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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 40(210)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Omirbay B.A. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM IN KAZAKHSTAN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 40(210). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/210/273288 (дата обращения: 22.02.2025).


Omirbay Bakyt Abaykyzy

student, faculty of two foreign languages, Abylaikhan Kazakh University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


Quality education is a continuous process of education and upbringing. Nowadays, the goal of education is to form a well-educated individual, who is inclined to live, who has his own thoughts, and who has high morals. In order to implement these requirements, there is a need to work in a completely new direction in the assessment of student education.

In the article, I will focus on the new evaluation system - criterion evaluation.


Keywords: criterion assessment, summative assessment,criterion.


Along with the renewal of educational content in Kazakhstan schools, the assessment system has also undergone changes. The new system, called the criterion evaluation system, is based on the student's mastery of the material and formation of practical skills. According to the system, there are three types of assessment. They are: formative, departmental summative and quarterly summative assessment. In the 1960s, the distinction between formative and summative goals of education was established, but the meaning of each of them has not been sufficiently defined until now. It is no coincidence that the term "evaluation" comes from the Latin word meaning "to sit close", because the main character of evaluation is the close observation by one person of what another person says or does, or of his own thinking, understanding or behavior under self-control. This includes all forms of assessment, from formal tests and exams to informal assessments that teachers conduct hundreds of times a day in classrooms. Teaching is not a gift of teachers to students, these competencies require students to actively participate in the learning process in order to learn. Teachers, in turn, should focus not on teaching, but on the development of students' learning skills. For this purpose, the teacher should create a learning environment. In this regard, it is a criterion evaluation that establishes mutual understanding and collective relations among students, eliminates the doubts of students and opens the way to increase their opportunities.

Criterion assessment is a process based on comparing the educational achievements of students with the clearly defined, collective, criteria known in advance to all participants of the educational process, which correspond to the purpose and content of education, which contribute to the formation of educational and cognitive qualifications of students. Telling a student that he has reached a certain level does not help him understand what he needs to do to achieve his best. And if you explain and analyze with the child what led to such assessment and assessment criteria, then the student will understand what to do next to improve his result. Criterion evaluation gives this opportunity to the student. Therefore, the purpose of introducing criterion evaluation is to improve the quality of school education, to match the education of school graduates to international standards. It aims to solve the tasks presented in the table below. Criterion assessment is carried out through formative and summative assessment. Formative assessment provides feedback between the learner and the teacher, allowing for timely correction of the learning process. A type of continuous assessment. Tasks for formative assessment are designed to be done in everyday classes. After completing each task, the teacher provides feedback to each student to respond to a certain event or action, to be silent, to express an opinion. Various methods can be used in formative assessment.

Summative assessment is a type of assessment that is carried out at the end of a certain period of study (term/trimester, academic year) of sections in the curriculum (on common subjects). Taking into account the student's ability, tasks of different levels of complexity used to organize differentiated training are performed. Assessment is carried out in all subjects Evaluation methods are different according to content and types. In order to determine the degree of achievement of learning goals, evaluation criteria are considered in accordance with B. Bloom's taxonomy of learning goals. Assessment criteria assess only what is presented for learning purposes. The teacher takes into account the individual characteristics of the students, the content of the study, and sets the task and its descriptor. A special feature is that daily students are not graded. Based on the assessment criteria, the student's educational achievements are assessed. In order to establish a common norm, teachers are based on the scoring table for the term summative assessment tasks.

The importance of criterion-referenced assessment for students: to use different learning styles and types of thinking activity to demonstrate their understanding and ability, to know and understand assessment criteria for success by predicting their own results, to evaluate their own and their peers' achievements, to participate in reflection, to use their knowledge to solve real problems allows to use, to express different points of view, to think critically.

Advantages of criterion evaluation: only the student's work is evaluated, not the student's personality, the evaluation of the student's work is based on pre-suggested criteria, the evaluation algorithm is known to the students in advance, the student knows what he is working for, the level of education of the student is clearly visible. , evaluation by criteria allows the teacher to know clearly, the quality of education increases.

Nowadays a new system of modern education is rapidly developing in Kazakhstan. The Kazakhstan system of education is focused on entering the world educational space. It is connected with essential changes in the theory of pedagogy and educational process, changing of paradigm. It is important to point out that the content of education has been updated, new views and approaches have appeared. From this point of view, the main characteristic feature of the modern system of education is the development of the learner's competence related to the curriculum. That's why the evaluation of students' final achievement is an important part of the learning process. Thus this article considers a new system of assessment — the criteria-based assessment.



  1. State program of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2011-2020. http://adilet.zan.kz
  2. Guide to criterion-referenced assessment for primary school teachers. Educational and methodological tool. - Astana, 2016. – 48
  3. https://martebe.kz/kriterialdy-ba-alau-sapaly-bilim-lshemi/

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