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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 41(253)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kuermanjiang S. A COMPLEX OF MULTIMEDIA PROGRAMS IN DEVELOPING INTERCULTURAL AND COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF STUDENTS AT THE SENIOR STAGE OF SECONDARY SCHOOL // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 41(253). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/253/310208 (дата обращения: 20.10.2024).


Kuermanjiang Suwake

Bachelor student of Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign Language, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Almashova Kamila Askarovna

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages

Kazakhstan, Almaty


This investigation explored the impact of well-designed multimedia programmes on the intercultural and communicative skills of high school students. The research employed a mixed-methods approach, integrating quantitative evaluation with qualitative reflection to evaluate multimedia programming's efficacy thoroughly. The research entailed conducting a questionnaire survey among high school students. The self-reports of participants who engaged in multimedia classes were compared with those who did not. The initial outcomes suggest that exposure to multimedia programmes enhances intercultural and communicative competences of the learners. This research enhances comprehension of multimedia programming's function in educational contexts and yields significant ramifications for educators, curriculum planners, and policymakers endeavouring to foster intercultural understanding and communication skills for middle school students.


Keywords: multimedia programs, intercultural and communicative competence, the senior stage of secondary school, foreign language education.



The era of globalization, with the explosion of information, has connected individuals worldwide. In this diverse and complicated setting, success is no longer confined to the local area, and individuals can now showcase their opportunities on an international stage. Effective communication with people from different cultures, i.e. intercultural communication skills, is essential for achieving this. This competency transcends language; it necessitates comprehension and regard for diverse cultures, as well as the ability to interact and collaborate suitably in an unaccustomed language milieu. Hence, the refinement and advancement of intercultural communicative ability is of substantial importance. The rapid development of multimedia technology has brought about a revolutionary change in how we acquire information and learn. This, in turn, creates new opportunities for the cultivation of intercultural communication.

The aim of this study is to consider the content, implementation, and impact of multimedia programs at the senior stage of secondary school in the context of intercultural and communicative competence development. The leading idea is to explore how to effectively use multimedia programs to develop intercultural and communicative competence in the senior stage of secondary school students.

The research object is the process of intercultural and communicative competences of the senior stage of secondary school. It includes students, educational settings, and teaching methods related to the development of intercultural and communicative competences. The subject of research is the complex of multimedia programs.

The practical significance of this study is that its results can be used to develop intercultural and communicative abilities in the process of foreign language teaching. This research can provide some effective experience and analysis basis for foreign language teaching at the senior stage of secondary schools based on the integration of multimedia programs and foreign language education. The findings may also be useful to students and professionals such as educators at this stage and may also help to address challenges and issues related to multimedia programs in the educational process.

Literature review

There is a strong and intricate link between culture, language and communication. Culture has an impact on the selection of terms and phrases used in language. People from different cultures may use different vocabulary to describe the same concepts and may have different communicative styles and expressions. Moreover, language enables individuals to communicate and exchange their cultural identity, values and beliefs with others. Comprehending the close relationship between culture, language, and communication assists individuals in adequately adapting to multicultural settings and fostering constructive and valuable intercultural communication. Kramsch asserts that culture forms the foundation of language acquisition, and that language instruction must conform to social realities.[8] Therefore, in the process of foreign language teaching, cultivating intercultural communicative competence has become one of its most important goals.

Intercultural communicative competence (ICC) is defined as the capacity to communicate adequately and efficiently in a foreign language with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, according to several studies.[2; 7]

Deardorff describes intercultural competence as the proficiency to communicate effectively and suitably in intercultural situations, founded on one's intercultural knowledge, skills, and attitudes.[3] Since culture is constantly evolving, the corresponding intercultural competence must keep up with social demands, necessitating the continuous updating of intercultural competence education. As highlighted by Dzhussubaliyeva D.M., intercultural competence is linked to the capacity of students to engage in cultural discourse and surmount cultural differences.[4]

Dell Hymes devised and conducted extensive research on "communication competence" during the 1960s and onward. Language and communication abilities involve not only grammatical and cultural norms but also psychological and social factors.[5] Successful communicators must thus possess not just linguistic knowledge but also emotional experience.

Kunanbayeva outlined two fundamental characteristics of intercultural communication. Firstly, the process can be intricate due to communicative, psychological, and cultural factors. Secondly, diverse situational and environmental contexts, as well as modes of contact, can lead to different forms of intercultural communication.[9] Providing foreign language students with increased exposure to diverse cultures and enabling them to participate in various cultural dialogues during the learning process can enhance their comfort levels in future linguistic exchanges. To guarantee the creation of opportunities for students in a range of cultural settings, multimedia and foreign language teaching integration can prove to be effective.

Dzhussubaliyeva and Turgenbaeva concluded that incorporating innovative technology and digital resources in the learning process can significantly enhance intercultural communicative competence.[4] Gabriel B. defined multimedia as content that can be recorded, played, displayed, interacted with or accessed through a range of electronic and computerised devices.[1] The five principal constituents of multimedia comprise textual content, graphics, video, audio and animation.[6]

Multimedia is a combination of various types of conventional media that serve multiple purposes. These once separate genres can now be brought together as part of instruction through tools such as web pages that simultaneously include text, video, sound, and animation. Additionally, based on these five elements, virtual and augmented reality technology also emerged as teaching tools. They help learners master communication skills in unfamiliar cultural backgrounds more quickly and conveniently by providing a more realistic dialogue process that simulates real-life scenarios.


This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the effect of a complex of multimedia programmes on the intercultural and communicative competence of senior secondary school attendees. The research encompassed forty high school pupils from Kazakhstani institutions, aged 16 to 18 years, intentionally chosen in view of their diverse cultural backgrounds and willingness to participate. The participants' cultural backgrounds comprise solely of Kazakh, solely of Russian, a partial understanding of both Kazakh and Russian cultures, and other cultural backgrounds beyond those mentioned.

A self-report questionnaire is developed to comparing the intercultural understanding and communication skills of students participating in a comprehensive multimedia program that incorporate video lessons, interactive modules, and virtual cultural exchanges with those of students receiving traditional instruction.

The investigation complied with ethical standards, acquiring informed consent from respondents and ensuring their confidentiality. Limitations may encompass probable partiality in self-reports and modifications in multimedia program implementation.


Data come from questionnaires administered to students from different cultural backgrounds. The questionnaire distributed to students consisted of 3 sections and 4 questions: first, 2 yes/no questions; second, 1 open-ended question; third, 4 evaluation questions; and fourth, 4 single-item and multiple-choice questions. The aim of the questionnaire is to assess the impact of a complex of multimedia programs on the intercultural and communicative competence of senior secondary school students. The specific objectives of the questionnaire include:

  1. gather feedback on the perceived effectiveness of multimedia programs
  2. identify specific components of the course that students find helpful in developing intercultural competence
  3. assessing changes in students' intercultural and communicative competencies after taking a multimedia course

The research findings demonstrate the utility of multimedia as one of the primary methods for teaching foreign languages to groups of learners. Specifically, the results indicate that students, irrespective of their participation in multimedia-based classes, recognized the positive impact of multimedia in enhancing the learning process and imparting intercultural and communicative competence.

Based on the findings of the student survey, it can be inferred that pupils grasp the significance and stature of multimedia in language acquisition. In addition, the students who took part in the multimedia modules scored higher than the non-participants in terms of assimilation of different socio-cultural contexts and communication techniques. Consequently, it can be deduced that scholars who undertook multimedia courses prospered more in diverse cultural environments. Students who have participated in multimedia courses can perform more calmly and express and communicate more accurately than students who have not participated in multimedia courses.



(Students who have taken multimedia classes)                 (Students who have not taken multimedia classes)

Fig. 1. Rating the level of agreement with the following statements on a scale from 1 (Disagree) to 3(Agree)



(Students who have taken multimedia classes)                 (Students who have not taken multimedia classes)

Fig. 2. Rating communication skills on a scale from 1 (Not at all skilled) to 3 (skilled)


Based on survey results from the multiple-choice section, as for the application of multimedia resources in foreign language classes, video and audio are the most widely used in classes, accounting for 76% and 60% respectively. In contrast, virtual reality and augmented reality technologies are infrequently utilised in classrooms, at a rate of 8.7%. Furthermore, video is regarded by most individuals as the most effective multimedia tool for enhancing intercultural and communicative competence.


Fig. 3. The multimedia tools that included in your classes


Conclusion and Discussion

Overall, the integration of multimedia into language education has numerous advantages. Firstly, multimedia tools facilitate the harmonisation of theory and practice. Subsequent to receiving theoretical knowledge, students can engage with multimedia in the classroom to apply their learning. Secondly, multimedia fosters the creation of an authentic and immersive educational experience. Multimedia tools offer learners with diverse cultural backgrounds the opportunity to communicate in a simulated language environment. This enables students who are unable to contact the target language environment directly the chance to develop cross-cultural communication skills.  Furthermore, using these tools enhances the fun and interest expressed by students towards the learning process. Based on the evidence and findings from the questionnaire, multimedia integration into the language teaching process can aid in the development of intercultural and communicative competence in senior secondary school students.

Various multimedia approaches and techniques can provide different opportunities for learners. However, instructors must consider students' personal traits and cultural background to correctly implement these approaches in the teaching process. In addition, repeated use of the same multimedia tool may cause students to feel bored, so the effectiveness of the course requires careful planning by teachers. To enhance the language teaching process, it is recommended to employ a range of multimedia tools, with particular emphasis on emerging technologies, including augmented reality and virtual reality. Encouraging students to engage with language interactive platforms can further aid self-study and foster an intercultural communication environment.



  1. Bărbuleţ, G. (2023). The use of multimedia in language teaching. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 6(1), 191-201.
  2. Byram M. Teaching and assessing intercultural communicative competence. -1997. – Р. 52.
  3. Deardorff, D. K. (2006). Identification and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization. Journal of studies in international education, 10(3), 241-266.
  4. Dzhussubaliyeva D.M. & Turgenbaeva M.M. (2021). The formation of ICC of future foreign language teachers with the use of digital educational content. Journal of Language Research and Teaching Practice, 2, 62-70
  5. Hymes, D. (1972). On communicative competence. sociolinguistics, 269293, 269-293.
  6. Kadir, A. (2008, November 3). Multimedia element. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/azmankadir/multimedia-element-presentation.
  7. Kim, R. K. (2004). Intercultural communication competence. Cross-cultural interpersonal.
  8. Kramsch, C. (1993). Context and culture in language teaching. Oxford university press.
  9. Kunanbayeva, S. (2013). The modernization of foreign language education: the linguocultural-communicative approach (pp. 48-50). London, UK: Hertfordshire Press.
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