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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(227)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Knyazev E. ENGLISH MILITARY NEOLOGISMS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 15(227). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/227/286357 (дата обращения: 09.03.2025).


Knyazev Egor

Cadet, Department of Translation and Interpreting, Novosibirsk Military Institute of the National Guard Troops,

Russia, Novosibirsk

Daletskaya Tatyana

научный руководитель,

scientific advisor, Associate Professor of the Translation and Interpreting Department, Novosibirsk Military Institute of the National Guard Troops,

Russia, Novosibirsk



Князев Егор Александрович

курсант, кафедра перевода и переводоведения, Новосибирский военный ордена Жукова институт имени генерала армии И.К. Яковлева ВНГ РФ,

РФ, г. Новосибирск

Далецкая Татьяна Анатольевна

научный руководитель, доц. кафедры перевода и переводоведения, Новосибирский военный ордена Жукова институт имени генерала армии И.К. Яковлева ВНГ РФ,

РФ, г. Новосибирск



This paper is devoted to defining the notion of “neologism”, in particular to describing the origin of the term. Much attention is paid to analyzing military neologisms formation.


Данная статья посвящена определению понятия «неологизм», в частности описанию происхождения термина. Особое внимание уделено анализу образования неологизмов в военной сфере.


Keywords: neologism, language, military vocabulary, official language.

Ключевые слова: неологизм, язык, военная лексика, официальный язык.


The study of neologisms from a cultural point of view gives a better understanding

of our world. New words help us observe how the world is developing, what direction it is moving to and what its purpose is. Technological development, social life, culture is the driver of change and the language is not an exception. Refusal to accept language neologisms can be compared to a political dissent because it is impossible for any science to survive and develop without new words, new interpretations describing and explaining new reality. The English language is dynamic and it reflects different processes in society.

The word neologism derives from Greek – neo (new) and logos (speech, utterance) as the English lexicon was exposed to influence of parent languages as Latin and French. The term was first used in 1772 in a translation from French neologisme that is practice of innovation in language, the use of new words or old words in new senses [3]. According to Collins Cobuild English Dictionary a neologism is «a new word or expression in a language, or a new meaning for an existing word or expression» [2]. The definition illustrates that new word, term or phrase can be applied to new concept, can be generalized from existing concepts or can make the old terminology sound more modern and can be acronym or abbreviation.

Currently, the English language is experiencing neological boom. Inflow of new words and the need to describe them led to the emergence of new science – neology – the science of neologisms [1, p.91]. The main feature of neologism is the novelty of the word for most native speakers. The word exists in a state of neologism for very short time. As soon as it is actively used, it loses its novelty and gradually integrates a common language.

Military terms, slang and colloquial expressions traditionally come into the English language at the time of conflicts and wars. Most of the new military vocabulary is associated with the weapons systems, technologies and instruments. The period of the Cold War brought abundance of new terminology: air defense, aircraft carrier operations, amphibious assault, anti-submarine warfare systems, the atomic bomb, intercontinental ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, multiple rocket launchers and so on.

The 21-st century is accelerating the development of smart weapons systems: chemical sensors, biological sensors, radio communications, laser communications, radio-frequency weapons, nonlethal weapons, biological weapons, laser-guided bombs, GPS guided weapons, hypersonic weapons, anti-satellite weapons, LAWS, UAV, UACV and others.

According to the report “Forecasting change in military technology, 2020-2040” military vocabulary can be grouped into four categories of military-relevant technology: sensors of many different types gathering data; computer and communications systems processing and distributing that data; weapons platforms and key enabling technologies; types of weapons systems and other technologies that are relatively new [4].

To sum up, neologisms are the language instruments that take us to the new world of technology. Neologisms are influenced by a set of factors such as linguistic and extra-linguistic ones. Language is a dynamic system impacted with cultural, industrial and social life of the nation.



  1. V.I. Novaya leksika sovremennogo angliiskogo yazyka : [ucheb. posobie dlya filol. fak. un-tov] / V.I. Zabotkina. – M. : Vyssh. shk., 1989. – 124 s.
  2. Neologism // Collins Cobuild English Dictionary [Electronic resource] // URL:https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/neologism/ (retrieved 10.04.23)
  3. Neologisms // Online Etymology Dictionary [Electronic resource] // URL:https://www.etymonline.com/search (retrieved 10.04.23)
  4. O’Hanlon M.E. Forecasting change in military technology, 2020-2040 // Brookings.September 2018 [Electronic resource] URL:https://www.brookings.edu/research/forecasting-change-in-military-technology-2020-2040/ (retrieved 18.04.23)

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