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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 22(192)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Chuev A. ACTUALIZATION OF GAME TECHNOLOGY IN STEM EDUCATION IN PHYSICS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 22(192). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/192/258708 (дата обращения: 21.03.2025).


Chuev Akeksandr

1st year master's student, 44.04.01 Pedagogical education, Natural science education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


We live in a high-tech society: in this society, technology and technology are of great importance. Therefore, it is important already in physics lessons to teach students to use technology competently, to know and follow safety rules, to tell others clearly and understandably the rules of safe use of a technical device, to know the signs of a technical device malfunctioning and where it can be repaired.


Keywords: STEM, game, physics, technology.


«The robot silently made its way to the kitchen, where it pressed the buttons of various kitchen appliances, and breakfast was ready..." (A. Asimov). Today, these lines of the prominent science fiction writer no longer seem like science fiction. A variety of gadgets and high technology have rushed into our lives, everyday life, and education.

Our entire economy revolves around mathematics, accounting, functions and logarithms, and computation. The architectural industry focuses on mathematics, as does urban planning. Medical research is fueled by the study of chemistry and biology and physics... We live in a high-tech society: machinery and technology are important. Now technology makes our lives easier, what we did yesterday for a very long time or had no opportunity to do at all, we can now do in an instant. But technology also has a flip side: sometimes it gets out of human control and may cause a man-made disaster. Therefore, it is important to teach people how to use technology properly, to know and follow the safety rules, to tell others clearly and understandably how to use a technical device safely, to know the signs of its malfunction and where to fix it.

Work in the XXI century will require a virtual reality architect, a nano-medic, a robotics engineer, a 3D-printing engineer, a drone operator... Specialists of the future should have an appropriate knowledge of natural sciences, mathematics, technology, engineering, be experienced professionals, which means that there is an acute educational need for quality training of today's students in technical disciplines. Education needs to be ahead of the curve, in line with the trends of society in the future. States, focused on technological progress, were the first to recognize this problem. Thus, a new trend in education-STEM emerged.

The process of teaching physics in basic school is aimed at the development of the student's personality, formation of his/her scientific worldview and corresponding style of thinking, formation of subject, scientific-natural (as branch) and key competences.

If learning and cognitive activities are constantly “fed” with new non-standard approaches and game elements, learning becomes more interesting, deep and flexible, and this all leads to a significant increase in its effectiveness.

Play, learning and work - these are the three main types of human activity. Play prepares the child for both learning and work, with play being both learning and work. Some educators believe that play activities for students - it is a bygone stage. But didactic games can and should be used in physics lessons in order to develop cognitive interests of students and improve learning.

Teaching in a game format provides the formation of the practical skills, research skills and experience of experimental activity. Thanks to this, students can solve cognitive problems within the framework of the gained knowledge.

Game technologies of learning at the lessons, in particular physics, take place in implementing a didactic game. This is organization of learning, which is carried out by a teacher based on purposefully organized activity of students according to a specially developed game scenario, relying on the maximum self-organization of students in modeling the experience of human activity.

According to G. Selevko’s definition, “the game is a type of activity in the conditions of situations which are aimed at reproduction and assimilation of social experience in which self-management of behavior is formed and perfected» [5, с. 128].

"The child has a thirst for play, and it is necessary to satisfy it - Makarenko advised - it is necessary not only to give him time to play but also to fill this game all the life of the child. Her whole life - it’s a game. The famous French physicist Louis de Broglie argued that all games (even the simplest) have many elements in common with the work of a scientist. In a game, one is attracted by the task set and the difficulty to be overcome, and then by the joy of discovery and the feeling of having overcome an obstacle. Therefore, all people, regardless of age, are attracted to play.

Game, as one of the most amazing phenomena in human life, has attracted the attention of philosophers and researchers of different ages (Plato, Aristotle, Hegel, Schiller).

In the domestic pedagogical literature, there are different views and approaches to the essence of didactic possibilities of games. Some scientists, such as L. S. Shubina, L. I. Kryukova and others, refer them to teaching methods. У. P. Bederhanova, N. N. Bogomolova characterize games as a means of education.

The most profound technology of the game as a form of organizing and improving the learning process is considered by Y. S. Tyunnikov and S. M. Tyunnikova. M. Tyunnikova, who believe that before the development of the theory of problem-based learning, its basic concepts, principles, methods the game could not get, and had no pedagogical logic of construction neither in the aspect of didactic interpretation of the structure and content of problems, nor in the aspect of organizing the implementation of the game process [3, p. 6].

The topic is quite relevant and is of interest not only to philosophers, parents and educators but also teachers, because game technology in school used relatively recently. Relevance of game technology is that the student by nature likes to play. Play allows you to expand the boundaries of the child’s own life, to imagine what he or she has not seen. During play, the mental processes of all participants in the play activity are activated: attention, memorization, interest, perception and thinking. The game is accompanied by curiosity, pleasure and joy. All of this put together certainly facilitates learning. Pupils are carried away, they do not notice that they are learning: they learn, remember new things, orient themselves in unusual situations, add to the stock of ideas, concepts, develop their imagination.



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  2. Golin G.M. Issues of methodology of physics in the course of secondary school. - M.; Prosveshchenie. 1987. 127 p.
  3. Zanko, S.F. Game and learning. Theory, practice and prospects of game learning. In 2 parts / S.F. Zanko, Y.S. Tyunnikov, S.M. Tyunnikova. - М., 1992. - Ch.1.- 269 p.
  4. Makarenko A.S. Pedagogical writings in eight volumes / A book for parents. - 1981. - 30 p.
  5. Selevko G.K. Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies. In 2 vols. 1 / GK Selevko - M.: National Education, 2005. - 552 p.

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