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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 26(196)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Tursunbayeva D. LEXICAL PROBLEMS OF TRANSLATION OF UZBEK LITERARY WORK “SAODAT SOHILI” BY KHAYRIDDIN SULTON // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 26(196). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/196/261521 (дата обращения: 02.02.2025).


Tursunbayeva Dilnavoz

1st year Master student, Faculty of Translation Theory and Practice, Uzbekistan State World Languages University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent

Samigova Xushnuda

научный руководитель,

Scientific Supervisor, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Department of English language Translation Theory, Uzbekistan State World Languages University,

Uzbekistan, Tashkent


This article is about the lexical difficulties of translation in the example of Uzbek literary work and its translation into English language. We know that the language is a way to see and understand the world. It is the vehicle of our ideas, thoughts and standpoints of our world. However, since human being is essentially a social animal we eternally interact with our environment. This interaction with environment is a factor of time and space. When and where we are interacting regulates what actually we are meaning. For example, ‘March’ is an act as well as month. The gist depends on when, where and how. Translation is undertaken as an act of carrying the meaning of a text from one language to another. For that reason we should deal with the lexical problems of translation, especially, when we translate the literary historical works.


Keywords: lexeme, lexical problems, correspondence, transformation, addition, omission, substitution, supplementation, dropping, replacement, complete correspondence, absence of correspondences.


Because of the semantic peculiarities of a language the meanings of the words, the place they hold in the lexical system do not concur for the most part. For that reason we make use of utilizing lexical correspondence and transformations. As for the lexical correspondences between two languages, they are of three types:

  • Complete lexical correspondences. In most cases they belong to following groups: proper names, geographical denominations, the names of months, days, weeks, some technical or scientific terms, etc.

For example, let us see this instance taken from “Saodat sohili”:

“Mana bu oy jumadul avval, so’g’in jumadul oxir, so’g’in rajab, so’g’in sha’bon, undan so’g’in ramazon, undan so’g’in shavvol! Ha, baribir oxiri voy. Vallohu a’lam bissavob; to’qson to’rt kundan so’g’in ramazon iydi, bir yuz ellik to’rt kundan so’g’in kichik iyd, ha! Yana oltmish uch kunda ro’za kelur, ha!

Translation:Look, this month is “Djumadul avval”, the next one is “Djumadul oxir”, afterwards, is the month “Radjab” , then “Sha’bon” month guests, after that sacred “ Ramadan” , and  at last, but not least – the month “Shavvol” are going to have a flying visit. Yet, all in all, in the end you will fail! Allah Almighty!  After ninety-four days, accursed month Ramadan will halt and after one hundred fifty-four days passed, again “Iyd-Ramadan Hayit” will bring perfect dignity. Following sixty-three days, Ramadan’s Ruza” will punch the clock!

  • Partial lexical correspondence. This happens when the word in the original text conforms to numerous equivalents in the target language. For example, let us see the example again (taken from “Saodat sohili”):
  1. Bad mistake – bad time ( qo’pol xato – noqulay vaqt , but the word means ‘yomon’)
  • Absence of lexical correspondences. They are rarely found in the literary contexts. They also belong to some lexical groups. They are addresses and greetings, titles of journal and magazines, weights, linear measures and etc.

Example from “Saodat sohili”:

  1. Your Majesty, Your Grace, Your Reverence, my Padishah, my Sultan;(taqsir, zoti oliylari, olampanoh, sultonim)

In the process of translation, in order to attain the fullest information about the target text, we are obliged to use not only lexical correspondences, but also lexical transformations, too. The theory of lexical transformations was firstly pioneered by the scholars Nida and Rozentsveig. They divide the principal types of lexical transformations into three. They are:

a) Lexical substitution. We can observe it when some word or word combinations are replaced with another word and word combinations which are not their equivalents. For example: He is in the army – U armiyada xizmat qilyapti – Oн служит в армии.”

b) Addition = Supplementation. It is used in order to avoid the inexpressibility of semantic components. A formal indescribability of certain semantic components is especially of English word combinations: N+N/ Adj+N.

For example: tax claim – soliq ustidan shikoyat qilish

Example from “Saodat sohili”:

- Abode – doimiy yashash makoni

c) Omission = Dropping. As a type of lexical transformation, we can see it when some general words with surplus meaning are omitted so that we could get more concretized expression. For example: in “Saodat sohili” there is a sentence: “Bobur yalt etib qaradi” and we translated it with omission as “Babur raised his eyebrows”.

In this way we may take advantage of using lexical correspondence and transformations, especially, when we translate literary essays, novels, or any other works.



  1.  Salomov G'. Language and translation. Lexical and phraseological problems of translation. Fan Publishing House, -T.: 1966. 5.
  2. Hojiev A. Annotated Dictionary of Linguistic Terms. -T.: 1985.
  3. Abdullaev A. "Expression of expressiveness in the Uzbek language", -T.: "Science", 1983. 7. Annotated dictionary of the Uzbek language.

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