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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 24(194)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Xushvaqtova G.K. INGLIZ TILIDA MURAKKAB VA SODDA GAPLARNING TURLARI, FARQLARI VA ULARGA KELTIRILGAN MISOLLAR // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 24(194). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/194/260916 (дата обращения: 21.03.2025).


Xushvaqtova Guldona Kamoliddin qizi

Samarqand Davlat Chet tillar institutining magistr talabasi,

O‘zbekiston, Samarqand



Хушвактова Гулдона Камолиддин кизи

магистрант, Самаркандский государственный институт иностранных языков,

Узбекистан, г. Самарканд



Ushbu maqolada ingliz tilida murakkab va soda gaplarning turlari, farqlari va ularga keltirilgan misollar haqida so`z boradi.


В данной статье рассматриваются виды, отличия и примеры сложных и простых предложений в английском языке.


Kalit so`zlar: soda gaplar, murakkab gaplar, farq, kommunikativ, ega va kesim.

Ключевые слова: простые предложения, сложные предложения, различие, коммуникативное, притяжательное и междометие.


Maqola sodda va murakkab jumlalar nima ularning turlari, farqlariga batafsil to’xtaladi. Gap kommunikativ vazifani bajaradigan til birligidir. Shu tarzda odamlar u yoki bu ma’lumotni yetkazish, harakatga undash yoki savol berish uchun qo’llaydilar. Gaplarda so’zlar bir-biriga bog’langan bo’ladi va subyekt, predikat bo’lib gapning o’zagini ifodalab keladi.  Ushbu strukturaviy yadrolarning soniga qarab ular oddiy yoki murakkab gap ekanligini anglashilib keladi.

Sodda gaplar – bu ega va kesimdan iborat bo’lgan gaplardir. Ingliz tilida “subject” va “predicate” deb ataladi.Ushbu jihatdan ular quydagi turlarga ajratiladi:

  1. Indefinitely personal: we called to the leader
  2. Generalized personal: you can’t wait forever
  3. Impersonal: it was getting dark outside
  4. Definitely personal: I stand and sing
  5. Infinitives: sit! You already have to go
  6. Names: day. Building. Theatre.
  7. Incomplete: you will wear this red.

Murakkab gaplar- Murakkab gap bir bosh gap va bir yoki bir nechta ergash gapdan iborat. Tobe bo’lak bosh gapdagi so’zni o’zgartiradi. After Dan studies, he often watches television (subordinate clause modifies watches). This is the week when the Todds go on vacation (subordinate clause modifies week). After Ann made the salad, she set the table (subordinate clause modifies set). Murakkab gaplar quydagi turlarga bo’linadi:

  1. Compound _- ular bir necha sodda jumlalarni o’z ichiga oladi. Ko’p hollarda ular bir-biriga muvofiqlashtiruvchi birlashmalar orqali bog’lanadi: yes, and, however, or, but, either, neither, not that, etc. the rain drizzled and the sun came out.
  2. Complicated- bu gaplar gramatik jihatdan bir qismi semantik tasvirda mustaqil bo’lmagan jumlalar. Ular ittifoqdosh, bo’ysunuvchi so’zlar yordamida o’zaro bog’lanadi(when, so that, if, although, while, which.). Katya didn’t answer because she was thinking.
  3. Allied- ular mustaqil va bir-biridan butunlay mustaqil. The sun was shining, cherries were blooming, birds were singing.

Oddiy va murakkab gaplarning farqi. Sodda gap bitta predmet va fe’lga ega bo’lib, bitta fikrni ifodalaydi.  Murakkab gaplar esa mustaqil ergash gapga bog’lovchi yordamida bog’lanib tuziladi. Murakkab  gaplar ikki yoki undan ortiq fe’l, ikki yoki undan ortiq bo’lakdan iborat bo’lib, bir nechta fikrni ifodalaydi.

Murakkab gapni shakllantirish

  • Mustaqil va tobe ergash gaplar qo’shilib murakkab gap hosil qilsa, ular har ikki tartibda borishi mumkin. Bu yerda mustaqil band birinchi kelgan: I was snippy with him because I was running late for work.

Tobe gapning birinchi kelishi: Because I was running late for work, I was snippy with him. To be va mustaqil gaplarni bog’lashda vergulga e’tibor berish darkor. Bu gaplarni bog’lashda ‘after’, ‘while’, ‘since’ kabi bog’lovchilar kerak. Agar birinchi tobe gap kelsa odatda vergul bilan ajratish kerak bo’ladi. Verguldan foydalanishda e’tibor berish kerak. Mustaqil banddan pauza yoki farqni aniqlaganingizda, sizga vergul kerakmi yoki yo’qligini tekshiring. Gaplarni baland ovozda o’qish vergul qayerda kelishiga yordam beradi.

Adabiyotlarda keltirilgan murakkab gaplar. Siz istalgan ingliz adabiyotini ochganingizda  murakkab gaplarga duch kelasiz:

  • “If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.” - Walden, Henry David Thoreau
  • “The Scarecrow and the Tin Woodman stood up in a corner and kept quiet all night, although of course they could not sleep.” - The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, L. Frank Baum
  • “Because he was so small, Stuart was often hard to find around the house.” - Stuart Little, E.B. White
  • “Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.” - One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
  • “As Grainier drove along in the wagon behind a wide, slow, sand-colored mare, clusters of orange butterflies exploded off the blackish purple piles of bear sign and winked and fluttered magically like leaves without trees.” - Train Dreams, Denis Johnson

Quydagi gaplarni o’qing va qaysi murakkab yoki sodda gap ekanligini aniqlang:

  1. We rang the doorbell, but no one answered it. __________ 2. I wrote Jane a letter while she was away at camp. __________ 3. Have you seen Mr. Nelson’s garden at the back of his house? __________ 4. When Miss Jones entered the room, we all became quiet. __________ 5. Susan likes chemistry, but she likes physics better. __________ 6. Since we’ve lost every game but one, no one is excited about football this year. __________ 7. When I’m tired , I’m not good company for anyone. __________ 8. Wandering aimlessly up the path, Mr. Cutter approached the house. __________ 9. Susan sang a solo and accompanied herself on the piano. __________ 10. When the rain began, we were playing tennis. __________ 11. When Uncle Jack comes to town, we all have a good time. __________ 12. I worked all morning, and then I relaxed in the afternoon. __________ 13. Beth likes all seasons of the year, but she likes fall best. __________ 14. On our trip we drove every afternoon until five o’clock. __________ 15. Dave began to feel better before the doctor arrived. __________ 16. Whistling loudly, Ken walked past the cemetery. __________ 17. How many states can you see from Lookout Mountain? __________ 18. If you want your car really clean, let George wash it. __________ 19. I must stay home until the man comes to repair the washing machine. __________ 20. Our neighbors are going to Canada on their vacation, but we will take our vacation at home. __________

Xulosa qilib aytganda bu maqola sizga foydali bo’ldi deb umid qilaman. Maqoladagi barcha ma’lumotlar qiziqarli bo’lgan mavzu murakkab va sodda gaplar to’g’risida. Ularga berilgan tasniflar va berilgan mashqlar sizning bu mavzudagi bilimingizni oshirishga yordam beradi. Hamma o’rganuvchilarga kerakli qo’llanma sifatida asqotadi.


Adabiyotlar ro'yxati:

  1. M:\9-TLC\TLC Web Design\Handouts Worksheets\Grammar.Punctuation.Writing\Sentence-Complex.doc\
  2. Alwin Prak from internet
  3. A grammar of the English language (1973) by В.К.Каушанская,
  4. Р.Л. Ковнер, О.Н. Ковженикова, Е.В. Прокофьева, З.М. Райнес, С.Е. Сквирская, Ф.Я. Цырлина

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