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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(224)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kerimbayeva L. INFORMATICS AS A SCIENCE AND SUBJECT IN HIGH SCHOOL // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2023. № 12(224). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/224/283913 (дата обращения: 23.02.2025).


Kerimbayeva Laura

Student, Department of Mathematics and Science, Pedagogical Institute, Belgorod State National Research University research university,

Russia, Belgorod


Today Information science is developed sphere of activity which related to the transfer, storage and using of information with the help of computer systems. It implements an informational approach to exploring the world.

The information component becomes the main component of technological training of aperson. It doesn’t matter what industry he will be in.

Information processes and technologies are informatics objects.


Keywords: information processes; technology; computer science; information component.


Modern society requires a transition to a fundamentally new level of accessibility of high quality education. The state of the sphere of education and trends in the development of society require an urgent solution to the problem of advanced development of the education system on the basis of information technologies, the creation of a unified educational information environment in the country. Informatization presupposes an essential change in the content, methods and organizational forms of education.

The process of informatization of society, associated with the rapid development of information and communication technologies, their hardware and software, objectively set before a modern specialist of any profile the task of rationalization of intellectual activity on the basis of introduction of achievements of informatics.

Informatics at the present time is a developed science-intensive field of activity associated with the transmission, storage, transformation and use of information mainly through computer systems that tends to become a fundamental branch of scientific knowledge about information processes in nature and society, implementing a system-information approach to understanding the world around us.

The content of the textbook is traditionally two - from general and special (or individual) sections consisting of teaching methods. Therefore, teaching informatics is general and specific. As for the methodology of teaching, each section turns out to be a separate book.

The first part of the tool is general for teaching computer science. The methodology consists of six chapters revealing the problems. In the first chapter, the pedagogical science of the subject of computer science teaching methodology formation as a methodical system of teaching computer science, the goals of teaching are formulated. The second chapter is the teaching of computer science. focus on organizational issues. Computer science teaching forms and methods, modern computer science lessons, lessons are defined features, the purpose of the trinity, structure, topics and methodological issues of building an individual lesson. Control, testing and knowledge of computer science. The methodological system of evaluation is described in the third chapter. The fourth chapter of extracurricular work on the subject of computer science methodological and didactic foundations. Informatics service activities, working conditions to which Sanitary and hygienic requirements are considered in the fifth chapter. Chapter six: guidance for young professionals is described. Also held at the end of each chapter Identifies the purpose of the seminar/practical session and recommendations this.

The second part of the textbook is the actual teaching of computer science methodology. Informatics content is approved according to the standard of the basic course systematically covered teaching methods lines. Information and information processes, information representation, computer orientation, formalization and modeling, algorithms and programming, Specific information technology teaching content lines. Methods are described in detail. From each chapter of extensive laboratory exercises in accordance with the content was set very different learning objectives. Logically along the content lines of the basic course structured drawings.

Informatics area of study - the structure and general properties of information, as well as information retrieval in various areas of human life, the processes of collection, storage, transformation, delivery and use of the issues associated with large amounts of information and processing flow without automation and communication system electronic calculator so impossible to implement machines and modern information and communication technology is the fundamental core of computer science and materials.

The exact modern scientific approach to information was formulated by scientist Norbert Wiener. In his words, "...information is our environment and our senses determine the meaning adopted from it in the process of adaptation."

The emergence of the term "cybernetics" is global. It is known to have come into force after the advent of the English word for science, "Computer Science." The purpose of the individual approach to learning is to specify the general mechanism of learning put forward by the personal approach through "filling" with concrete content such categories as "the actual level of development," "the zone of the nearest development," "teachability," "learning capability," etc.

Today the thoughts of P.F. Lesgaft about the goals of the development of this sphere are particularly relevant:

- to develop in man a conscious attitude to his actions, to limit their arbitrariness and to develop in him the desire for perfection;

- to take care both of the beauty of the body, and of the beauty of speech and independence in the manifestation of thought;

- to form the ability to own his needs, to manage himself.

In fact, a developed holistic individuality itself provides harmony between the personal and the social. In this case, a person can really realize himself, choose this or that ideology or religion himself, realize his human nature. The development of personal qualities is made in the process of education on the basis of the formation of individual qualities.

All branches of modern science are closely connected with each other, so school subjects cannot be isolated from each other. Interdisciplinary integration is a didactic condition and a means of deep and comprehensive assimilation of science fundamentals at school. Interdisciplinary integration to some extent eliminates duplication in the study of material, saves time and creates favorable conditions for the formation of general academic skills of students.

The part of informatics that serves secondary school problems is called school informatics. The term was first introduced in Russian literature in a concept paper developed under the guidance of A.P. Ershov [3]. It defines school informatics as a branch of informatics engaged in research and development of software, technical, educational-methodological and organizational support for the use of computers in the school educational process.

In the field of technical support, school informatics aims to economically substantiate the choice of technical means to support the school educational process, determine the parameters of equipment for typical school computer science classrooms (CST), and find the optimal ratio of serial means and original developments oriented to the secondary school.

Educational and methodological support of school informatics consists in the development of curricula, methodical manuals, and textbooks for the school course of informatics as well as for all school subjects that may experience methodological influence of informatics and for the courses in the teaching of which it is planned to use informatics tools.

The problems of organizational support associated with the introduction and maintenance of new information technology for the teaching process include, in particular: organizational and technical measures to provide and maintain the technical base of school informatics and organize the development, duplication and delivery of teaching software to schools; training and retraining for all levels of education and, above all, for school teachers capable of bringing informatics to the mass school as a new scientific subject, and the training of specialists in the field of information technologies.

Subject outcomes in the sphere of cognitive activity reflect the internal logic of the subject development: from information processes through a tool for their cognition - modeling to algorithms and information technologies. This sequence forms, in particular, a complex logical action - a general method of problem solving.

Computer science teacher should become a constructor of new pedagogical situations, new tasks, aimed at using generalized ways of activity and creation of students' own products in mastering knowledge.

To solve these problems, it is important for every teacher to understand what, why, and how to change in their activities. Particular attention should be paid to changing computer science teaching methods that focus on the formation of both subject-specific and meta-disciplinary and personal results.

No skill is formed without sustained interest. Cognitive interest is one of the significant factors of learning activity activation. Only in this case learning becomes a personally significant activity, in which the learner himself is interested.

The content of educational material and the form in which it is presented to students should be such as to form a holistic view of the world and understanding of the place and role of man in it, so that the information received becomes personally meaningful to them.

Nowadays, computer science is an integral part of our life and a compulsory subject at school. Informatics curricula and courses in schools are developed at a high level, and students are introduced to the study of information technology at a very early age. The main thing is reasonable dosage of time spent by the child at the computer monitor and, of course, filter the information necessary for the overall development of children, according to age criteria.



  1. Bogomolova E.V. Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Training Informatics Web-site: bogomolovaev.narod.ru
  2. Ershov A.P., Zvenigorodskii G.A., Pervin Y.A. School informatics (concepts, state, prospects). - Novosibirsk, All-Russian center of Academy of Sciences, 1979.
  3. Kolin K. K. Informatics course in the education system: the current state and prospects for development // Systems and means of informatics. - M.: Nauka; Fizmatlit, 1966. - Vyp. 8. \
  4. Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. Course of lectures: Textbook for students of pedagogical educational institutions and listeners of IPK and FPC. - Moscow: Prometheus, 1992.
  5. M.P. Lapchik, I.G. Semakin, E.K. Khenner. Under the editorship of M.P. Lapchik. - M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2001. - 624 с.
  6. Moiseev N.N. Development Algorithms. - Moscow: Nauka, 1987.
  7. Education policy and new informational technologies: National report of the Russian Federation at the II International congress "Education and informatics in Russia". 7. Education Policy and New Information Technologies: National Report of Russian Federation at the II UNESCO World Congress "Education and Informatics". Moscow, July 1-5, 1996 // INFO. - 1996. - №6.

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