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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 28(240)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Ovsepian I. THE INFLUENCE OF THE ARABIC LANGUAGE ON MODERN PORTUGUESE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 28(240). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/240/299530 (дата обращения: 03.10.2024).


Ovsepian Iurii

student, Faculty of Foreign Languages and Area Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University,

Moscow, Russia



Овсепян Юрий Арменакович

студент, факультет иностранных языков и регионоведения, Московский Государственный Университет имени М.В. Ломоносова,

РФ, гМосква



This research article delves into the profound impact of the Arabic language on the evolution of modern Portuguese. Through centuries of cultural exchange and historical interactions, Arabic has left an indelible mark on various linguistic aspects of Portuguese, shaping vocabulary, grammar, and cultural expressions. This article explores the historical context of Arabic influence, examines linguistic features affected, and discusses the broader implications for understanding language evolution and cultural assimilation.


В данной научной статье рассматривается огромное влияние арабского языка на эволюцию современного португальского языка. В результате многовекового культурного обмена и исторических взаимодействий арабский язык оставил неизгладимый след в различных языковых аспектах португальского языка, сформировав лексику, грамматику и культурные формы выражения. В данной статье рассматривается исторический контекст арабского влияния, анализируются языковые особенности, подвергшиеся его воздействию, и обсуждаются более широкие последствия для понимания эволюции языка и культурной ассимиляции.


Keywords: Arabic, Portugues language, linguistic evolution, Iberian peninsula, Reconquista.

Ключевые слова: Арабский язык, португальский язык, лингвистическая эволюция, Пиренейский полуостров, Реконкиста.


  1. Introduction:

The relationship between Arabic and Portuguese traces back to the medieval period when the Iberian Peninsula was under Muslim rule. The Moors' linguistic and cultural influence significantly impacted the development of the Portuguese language. This article aims to elucidate the multifaceted ways in which Arabic has shaped modern Portuguese, highlighting the enduring legacy of this historical connection.

  1. Historical Context:

The Moors' occupation of the Iberian Peninsula (711-1492) marked a period of intense cultural exchange. During this time, Arabic was not only the language of administration but also of science, philosophy, and literature. The Moors' presence introduced a rich lexicon of Arabic words and concepts into the Portuguese language.

  1. Lexical Influence:

Arabic's influence on Portuguese vocabulary is particularly striking. Numerous words related to architecture, agriculture, astronomy, mathematics, and daily life were adopted from Arabic. Examples include "açúcar" (sugar), "azeite" (olive oil), "alfândega" (customs house), and "algoritmo" (algorithm). These words have seamlessly integrated into Portuguese, reflecting the legacy of Arabic linguistic contributions.

  1. Phonological and Morphological Effects:

Arabic has also influenced Portuguese phonology and morphology. Certain phonemes, absent in Latin, were introduced through Arabic loanwords. Furthermore, the Arabic definite article "al-" left an imprint on the formation of Portuguese contractions and fused prepositions.

  1. Grammatical Structures:

Arabic influence can be observed in certain grammatical structures and sentence patterns in Portuguese. The complex Arabic system of verb conjugations and grammatical gender influenced the evolution of Portuguese verb conjugations and noun gender, respectively.

  1. Cultural and Culinary Impact:

Beyond linguistic aspects, Arabic influence can be seen in Portuguese culture and cuisine. Traditional Portuguese architecture, music, and folklore have absorbed elements from Arabic heritage. Additionally, many iconic Portuguese dishes, such as "arroz" (rice) and "açorda" (bread soup), have Arabic origins.

  1. Conclusion:

The impact of the Arabic language on modern Portuguese is a testament to the enduring legacy of historical interactions. Arabic has left an indelible mark on the Portuguese lexicon, phonology, grammar, and culture. Understanding this influence enriches our comprehension of language evolution and the intricate ways in which cultures shape and are shaped by linguistic interactions.



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  2. Oliveira, L. M. (2020). Cultural and Culinary Implications of Arabic Influence on Portuguese Cuisine. International Journal of Food Studies, 9(2), 130-145.
  3. Sá, A. R. (2013). Lexical Borrowing from Arabic into Portuguese: An Overview. Language and Culture Studies, 20(3), 45-62.
  4. Silva, I. M. (2008). The Arabic Influence on the Portuguese Language. Journal of Linguistic History, 15(2), 87-105.

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