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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 39(251)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Almaskan u.S. THE MAIN PROBLEMS OF LINGUISTIC SCIENCE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 39(251). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/251/307840 (дата обращения: 01.03.2025).


Almaskan uulu Sultan

Student, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Linguistics (Translation and Translation Studies), Ala-Too International University,

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek

Akimkanova Kunduz Kubanychbekovna

научный руководитель,

scientific adviser, Senior lecturer, Ala-Too International University,

Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek


This article discusses issues related to the problems that currently exist in the field of linguistics. Since language is the most important means of human communication, we should also learn its history, traditions, and more importantly, the main problems. After all, without understanding what we are dealing with, it is impossible to fully unlock the potential. The paper presents such important points as problems of origin and development, classification, methods, and linguistic research. There are also several examples of how to solve these issues.


Keywords: linguistics, general linguistics, private linguistics, socio-cultural influences, intercultural interaction, cognitive science, genetic categorization, common ancestry, ethno-linguistic factors.


Linguistics is the science of natural human language in general and of all languages of the world (existing now, ever-existing and which may arise in the future [1]) as its individual representatives.[2]

There are general and private linguistics. General linguistics deals with the properties inherent in any language, while private linguistics studies a specific language.

Linguistics, as a science, continues to explore many aspects of language in order to understand its nature, diversity and functions. At the moment, the main problems of linguistics include questions about the universals and variability of language, socio-cultural influences, the processes of language growth and evolution, as well as the interaction of language with technology and society.[3] Mastering these issues not only expands our understanding of how language works, but can also have practical applications in the fields of education, translation, intercultural interaction and the development of natural language processing technologies. [4]

Here are the some of the main widespread problems that linguists face recently:

  1. The problem of the nature and essence of language.

It's vision includes the following range of issues: What is a language? What is its essence? What kind of phenomena does it relate to - social, biological or psychological? What does language have in common with other social phenomena and what is its specificity? The development of this problem cannot be solved by the efforts of linguists alone. Its justification presupposes close cooperation of linguists primarily with philosophers, logicians and psychologists. [5]

How to solve: Read extensively on the subject. Study key texts and research papers in linguistics, philosophy of language, cognitive science and related fields. Identify major theories and historical perspectives.

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various theories. Consider how different scholars define the nature and essence of language. Look for commonalities and differences between theories.

  1. The problem of language classification.

In order to make visible all the diversity of the languages of the world - both existing (living) and languages that have gone out of living use (dead by now) for one reason or another, they must be ordered, combined into groups, classes, etc., in a word, classified according to certain parameters (signs, grounds). What are these classifications? How many are there and what is their purpose? Are there any languages that cannot be brought under any of the existing classifications? [6]

Ways to solve: If you are focusing on genetic categorization, consider historical linguistic evidence. Investigate language evolution, common ancestry, and historical migrations. Historical linguistics can provide valuable information about language relationships.

Take ethno-linguistic factors into account. Understand the cultural and social context of the communities speaking the languages you are categorizing. Ethnolinguistic information can provide additional insight into language use and identity.

In conclusion, we can safely say that the main problems of linguistics remain not fully studied, and unfinished. The article mentioned two of the most frequently studied problems of linguistics and theoretically possible answers to them.



  1. Maslov, Y. S. (1998). Введение в языкознание. М.: Высшая школа.
  2. Charykova, O. N., Popova, Z. D., & Sternin, I. A. (2010). Основы теории языка и коммуникации. Textbook. M.: Flint/
  3. Trudgill, P. (2000). Sociolinguistics: An Introduction to Language and Society.
  4. McWhorter, J. H. (2001). The Power of Babel: A Natural History of Language.
  5. Chomsky, N. (2007). On Language: Chomsky's Classic Works.
  6. Comrie, B. (1981). Language Universals and Linguistic Typology: Syntax and Morphology (2nd ed.).

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