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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 21(191)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Sisenov A. THE ROLE OF THE INTERNET RESOURCES IN TRAINING FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 21(191). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/191/257607 (дата обращения: 29.10.2024).


Sisenov Assylbek

master's student, Department of Foreign Language Teacher Training, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Сисенов Асылбек Шигирбекұлы

магистрант, кафедра подготовки педагогов иностранного языка, Казахский Университет Международных Отношений и Мировых Языков имени Абылай Хана,

КР, г. Алматы



The article examines the impact of new trends in education on the choice of materials in the preparation of teachers of foreign languages. Definitions and classification by types of Internet resources are given. And the impact of the use of such materials on the formation of a competent teacher of a foreign language.


В статье рассматривается влияние новых тенденций в образовании на выбор материалов при подготовке учителей иностранных языков. Даны определения и классификация по видам интернет-ресурсов. И влияние использования таких материалов на формирование компетентного учителя иностранного языка.


Keywords: internet; internet resources; informative communicative competency.

Ключевые слова: Интернет; Интернет-ресурсы; информативно-коммуникативная компетентность.


The current state of globalization in the world determines and interprets new rules in all areas of activity. The reason for globalization is primarily due to the easy connection between countries, and this connection is carried out with the help of the Internet. The Internet has become a link and a bridge for the transmission of information and has affected education accordingly. The Internet is very versatile and therefore its use requires a lot of study and the process of proper implementation of Internet resources must be studied from all sides.

 First of all, it is necessary to characterize the Internet or an Internet resource (IR). Preston Gralla in his book described the Internet as a tool of our time that can literally do everything related to information. Transfer, search and distribution of materials in any form, text, pictures or video, audio and modifications, and so others. All this has become available these days through a PC or gadgets with a network connection [1, с. 8].

Shkrob A.M. describes the following features of using the IR in education as [2, с. 8]:

1. Not taking into account the ease of transfer and exchange of any kind of information, the network also allows to store an indescribable amount of materials. All lesson materials and reports and other things can be stored online for eternity.

2. Autonomy of the network. This can be considered as an advantage, since there are no borders in the network and any corner there has freedom.

3. Ease of orientation in this space of materials. There are search engines that will search for information on any request, most importantly, they can be sorted and retrieved.

Taking into account such features of Internet resources, it is necessary to classify and group them. After reviewing the work of Bovtenko M.A., the author grouped the types of Internet resources that are used in foreign language lessons, these are, firstly, sites for translation, that is, dictionaries and translation services; the second can be considered authentic materials that are not confirmed to be changed for training, in their original form they are used to familiarize themselves with real materials; resources for creating assignments and tests for formative assessments [3, с. 32].

Researchers Gubina L. A. and Bakaeva O. in their work analyzed electronic resources, based on the work, the following classifications of IR  can be taken [4, с.143]:

- by function, made in the educational process: educational and methodical; educational; auxiliary; systems and databases of tests.

- according to the nature of the presentation of basic information, the following types are distinguished: text; graphic; sound; program; multimedia.

- by type: textbook; directory; problem book; workshop (models, simulators); testing system.

Now let's move on to the pragmatic aspects of using IR s in training specialists. Early research by D'Esposito and Gardner mentions the trend of introducing Internet resources into higher education institutions, and it was noticed that students, when working on academic assignments, preferred IR because of its ease of search, variability of information and the availability of materials in electronic form. But at that time, students, when working on serious tasks, such as project work, still relied on the use of traditional materials, such as books, magazines in the library [5, с. 458].

In a study by Peng et al, the use of the Internet among students as a tool to accomplish academic tasks in higher institutions has a positive effect. But on the condition that students will consider it as a tool, because otherwise it may negatively affect academic performance[6, с. 75]. For example, Chen & Pen conducted a survey among 49,609 elementary students, the results showed that those who use the Internet fully had problems with self-esteem, psychosocial adjustment and academic performance than those who used Internet resources to the extent of their own purposes [7, с. 468]. This means that in order to get the maximum benefit from the Internet resources, it is necessary to adhere to the principles.

- The principle of limitation. Students should use resources in moderation and only in certain search engines. For example, it is proposed to work with Google Scholar search engine when working with design work. This will allow you to work only with scientific materials and clear information.

- The principle of accuracy of instructions. Tasks should be described in detail, if necessary, step by step and have a specific clear goal of the work.

- The principle of creativity. Despite the established framework of the first two principles, this should not limit the creative activity of the student. The selection of IR should be varied and relevant in our realities.

- The principle of authenticity and linguistic inclination. When preparing future teachers of foreign languages, it is necessary to take into account the language base of students. The authenticity of the material introduces the culture and linguistic features of a native speaker. Authenticity generates interest and motivation among participants due to its reality and the illusion of being connected to the present state of the language in use.

Listing the features and benefits of Internet resources in education, it seems to be an absolute solution in the progress of pedagogy. The correct use of Internet resources will only have a positive impact on academic performance in the preparation of future teachers. The Internet is part of our current culture around the world, and its benefits are worthy of further study.



  1. Preston G. How the Internet works: textbook. –IN :Que Pub, 2007. — С. 8.
  2. Мижериков В.А., Юзефавичус Т.А. Введение в информационные технологии: учеб. пособие. –М.: Информатика, 2005. — С. 352.
  3. Бовтенко М.А. Информационно-коммуникационные технологии в преподавании иностранного языка: создание электронных учебных материалов: учеб. пособие. –Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 2005. — С.32
  4. Губина Л. А., Бакаева О. А. Классификации электронных образовательных ресурсов // Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции «Традиционная и инновационная наука: История, современное состояние, перспективы»: в 5 частях. Ч2. Уфа: Аэтерна, 2018. ‒ С. 143.
  5. D'Esposito J. E., Gardner R. M. University students' perceptions of the Internet: An exploratory study. — Journal of Academic Librarianship, 199. —№25, P. 458.
  6. Peng H. Y., Tsai C. C., Wu Y. T. University students' self-efficacy and their attitudes toward the Internet: the role of students' perceptions of the Internet. — Educational Studies, 2006.  — №32. — P. 75.
  7. Chen Y. F., Peng S. S. University students' Internet use and its relationships with academic performance, interpersonal relationships, psychosocial adjustment, and self-evaluation. —Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 2008. —№11. — P. 468.

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