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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 17(271)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Davidenko P. SYSTEM OF EDUCATIONAL WORK IN CHILDREN'S HEALTH CAMP // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2024. № 17(271). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/271/329244 (дата обращения: 06.02.2025).


Davidenko Polina

Student, Department of World History, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod



Давиденко Полина Владимировна

студент, кафедра всеобщей истории, Белгородский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



The article discusses the system of educational work in a children's health camp. It includes the following elements: physical education and recreation activities, moral and aesthetic education, artistic and creative activities, cognitive activities, military-patriotic and labor education. Besides, the author gives examples of methods which can be used in working with children.


В статье рассматривается система воспитательной работы в детском оздоровительном лагере. Она состоит из следующих элементов: физкультурно-оздоровительная и рекреационная работа, нравственно-эстетическое воспитание, художественно-творческая деятельность, познавательная деятельность, военно-патриотическое и трудовое воспитание. Кроме того, автор приводит примеры методов, которые можно использовать в ходе работы с детьми.


Keywords: children's health camp; system of educational work; pedagogical activity.

Ключевые слова: детский оздоровительный лагерь; система воспитательной работы; педагогическая деятельность.


Summer provides opportunities for recreation and development. Children spend time with their family, go out with friends, and gain new knowledge. They can also go to a children's health camp.

«Children's health camp (DOL) is a fairly universal form of recreation and recreation for children «aged 6 and up to the age of 18», implemented, as a rule, during the vacation period, having as a basis determining the content of children's activities, a program purposefully developed by the teaching staff, focused on the development and upbringing of a child in various fields of leisure» [1, p. 8]. What does this program include?

Pedagogical activity in a children's health camp consists of the following elements: physical education and recreation activities, moral and aesthetic education, artistic and creative activities, cognitive activities, military-patriotic and labor education.

Let's look at them in more detail.

Physical education and recreation activities in the camp consist in introducing children to a healthy lifestyle. It includes morning exercises, a properly structured daily routine, a balanced diet, and a visit to the pool. In addition, various competitions, sports contests and passing standards are held. Recreational work is closely related to physical education and recreation activities, which contributes to the recreation and health promotion of children.

Moral and aesthetic education is carried out by camp staff through various means: music, dance, song, thematic events and other elements. It helps to introduce pupils to cultural values, develops their sense of beauty, and forms moral guidelines.

The largest element of educational work in a children's health camp is artistic and creative activity. It includes various elements: drawing contests, thematic events, master classes, choreography and vocal classes, performances by squads at evening events. Let's take a closer look at the last of these.

People who worked at the camp know that the counselor is responsible for the children's leisure time. An important part of his job is to prepare a number with his squad. I think it's a difficult but quite interesting task. You must involve the maximum number of squad members. This will help to reveal the talent of each child. You can sing a song, dance, put on a scene.

The event ends thematic day of shift. For example, on the Day of Ecology you need to talk about environmental protection, on the Day of Professions you need to show the activities of a person who works in a chosen field.

However, you must remember that a child cannot be forced to do something, he should be interested. A personal example will help in this situation. You can perform at the event with your squad. In addition, counselors often prepare a own performance. For example, in the Orlyonok camp in Gubkin, [4] Belgorod region, there is a team of counselors that prepares the final performance for the evening program.

Labor education of the younger generation plays an equally important role. The children in the country camp keep their rooms clean, the senior and middle squads are on duty in the dining room. This helps children learn to respect their own and other people's work.

Military-patriotic education in the camp includes studying the history of their homeland and physical training. The first element consists of visiting museums, holding thematic events in honor of memorable dates, learning patriotic songs, preparing quizzes and team competitions.

The Belgorod region has a glorious history and many memorable places: the Third Battlefield of Russia, museums dedicated to the events of the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars. In addition, many camps in our region open patriotic shifts, because in the summer there were many significant events that relate to the period of the Great Patriotic War. I'm talking about the Battle of Kursk and the tank battle near Prokhorovka.

Physical fitness is manifested in demonstration performances, which are conducted for children by guests from military-patriotic clubs.

It can be noted that cognitive activity is closely related to all the elements of the educational work of teachers in the children's health camp, which were named earlier. The child can learn the history of his homeland, learn a new dance and song, and remember an interesting fact during the quiz. This helps him to learn in a playful way.

Teachers can successfully work with children in a children's camp using various methods.

1. « The method of influencing feelings, consciousness (emotional infection, example, suggestion, immersion);

2. Methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities (meeting, conversation, lecture, debate);

3. Methods of studying a specific situation (observation, analysis, sociological research, testing, questionnaires);

4. Methods of forecasting possible educational consequences (modeling, causal analysis of the studied processes)» [2, p. 49].

I would like to mention one more classification. Kruglikova G.G. and Linker G.R. subdivide the methods as follows:

«1. The method of formation of consciousness (methods of persuasion, etc.)

2. Methods of stimulating human activity (encouragement, punishment, competition)» [3, pp. 63-64].

Methods have an impact on the choice of means of educational work. The means of education are those objects and actions that have an educational effect on the subject in the process of his movement towards the goal. (songs, dances, books, games, excursions).

Why do we consider educational work to be a system? The answer lies in the definition. The system is the interconnection of various elements united by a common goal. A competent combination of physical culture, recreational and recreational work, moral and aesthetic education, artistic and creative activities, cognitive activities, military-patriotic and labor education in the children's camp program contributes to the harmonious comprehensive development of the child's personality.



  1. Bayborodova L.V., Kharisova I.G., Tsarkova K.M. Educational activities of a teacher in a children's health camp: educational and methodological manual. – Yaroslavl: RIO YAGPU, 2017. – 110 p.
  2. Ermolaeva T.I. Program of educational work with children within the framework of a change of children's health camp // Library for institutions of additional education for children. – 2016. – No. 2. – P. 5-85
  3. Kruglikova G.G., Linker G.R. Theory and methods of organizing summer holidays for children and adolescents: Textbook. – Nizhnevartovsk: Publishing house Nizhnevart. humanist University, 2011. – 236 p.
  4. Website of the sports and recreation complex "Orlyonok" [Electronic resource]. URL: https://sok-orlenok.ru/index.php (access date 05/01/2024)

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