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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 25(195)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kadyr F. STRATEGIES THAT MAKE A GOOD TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 25(195). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/195/261508 (дата обращения: 21.10.2024).


Kadyr Fariza

Student, Pedagogical Faculty of Foreign Languages, Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


The aim of this science work is to show different approaches and theories in the field of translation strategies and to offer a general review to facilitate the research of written translation and simultaneous interpreting strategies in future studies.


Цель данной научной работы - показать различные подходы и теории в области стратегий перевода и предложить общий обзор, чтобы облегчить исследование стратегий письменного перевода и синхронного перевода в будущих исследованиях.


Keywords: translation strategies, algorithm of translating, difficulties of translation.

Ключевые слова: стратегии перевода, алгоритм перевода, трудности перевода.


Nowadays, the issue of effective translation and interpreting strategies development is extremely topical, due to the importance of translation activity globally. People all over the world cannot dispense with high-quality and rapid translation. However, this kind of activity cannot be referred to as breeze. A translator is required to have perfect command in working languages, excellent memory, good reaction, stress and time management, communication skills, cultural knowledge, computer literacy and so on. Moreover, professional translators and interpreters always face different problems in their work. To handle and even avoid these problems, they need to follow certain strategies of translation and apply certain translation techniques.

Translation plays an important role in our lives. Unfortunately, we rarely notice the work of translators or think about its value. More often we pay attention to the absence of translation. And yet, our world would be completely different without translation. Translation enriches a person's life, as it gives him the opportunity to communicate and transfer information. For example, throughout human history, knowledge has been transmitted precisely through translated texts. Every book, teaching or study has been written by someone in a particular language.

Translation is a complex process that implies not only word-for-word rendering of a text from one language to another. Therefore, translation can be understood as the activity that involves interpreting the meaning of a text in the source language and creating a new, equivalent in meaning text in the target language. In order to successfully convey the same meaning of the source-language text to the target-language readers, the translator needs to use certain strategies and techniques.

Translation strategy is a deliberately chosen algorithm of translation actions when translating one specific text (or a group of texts), where translation actions are understood as the whole set of possible actions to carry out translation.

Now, let’s dwell on simultaneous interpreting strategies, which is, in fact, very exciting and the most difficult form of translation. Even the most powerful computers in the world cannot perform simultaneous interpreting from one language into another accurately and effectively in real time. Simultaneous interpreters can cope with this task. The process requires a very complex and immediate interplay of sensory, motor and cognitive skills.

These strategies are widely used by the professional interpreters. Having analyzed the theoretical data about the simultaneous interpreting strategies, it becomes obvious, that each strategy in the above classification is thoroughly studied. However, it would be great, if the theorists in the field of simultaneous interpreting develop a theory which describes the use of these strategies in combination and interaction to each other to make the process of simultaneous interpreting even more effective.

In conclusion I want to say that the concept of translation strategy is associated with the procedural nature of the translation and represents the order of the translator's actions when translating a text. We found out that there are many scientists who offer their own translation strategies. We elicited the most frequent translation problems, connected to semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. The effectiveness of each strategy of simultaneous interpreting is proven, but we propose to develop a theory which describes the use of these strategies in combination and interaction to each other to make the process of simultaneous interpreting even more effective.

So, the novelty of the project is represented by the attempt to systematize the translation strategies that proved to be the most effective and applicable by the translators from English into Russian. Also, we claim that the simultaneous interpreting strategies, considered in this work, require further research in terms of the principles of their combined application while simultaneous interpreting.

As to the practical significance, the project can be used by novice translators as a sort of guidance. Professional translators can check out to what degree each of the strategies is effective.



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