithet and metaphor. The entire development of translation culture, the growth and development of our literary language, and the specific requirements of our modern life have turned us towards realistic accurate translation. We mainly support this method in literary translation. What is the meaning of accurate translation from the point of view of realism or authenticity? We should look for the answer to this, first of all, in connection with the requirements for a general work of art.

Each work of art is required to understand life from a realistic point of view and accurately depict it in a realistic way. A true work of art is a real representation of the reality of life. We consider literary translation to be, first of all, a work of art. If so, the work of artistic translation is also a version of the real life scenes described in the same work, realistically perceiving and acutely feeling them through the language of the original, using the image system of the second language. Therefore, the most important requirement for literary translation is to be accurate from the reality of life. [5]

When a translator sees the reality of life, he looks at it through the original and looks at it through the eyes of the author. There are three different requirements for a translator. First of all, it should accurately reflect the reality of life depicted in the work. Secondly, the original must be delivered without distortion. Thirdly, it should not harm the legal system of the mother tongue.

To create a literary translation, the translator can use a huge number of different linguistic methods, which usually include epithet (exaggeration), metaphor (shifting meaning) and rhythmic semantic features of the sentence, syntactic structure.

Methods used in order to deliver artistic translation the poetry of William Butler Yeats to the recipient at a high level:

  1. Epithets. Translation taking into account their structural and semantic features, levels of individualization. Equations. It is used when translating, taking into account the stylistic coloring of related words.
  2. Metaphor. Translating the structural description taking into account the semantic relationship between the image world and the material world.
  3. Author neologisms. Uses that correspond to the word-formative pattern of the translated language used by the author, while preserving the stylistic coloring and semantics of the components of the words.
  4. Dialectisms. It is usually translated with simple vocabulary. Translation of jargonisms, argonisms, etc. preserves the stylistic form of translation in the original.
  5. Equations. It is used when translating, taking into account the stylistic coloring of related words. [6]

An artistic text is a creativity that was born at a certain time, lived and absorbed certain values of the era in which it was born. Since it is a world with the signature of an individual (who gave birth to it, that is, a personal author), the translator has to face three main problems.

  1. Giving temporal relationships and features of the text.
  2. Delivering the author's personal style.
  3. Revealing the main features of the literary direction.

In the past, "Should the archaic features of the text be preserved in the translation, or should it be modernized?" question is always controversial. The modern technique of translation does not recognize modernization, and this argument is based on the logic of equality of influence. That is, the impression of a modern reader when reading the original work and the impression of a modern reader when reading the translated version should be equal to each other. A modern translation informs the reader that the text was written in the last century and tries to show how old the text of the story is with the help of various artistic techniques. The form and content of works participate in the process of giving seasonal color. The translator does not touch the structure of the content, and the form of its preparation is entirely at the discretion of the translator. Peculiarities of the syntactic structure are observed when reporting on the main features and news of a certain era. These features are not methods that completely describe the time, they are primarily related to the literary trend.

The era is directly characterized by the linguistic and historical features of the text. One of the main conditions necessary to create a temporal distance is the absence of modernisms in the translation vocabulary, that is, it is necessary to avoid words that were not used in the era of the original creation in the translated text. After all, the literature of the past eras is distinguished by the fact that the author belongs to a specific literary trend. For example: sentimentalism, romanticism, renaissance, naturalism, realism, impressionism, expressionism, etc. it is to have a close relationship with the features of the reception of the artistic work, which is related to the ideology of the literary movement, certain stages of the development of literature.  For example, the era of romanticism can be illustrated by the frequent use of personifying metaphors, color and color symbolism, allusions to the imitation of prose rhythms in prose, and the presence of romantic dictionaries, which are considered a "permanent stock" of the vocabulary. In order to find these features and make a good translation, the translator should first of all get acquainted with the scientific researches about the features of the literature of the original era, and review the works of other authors written in that era. [7]

Translating the poetry of William Butler Yeats into the Kazakh language poses special difficulties due to the linguistic and cultural differences between the English and Kazakh languages. Through a comparative analysis of translations and an exploration of the translation process, this thesis has revealed the features of literary translation in the context of Yeats' works. He emphasized the importance of balancing fidelity to the original text with creative adaptation to language and culture. Further research is needed to deepen the understanding of complex issues of intercultural communication in artistic translation and to improve the quality of Yeats's poetry translation into Kazakh and other languages.

In conclusion, the translation of William Butler Yeats's poetry into the Kazakh language not only serves as a bridge connecting two separate cultures, but also enriches the literary landscape of both languages. Through a careful analysis of translation strategies and an examination of the reception of translated works, this dissertation demonstrates the dynamic interplay between language, culture, and literature. While each translation inevitably reflects the interpretation and artistic choices of the translator, it is important to recognize the importance of preserving the essence and spirit of Yeats's poetry, taking into account the linguistic and cultural nuances of the target language. As literary translation continues to build on advances in linguistic theory and cultural studies, it is essential for translators and scholars to engage in ongoing dialogue and collaboration, aiding a deeper appreciation and understanding of Yeats' timeless poetry across linguistic and cultural boundaries. Ultimately, the study of literary translation is a testament to the universal power of literature to transcend barriers and unite humanity in a shared celebration of creativity and imagination.



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