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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 30(242)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Starikova A. PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS AND TECHNOLOGY OF MANAGEMENT OF THE SYSTEM OF EDUCATIONAL WORK IN A GENERAL EDUCA TION ORGANIZATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 30(242). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/242/300909 (дата обращения: 19.12.2024).


Starikova Anastasia

Student, Department of Pedagogy, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod

Isaev Ilya

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, Belgorod State University,

Russia, Belgorod


In modern research, pedagogical conditions aimed at permission problems that arise when performing a monolithic pedagogical process are considered, they are divided into organizational-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical conditions.


Keywords: pedagogical conditions, the educational process, organizational-pedagogical conditions, psychological-pedagogical conditions.


In pedagogical research, which is related to the problems of improving the functioning of pedagogical systems, enhancing the effectiveness of the educational process, one of the aspects that are of the greatest interest is the identification, justification and verification of pedagogical conditions that ensure the success of the activities.

The conditions set out below are designed to solve problems that arise when implementing holistic pedagogical activities.

Among the various pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the system of educational activities in general education organizations, the most common in theory and practice of pedagogy, are called organizational-pedagogical, psychological-pedagogical conditions.

Let's turn to a more detailed description of each group of conditions.

In the words  N.V.Ippolitova, organizational conditions are a set of expediently created opportunities, the content, forms, methods of the holistic pedagogical process, based on the management of functioning, the formation of the procedural position of the pedagogical process and the formation of a procedural approach to the pedagogical process[5].

On the contrary, N.M.Borytko considers psychological conditions to be a set of purposefully created interrelated, interdependent educational and material conditions aimed at the development of individual aspects of the pedagogical system (that is, they are associated with the transformation of specific personality characteristics) [3].

V.A. Shiryaeva characterizes pedagogical conditions: conceptual, organizational and general didactic [6. pp.16-30].

It is important for us that a scientist understands pedagogical conditions as a complex phenomenon, which is due to the quality of their complementarity and interconnectedness.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions of education are based on the fact that students should not memorize the truth, but engage in search, research.

Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the education of younger schoolchildren according to the system of L.S. Vygotsky provide, first of all, a coherent system of methods: verbal - meetings, collections, rulers, lectures, conferences, meetings, oral newspapers, radio magazines; practical - hikes, excursions, sports contests, Olympiads, contests, subbotniks, Timur work, etc.; visual - museums, exhibitions, showcases, stands, wall newspapers, etc. [4].

Optimal conditions for the implementation of the system are created on the basis of a qualitatively new content of education in the educational system, assume qualitatively new forms of assimilation of the material. The initial form of mastering any cultural content is cooperation.

L.V. Bayborodova formulated the relation of the form and content of cooperation as follows: "A new type of generalization requires a new type of communication" [1].

Pedagogical conditions create an opportunity to acquire the skills of collectivism, cooperation, mutual assistance, independence, and, consequently, accelerate the development process of students.

The development of direct zones of education makes it possible to mobilize the entire scientific system to the dominant positions of creative principles, in which all stages are associated with the development of knowledge and education against the background of creativity.

L.A. Baykova believes that the integrity of pedagogical education is provided primarily by a single idea of pedagogical education - the maximum success of all forms and methods, as well as the pedagogical conditions for their implementation [2].

According to the above, it is possible to formulate several conditions of upbringing, for example:

-  the education of schoolchildren should be organized in accordance with the age and psychological characteristics of students;

- maintaining the ability of teachers and students to self-knowledge, self-expression, the ability to be subjects of the system of educational activity;

- designing a model of the educational work system;

- the formation of conditions that help the emotional-value, socio-personal, cognitive, aesthetic development of the student and the preservation of his individuality.

The main goal of pedagogical support for the implementation of the system of educational activities in a general education institution is to create an atmosphere of openness and trust that allows all participants to organically adapt to the peculiarities of the socio–cultural environment of the time.



  1. Bayborodova, L.V. Theory and methodology of education [Text ]: textbook for students. higher. studies. institutions. - M.: VLADOS-PRESS, 2004.
  2. Baykova, L.A. Methods of educational work [Text]: textbook. manual for students. higher. ped. studies. institutions / L.A. Baykova, L.K. Grebenkina, O.V. Eremkina, etc.; Edited by V.A. Slastenin. – M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2004.
  3. Borytko, N.M. Educational activity of a teacher [Text] : textbook. manual for students. higher. studies. Institutions / N.M. Borytko, I.A. Kolesnikova, S.D. Polyakov, N.L. Selivanova. - M.: Academy, 2005.
  4. Vygotsky L.S. Pedagogical psychology [Text] / Edited by V.V. Davydov. - M.: Pedagogika-Press, 2006.
  5. Ippolitova, N.V. Theory and practice of preparing future teachers for patriotic education of students: dis. ...Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences [Text] / N.V. Ippolitova. – Chelyabinsk: Meritel, 2000.
  6. Shiryaeva, V.A. On the question of the entry of engineering methods of invention and TRIZ into psychological and pedagogical research // TRIZ-pedagogy in the system of continuing education [Text] / Edited by N.V. Akinfieva, V.A. Shiryaeva. Saratov: Okolitsa, 2005.
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