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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 23(193)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Gorbatovsky D. ORGANIZATION OF DIGITIZATION OF ARCHIVAL DOCUMENTS. PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 23(193). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/193/259816 (дата обращения: 06.10.2024).


Gorbatovsky Denis

student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Shemaeva Elena

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Ph.D. philol. Sciences, Assoc. departments of foreign languages, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


Preservation of archival documents is one of the most important tasks of state archives. Written documents tend to waste their physical condition for some time, so archive specialists digitize archival documents.


Keywords: digitization, archival documents, archive, document storage.


In the modern world of digital technologies, humanity is used to having all information available in electronic form. The entire document flow is gradually moving into electronic form and thereby simplifies and facilitates many work processes.

Yu. Yu. Yumasheva highlights the development of digitization and the emergence of this project in the Russian Federation since the late 90s, as the first stage and the formation of document scanning in the Russian Federation.

«S.L. Kuznetsov describes the emergence of the makings of digitization in the early 1980s. More detailed development of this issue refers to the late 1990s — early 2000s. )»[2]. Digitization is the process of digitally presenting non–discrete data using special technical means.

According to Yu.Yu. Yumasheva, «digitization is a description of an object, image or audio–video signal (in analog form) in the form of a set of discrete digital measurements (samples) of this signal/ object, using one or another equipment (scanners, digital cameras, etc.), i.e. converting a document from its traditional, inherent form into a digital (computer) one in the form of an electronic data file (files) suitable for recording on electronic media. The result of digitizing documents are media files (image files, audio files, video files, etc.). P.), which can be reproduced by various digital devices. )»[5]

The EFP includes copies of fully digitized (fully) storage units. The EFP consists of three arrays of electronic copies:

- an array of master copies recorded on electronic media indicating the contents on the covers, and not intended for use (EFP-1);

- an array of working copies (copies of the first generation, duplicates), also recorded on electronic media with an indication of the contents on the covers. These copies are intended for permanent use for the purpose of subsequent processing (EFP-2);

- «an array of all copies of the second and subsequent generations created for various purposes, recorded on electronic media with the contents on the covers and intended for repeated use (EFP-3)».[3]

The main purpose of digitizing archival documents is the preservation of unique documents, as well as the preservation of all archival documents in case of loss or extinction of documents and information. The archive fund of the Altai Republic is also being added to form an electronic fund for use (EFP). Document scanning should ensure the safety of documents, as well as open access to any information using the Internet network.

The practice of the educational environment indicates that teachers – recent graduates have difficulties entering a new professional community. They often do not know how to establish effective relationships with colleagues who have quite a lot of experience and high academic status. Working in a team with other members of educational corporations on a research project, new teachers often face problems of making the right decision and taking responsibility for it. In this case, the behavior patterns of new teachers depend on their attitude to the faculty, to the university as a whole, on how they accept and share the values of the university corporate culture. The study of these relationships is an important aspect of our research.

Oleg Naumov makes three main goals of scanning archival documents:

• «The first is to expand and facilitate access to the documents of the Archival Fund.

• the second is to ensure the safety of the originals by withdrawing them from circulation and providing access to the electronic use fund.

• The third is the simplification of the provision of public services. Now there are many individual requests from citizens for documents on personnel. Archives are also beginning to digitize them and use electronic copies to prepare responses, which significantly speeds up the work».[4]

According to the results of a survey of archival institutions in 2011 , archivists identified the following goals for digitizing archival documents:

− formation of an electronic use fund for servicing visitors in reading rooms and removing originals from direct circulation (106 respondent archives);

− fulfillment of social and legal requests (88 respondent archives);

− systematic implementation of the program developed and adopted in the archives for creating electronic copies of archival documents (35 respondent archives);

− creation of exhibitions (including virtual) of multimedia publications, publications (including on the Internet), organization of remote access (18 respondent archives);

− creation of an insurance fund and formation of service databases (5 respondent archives);

− ensuring the safety of documents (3 respondent archives);

− improving the efficiency of document search (2 respondent archives);

− creation at the request of users (1 respondent archive);

− restoration of fading texts (1 respondent archive).

T.F. Pavlova believes that "the problem to date remains the copying of archival documents on user orders from copies of the use fund. Not all federal and regional archives have special equipment that allows them to make such copies (RGANI, RGASPI, GA of the Russian Federation have them)."

The requirements for the quality of the digital copies received are not clearly formulated. There are no criteria for evaluating the quality of electronic copies of paper documents: image parameters, tone reproduction (contrast), brightness, noise, color accuracy, sharpness, resolution, geometric distortion, etc.

Thus, it can be concluded that the prospect of digitizing archival documents exists today. Gradually, electronic resources affect the entire system of society. And archival institutions are no exception. Document scanning is in the first place in the Federal Archival Agency of the Russian Federation.



  1. Karavaev, V. S. Digitization of archival documents: technical and technological problems // Document. Archive. History. Modernity. − Vol. 14. − Yekaterinburg, 2014. − p. 245.
  2. Kuznetsov, S. L. The concept of archival business development in the Russian Federation // Modern technologies of office work and document management. − 2012. − No. 7. − Pp. 6-12.
  3. Methodological recommendations on electronic copying of archival documents and management of the received information array / Yu. Yu. Yumasheva. – M., 2012. – pp. 11-12.
  4. Methodological recommendations on electronic copying of archival documents and management of the received information array [Official website of the Federal Archival Agency of the Russian Federation]. – 2016. – URL:http://archives.ru/documents/rekomend_el-copy-archival-documents.shtm (accessed: 02.04.2022).
  5. Features of digitization of documents in modern archives. –URL: https://www.itweek.ru/ecm/article/detail.php?ID=154329 (accessed: 02.04.2022).

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