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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(232)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Baktiyarova E.N. TEACHING WEB-PROGRAMMING TERMS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 20(232). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/231/293463 (дата обращения: 18.10.2024).


Baktiyarova Erkezhan Nurlangazykyzy

Master’s degree students of the faculty of philology, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Kuzembekova Zhanna Zhalaiyrovna

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, PhD, Associate Professor, faculty of Philology, Al-Farabi Kazakh national university,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Бахтиярова Еркежан Нурлангазықызы

магистрант, филологический факультет, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби,

Казахстан, Алматы

Кузембекова Жанна Жалайыровна

Научный руководитель, PhD, доцент м.а., факультет филологии, Казахский национальный университет имени аль-Фараби,

Казахстан, Алматы



The article emphasizes the need for effective teaching methods to involve students and to strengthen web-programming concepts and terminology. The author proposes that using technology such as online tutorials, interactive simulations, and web-based quizzes can be an efficient way to engage students and to enhance learning.

The article also accentuates the significance of collaboration with other educators and testing new teaching methods to determine best practices. The author suggests that by working together on projects and experiments, educators can achieve a deeper understanding of effective teaching methods for web programming concepts and terminology and contribute to the advancement of the field.

In general, the paper provides a practical guide for educators on effective teaching methods for web programming concepts and terminology. The author highlights the importance of a practical approach and collaboration with other educators to identify best practices.


В статье подчеркивается необходимость эффективных методов обучения для вовлечения студентов и закрепления концепций и терминологии веб-программирования. Автор предполагает, что использование таких технологий, как онлайн-учебные пособия, интерактивные симуляции и веб-тесты, может быть эффективным способом вовлечения студентов и усиления процесса обучения.

В статье также подчеркивается важность сотрудничества с другими преподавателями и тестирования новых методов обучения для выявления лучших практик. Автор предполагает, что, работая вместе над проектами и экспериментами, преподаватели могут получить более глубокое понимание эффективных методов обучения концепциям и терминологии веб-программирования и внести свой вклад в развитие этой области.

В целом, статья представляет собой полезное руководство для преподавателей по эффективным методам обучения концепциям и терминологии веб-программирования. Автор подчеркивает важность практического подхода и сотрудничества с другими преподавателями для выявления лучших практик.


Keywords: web-programming, teaching, programming languages, terms, web-programming concepts.

Ключевые слова: веб-программирование, обучение, языки программирования, термины, концепты веб-программирования.



In today's digital age, web programming is an essential skill, with many businesses and organizations relying on websites and web applications to connect with their customers and clients. And it is crucial for students to learn about web-programming terms to understand the technology that has a power around the world. The basics of web programming are own hosting (in principle), knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, server language and database. It's better to start with PHP and MySQL, but variants of Perl, Python, .NET, MS SQL, Oracle, etc. are also possible. The knowledge that will be required is equivalent, in fact, to the demanded size. Programming languages do not vary in essence at all. There are fundamental distinctions in style, but the principles of the creators of the language are unimportant. HTML and CSS should be studied together. [1; 185] As an English teacher, you may feel overwhelmed at the idea of teaching web-programming terms. Yet, with the right approach, you can make learning these terms engaging and understandable for your students. In this article, we will examine some common web-programming terms and provide tips for teaching these terms effectively.

First, it is vital to understand the main notions of web programming. You do not have to be a programming master to teach web-programming terms. However, you need to have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which are the building blocks of web development.

  • HTML

HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the standard language used to create web pages. HTML provides a structure for web content, including headings, paragraphs, and lists, as well as the ability to add images, videos, and other multimedia elements. When teaching HTML, it's essential to start with the basics, such as tags, attributes, and elements, before moving on to more advanced topics like tables, forms, and semantic HTML.

  • CSS

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) – it is used to add style and formatting to HTML documents. CSS allows you to regulate the appearance of text, images, and other elements on a web page, including layout, color, and font. When teaching CSS, start with selectors and properties, before moving on to more advanced concepts like responsive design, CSS frameworks, and preprocessors. [3; 319]

  • JavaScript

JavaScript is a scripting language used to build interactive and dynamic web content, such as animations, games, and web applications. JavaScript can be used on both the client-side and server-side of web development, and it is a major component of modern web programming. [10; 415]

  • Python

A Python is one the most powerful language which has been for some years now for web development and particularly in the field of data science. Python offers an excess of tools for computational science, stats, and math with numerous frameworks and libraries. It supports several platforms and systems, which helps improve the productivity of developers and programmers. It is on Object-Oriented programming and allows to freely scale web applications. [6]

Materials and methods:

The precision of web programming and English language proficiency presents a unique challenge for instructors finding to equip learners with the necessary skills to navigate the programming landscape effectively. [13] This article targets to provide a scientific framework for teaching web programming terms in English for specific purposes, facilitating comprehension, communication, and application of programming concepts.

To improve the teaching process, instructors must gain insights into learners' linguistic backgrounds, including their skill in both programming and the English language. Evaluating learners' prior knowledge allows instructors to tailor instructional materials and methodologies accordingly. By aligning teaching strategies with learners' certain needs, teachers can facilitate comprehension and deepen language mastery. [2; 13]

Authentic learning resources play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between classroom instruction and real-world programming scenarios. Combining web development documentation, tutorials, and industry-related articles written in English exposes learners to authentic language usage and brings familiarity with professional terminology. Introducing authentic resources ensures learners with exposure to real-world contexts, enhances comprehension, and encourages the development of communication skills within the programming sphere. [12; 10]

Utilizing Technology Tools for Engaged Learning

Leveraging technology tools can noticeably boost the teaching and learning experience in web programming. Online coding platforms, integrated development environments (IDEs), and web-based resources give learners chances for interactive, hands-on experiences. These kind of means facilitate the practice and application of web programming terms, therefore reinforcing perception and language proficiency. Incorporating technology also trains learners for the digital landscape they will face in their future programming careers. [4; 109]

Active learning methodologies promote learner engagement and facilitate the retention and application of web programming terms. Encouraging learners to participate in group discussions, hands-on exercises, and collaborative coding projects fosters interaction and peer learning. Such activities encourage learners to actively use the English language in a programming context, promoting effective communication and reinforcing comprehension. [5; 95]

Literature Review:

This scientific article offers a comprehensive literature overview on the topic of teaching web programming terms in English for specific purposes. By synthesizing relevant research and scholarly contributions, the article reveals actual strategies for enhancing English language proficiency and facilitating the acquisition of programming vocabulary. The findings highlight the significance of understanding learners' backgrounds, incorporating authentic resources, using technology tools, promoting active learning, and performing formative and total assessments.

A few studies point out the weight of understanding learners' linguistic backgrounds in teaching programming terms. Evaluating learners' proficiency in both programming and the English language lets instructors to adjust instruction to satisfy their specific needs. By equaling teaching strategies with learners' linguistic backgrounds, teachers will be able to consider knowledge gaps, adapt instructional materials, and foster effective language acquisition. [14; 280]

Technological advancements offer large number of opportunities to enhance the teaching and learning experience in web programming. Studies highlight the efficiency of online coding platforms, integrated development environments (IDEs), and web-based resources in promoting engagement, active learning, and the application of programming terms. Technology tools facilitate hands-on experiences, encourage experimentation, and provide learners with authentic programming environments. [9; 225]

Results and discussion:

To test the efficiency of teaching web-programming terms, web-programming terminology quiz was created. The quiz was designed to test the understanding of students who had executed a web-programming terminology course. The quiz had 20 multiple-choice questions, and covered topics such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web development frameworks, and databases. The questions were designed to be challenging but fair, and were based on real-world scenarios and examples.

The quiz was carried out to a group of 30 students who had completed the web-programming terminology course. The students were given 30 minutes to finish the quiz. The results of the quiz were then studied to set the effectiveness of teaching web-programming terms.

To teach the terms, using a variety of teaching methods that cater to different learning styles is crucial. Lectures are useful for introducing new terms and concepts. Nevertheless, students also need hands-on activities to strengthen their understanding of the terms. Take into account utilizing group activities, online tutorials, and interactive simulations to involve your students and reinforce the concepts and terminology that were learned in class.

To trigger students for managing web programming knowledge in a systematic and logical way, a KM model blended inquiry learning system was developed for supporting the flipped classroom learning activities. In this study, the system was constructed with HTML5, JavaScript, PHP, Google Cloud Datastore as a database, Laravel as a website framework and Firebase framework for real-time working. There are several reasons for choosing the online system in this study. Firstly, it is good enough for in- and out-of-class. Secondly, the developed learning system with Laravel can be executed on many devices such as personal computer, laptop, smartphone, and tablet. Finally, teacher can track the students’ learning activities during their learning with the system. [11; 305]

The results of the quiz proved that the majority of the students had a good comprehension of web-programming terms. On the average the score on the quiz was 80%, which meant that the students had a cohesive understanding of the concepts covered in the course. Withal, there were some areas where the students had difficulties with, especially in topics related to databases and web development frameworks.

Relying on the results of the quiz, we drew a conclusion that teaching web-programming terms is an effective way to improve the knowledge and understanding of students in the field. The quiz also highlighted areas where students may need additional support and guidance, and can help instructors shape their teaching methods in accordance.

Generally speaking, creating a web-programming terminology quiz can be a productive way to test the understanding of students who have completed a web-programming terminology course. The quiz can help instructors identify areas where students may need further support and guidance, and can assist develop the potency of teaching web-programming terms.

As the need for web developers and programmers continues to grow, it becomes critical to equip learners with the mandatory knowledge and skills to guide the world of web programming. Even so, teaching web programming terms in English can be challenging, particularly for non-native English speakers.

When teaching web programming terms, it's significant to apply clear and brief language, beware of technical jargon whenever possible, and provide real-world examples to help students understand how these concepts are used in practice. Here are several tips for teaching web programming terms solidly:

  • Start with the basics: When introducing web programming terms, start with the fundamentals prior moving on to more advanced topics.
  • Use examples: Present real-world examples to aid students understand how these concepts are applied in practice.
  • Break down complicated concepts: Break down complex concepts into smaller, more doable scraps to help students better comprehend them.
  • Encourage hands-on learning: Motivate students to experiment with web programming tools and languages and supply prospects for hands-on learning.
  • Use visual aids: Utilize diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to assist students visualize complex concepts and make connections between them.


To sum up, teaching web programming terms in English for specific purposes orders a planned approach that deals with learners' needs and combines practical applications. By understanding the learners' background, stressing on appropriate vocabulary, contributing real-world examples and context, utilizing visual aids, urging active learning, joining authentic resources, and implementing standard assessments, instructors can effectively equip learners with the language skills needed for achievement in the web programming field. With the suitable guidance and support, learners can navigate the complex world of web development and surpass in their chosen domain with a confidence.



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