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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(232)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Alferova N. COLLECTIVE AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY OF SCHOOLCHILDREN. PECULIARITIES OF THE FORMATION OF INTERACTION OF STUDENTS IN THE TEAM // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 20(232). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/232/292055 (дата обращения: 05.02.2025).


Alferova Natalia

3rd year student of the faculty of Preschool, Primary and Special Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Bogachev Roman

научный руководитель,

Scientific supervisor, senior lecturer, Foreign languages department, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article deals with the peculiarities of the use of collective work activity in the learning and educational processes of elementary school. The features of formation of temporary children's collective, the history of the origin of this concept and its progenitors are considered.


Keywords: cause, collective cause, children's collective, elementary school, elementary school student.


Many problems in contemporary education are connected with the teachers' assumption that it is the student who is the main object of influence and application of pedagogical efforts. Humanistic pedagogy shifts the emphasis from the student's personality to a kind of a system for training a teacher to become a personality himself and, through this personality, to influence his students.

It is scientifically impossible for one to educate another. The object of the teacher's "influence" should not be the child, not his traits (qualities) or even his behavior, but the conditions in which he exists: the environment, the environment, interpersonal relationships, activities. It is the child's inner-emotional state, his/her attitude toward himself/herself, his/her life experience, the dispositions which form such a mental new formation as "Self-concept" (self-consciousness). It also determines the subject's behavior, tactics of life, ways of being" [12, p. 157].

Therefore, upbringing, as the most general definition, is the art of motivating a child's moral, socially valuable behavior, i.e. excitation of a desire "to be good", to be liked by others, to be a full member of society. Even more precisely, education is the art of cultivating in a child a moral attitude toward himself and society. And this is possible only when a person communicates with a person.

The leading position in the "pedagogy of cooperation" is the need for creativity for everyone - for students and teachers. This becomes possible if we change the approach to education in general: not external influences form a personality, but the imperceptible creation of conditions of inducement to action awakens the creative abilities inherent in every pupil.

Igor Petrovich Ivanov continued Makarenko's pedagogical heritage and became his follower. Pedagogues consider Academician I.P. Ivanov the inventor of the KTD method, the creator of pedagogy which is referred to as "pedagogy of cooperation", called "collective creative education", "education according to Ivanov" [5, p. 235].

Besides, I. P. Ivanov is considered to be the initiator and creator of the socio-pedagogical movement. In 1956, in Leningrad, he created a creative group of teachers - the Union of Enthusiasts (SEN), and in 1959 - the Makarenko Commune (KIM) - the commonwealth of students, keen on the ideas of the great educator. Later, the Commune of Young Frunze Workers (KYF), named after the Leningrad district where it was based, was created.

Developing A.S. Makarenko's experience with regard to the new conditions, Ivanov tried to transform it into a peculiar humanistic system of education. The innocuous, from the point of view of the modern researcher, subject of his doctoral dissertation "Study of the Educational Process in the Joint Activity of Teachers and Students" was received extremely negatively. Ivanov's formulation of the topic seemed to create an equation between instructors and pupils. From the point of view of Stalinist pedagogy, this was unacceptable, since the teacher's place was defined not side by side, but above the pupils. Makarenko also made a significant contribution to defining this place. But it was in his experience that Ivanov saw a "backlash" for the realization of the teacher's "indulgence" from pedagogical heaven. This was evidently one of the sources of the tragedy of Makarenko himself, who understood the necessity of humanizing relations between educator and pupil and the impossibility of realizing them in the era of building socialism [6, p. 66].

It is also clear that Ivanov regarded the harsh 1930s as a passing necessity and therefore considered it possible to introduce humanistic adjustments into Makarenko's strict system of political-pedagogical re-education. In doing so, he used Makarenko's theory, which constantly exploited the idea of a "socialist" humanism in which the destruction of private property, entailing the complete "liberation" of man, ridding him of moral vices, and enabling the full and harmonious development of the personality, becomes the main advantage over bourgeois humanism.

Ivanov's theory is peculiar in that it seems to address the upbringing of collectivists, but in fact is directed toward the upbringing and development of the individual in group relations. It is necessary to note that all children are different and in the process of training and education, therefore it is necessary to select various options to create favorable conditions for interpersonal relations in the children's group.



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