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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 15(227)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Borodina V. STUDY OF THE SUBJECT VOCABULARY OF OLDER PRESCHOOL CHILDREN WITH // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 15(227). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/227/285686 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Borodina Valeria

Student, Department of "Preschool and special (defectological) education", Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Buzina Evgenia

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Assoc., Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod



Бородина Валерия Евгеньевна

студент, кафедра «Дошкольного и специального (дефектологического) образования», Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород

Бузина Евгения Игоревна

научный руководитель, доц., Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет,

РФ, г. Белгород



The article examines the features of the development of the vocabulary of older preschool children with ONR. The author notes that it is necessary to take into account the level of ONR in such children in order to build work on speech development most effectively. In addition, the active vocabulary of children with ONR has a small volume of words, and therefore it is quite difficult for them to correctly express their attitude to the world around them. The task of the teacher is to enrich the active vocabulary of the preschooler by introducing words from the passive vocabulary into his everyday life, as well as to increase the level of emotional perception of the environment by the child through the verbal form through special classes and exercises.


В статье исследуются особенности развития словаря детей старшего дошкольного возраста с ОНР. Автор отмечает, что необходимо учитывать уровень ОНР у таких детей для того что бы построить работу по развитию речи наиболее эффективно. Кроме того, активный словарь детей с ОНР имеет небольшой объем слов, в связи с чем им достаточно сложно грамотно выразить свое отношение к окружающему миру. Задача педагога – обогатить активный словарь дошкольника за счет введение в его обиход слов из пассивного словаря, а также повысить уровень эмоционального восприятия ребенком окружающей среды через словесную форму посредство проведения специальных занятий и упражнений.


Keywords: senior preschool age, general speech underdevelopment, vocabulary development, methods and techniques.

Ключевые слова: старший дошкольный возраст, общее недоразвитие речи, развитие словаря, методы и приемы.


Speech is the most important human tool that allows a person to establish communication with the environment, receive feedback, as well as express his or her own thoughts and judgments. It is for this reason that in preschool childhood the importance is given to the development of children's speech skills and the development of their vocabulary, as a wide vocabulary is the key to effective communication between a person and others in the future [2].

The problem of developing children's vocabulary has been the subject of consideration by a number of researchers who act as experts in various fields of knowledge: pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, psycholinguistics, etc. In particular, this problem was addressed by such authors as A. M. Borodich, A. N. Gvozdev, S. N. Zeitlin, A. M. Zakharova and others. The central idea of the works of such authors was the importance and complexity of the process of mastering the vocabulary of preschool children.

It must be said that while, in general, for children the process of speech development is quite difficult, for preschool children with underdeveloped speech, mastering the vocabulary is particularly difficult. Experts analyzing the development of the vocabulary of preschool children with special needs, note that there are a number of deviations from the age norm. Also such children have a rather limited vocabulary, the use of individual words is characterized by "peculiarity", as well as such children often allow inaccuracies in the use of certain words. The works of such authors as B.M. Grinshpun, V.N. Eremina, I.Yu. Kondratenko, R.E. Levina, V.A. Kovshchikov, N.V. Serebryakova, T.B. Filicheva, S.N. Shakhovskaya and others [4].

Accordingly, the significant relevance of the topic of research opportunities for the development of vocabulary of preschool children with PSA is evident, as evidenced by the high scientific interest of specialists in various fields to this problem.

It is noted in the literature that DPP includes a number of different speech disorders in which there are violations of almost all components of the child's speech system, which includes sound and lexical components. At the same time, intellectually the child is developing quite well. Speech of children with BPD is characterized by a poor vocabulary, incorrect construction of phrases, especially in the area of emotional expression. In addition, such children are not always able to correctly use antonyms and synonyms, often use unjustified substitutions for specific definition words, and also mix up definitions and actions.

Usually in the vocabulary of such children there are well-known and most common words and expressions, emotional and expressive vocabulary in the speech of such children is used seldom enough. It is also interesting that for children with BPD it is very difficult to describe emotional states, whether it is their own experiences, or the internal state of the characters of literary works. Often the speech of children with DIBS lacks the means of lexical expression, and the stories they try to construct are usually inconsistent and imprecise and scarce emotionally. In this regard, some authors suggest that when developing the vocabulary of children with PSD, emphasis should be placed on the development of emotional verbal constructions, expanding the vocabulary of such children through sensory perception of the situation, awareness of the current emotional background and its transfer by means of verbal forms [1].

The following components of a word's meaning are identified as the main ones:

1. The denotative component, i.e. the reflection in the meaning of the word of the peculiarities of the denotat.

2. Conceptual, or conceptual, or lexical-semantic component, reflecting the Study of concepts, reflection of connections of words by semantics.

3. The connotative component, reflecting the speaker's emotional attitude towards the word.

4. Contextual component of word meaning.

Not all components of a word meaning appear in a child at once. During ontogenesis the meaning of a word does not remain unchanged, it develops. Studies show that the child, first of all, masters the denotative component of a word meaning, i.e. establishes the connection between a specific object and its designation.

The conceptual component of the word meaning is learned later as the child develops operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization. For example, when explaining the meaning of the word STONE, the child first says, "They eat on it. Later he/she explains the same word differently: "It is a type of furniture", i.e. relates this word on the basis of connections between words in the linguistic system[3].

Expansion of passive and active vocabulary of children is provided by the program of preschool education, therefore this work can be carried out by the teacher in classes on speech development, as well as during walks and excursions.

Thus, we can conclude the following. Children with DIBS experience significant difficulties in reproducing their vocabulary, which is caused, first of all, by the following: the active vocabulary of children with DIBS has a small amount of words, in connection with what they quite difficult to competently express their attitude to the world around them. The task of the teacher is to enrich active vocabulary of the preschool child by introducing words from the passive vocabulary into his or her vocabulary, as well as increasing the child's emotional perception of the environment through the verbal form by means of special lessons and exercises.

It is necessary to carry out regular work to enrich and develop the vocabulary of preschool children with special needs because during school their vocabulary should correspond to the level of the school program, children should be able to communicate with the teacher and their peers so that they do not have difficulties in organizing feedback and expressing their own position. Accordingly, teachers of preschool educational organizations need to devote enough time to such children, involving, if necessary, parents, speech therapists and other specialists who can help organize the work on the development of speech of a child with a limited ability to learn. Only in this case will the results of the above work be high, and the child will be able to fully learn both in elementary school and in middle and high school, because correctly constructed and rich speech will give him the opportunity to accurately reproduce the educational material he understands, to have discussions with his peers, to answer the teacher's questions, etc.



  1. Izotova E.A., Medvedeva E.Yu. The peculiarity of the development of coherentspeech in preschoolers with general underdevelopment of speech // Problems of modern pedagogical education. 2021. No.72-4.
  2. Kosheeva O.V. The use of a reverse dictionary for the development of readingskillsinchildrenwithgeneralspeechunderdevelopment//ScienceandSchool.2020. №5.
  3. Sharoiko L.Yu., Aksenenko T.M. The work of a teacher-psychologist on thedevelopmentofthevocabularyofchildren4-5yearsoldwithgeneralunderdevelopmentofspeechoftheIIIlevel//Problemsofpedagogy.2018. №4 (36).

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