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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 20(190)

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Библиографическое описание:
Altynbekova L.A. FORMATION OF COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE 10TH GRADE STUDENTS THROUGH THE USE OF TEDTALKS MEDIA CONTENT // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 20(190). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/190/257406 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Altynbekova Lyazzat Altynbekkyzy

Master student 2 course, Foreign Language Faculty, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Shelestova Tat'yna

научный руководитель,

Scientific adviser, Dr.of Philosophy, Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Abylai Khan,

Kazakhstan, Almaty


As you know, the main purpose of learning is to train and develop a communicative culture, to learn how to master a foreign language.

Nowadays, there are a lot of different communities, that can be useful in learning English. One of the popular community is Ted Talks.

Ted Talks community can improve students’ communicative competence and overcome linguistic barrier.

The advantages of the Ted Talks are in their authenticity, relevance, informative richness, and in high potential for the development of foreign language speech.

Many researches confirm the positive effect of engaging the media in learning FL.

Most of the works in this area cover the problems of mastering various types of speech activity: listening (O.N Gordienko, M. Khorunzhaya) or speaking (oral speech) based on video materials (O. Mikhailova, A.N Shchukin, M.V. Baranova, I.B Platonov).

Speaking as a speech product is characterized by structure, logic, informative, expressive, productive. Formation of the ability to produce their own oral speech in monologue and dialogical forms (i.e. free speaking) in modern methodical science is postulated as the main goal of learning foreign language and is expressed through the concept of foreign language communicative competence, which is known to be quite complex multicomponent structure.

The achievement of a designated goal is best facilitated by called interactive teaching methods are gaining more and more popularity due to the variety of forms, efficiency and obvious performance.

Interactive learning - this is a specially organized conversational communication, which allows solving a whole number of tasks: it develops communication skills and abilities, helps establish emotional contact between students, teaches to work in a team and listen to the opinions of others.


Using the media in a lesson is a rather complicated form of organization of the educational process, which allows to implement a communicative approach to learning foreign language.

However this process in the words of R. P. Milrud, prepares schoolchildren for “practical communication in a foreign language". [1].

L. Kolesnikova and O. A. Dolgin define media as “A communicative exercise aimed at developing expressive speaking skills, a type of conversation, often in the form of a role-playing game, in which one of the participants plays the role of an interviewer in order to obtain information from one or more students in the role interviewed “. [2, с. 274].

S. V. Kopytko relates interview to a group of interactive extracurricular forms of education, and more specifically to social projects (this may be participation in competitions, watching and discussing films and performances, visiting exhibitions).

“Interview, - notes the author, - provides a high motivation of students, contributes to the consolidation of their knowledge, development of individuality, communication skills, tolerance”. [3, p. 110-111].

An interview is a form of conversational speech interaction, it is natural to conclude that the characteristics of the dialogical speech: situational (attachment to a particular situation), reactivity (predominant use of ready-made phrases, replicas of reactions and situational clichés) [3, p. 26], polythematism, frequent switching from one topic to another, understatement, constant appeal to a partner, the predominant expression of consent to support the conversation is significant the role of intonation, ellipticity, using speech cliches, common conversational style, using non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures) [3, p. 199].


Keywords: media; TedTalks community; method; competency; sub-competences; polythematism; clichés; gestures; verbal, non-verbal communication; interview; listening; speaking; oral skills; public speaking; skills; articles; newspaper; magazines.


Every day, a person receives new information about what is happening around. This can be in writing or orally, but the main sources of information are the Internet resources which are combined into one single concept, the media. The term “mass media” came from the French "moyens d’information de masse" in 1970 and began to be introduced into the country under the guise of innovation, despite the fact that in French it practically disappeared from use in the second half of the 60s.

"About the media" is meant by mass information intended for news, video, audiovisual and other messages and materials. In other words, the media is any collected, processed and analyzed information in such sources as: news, videos, webinars, Internet,online-conference etc., which is freely available and has a massive scale, which means that the media are applicable in various types and areas activities.

Using media in the field of education, especially in foreign language lessons, is increasing every day. By the use of information teachers have the opportunity to use various media to enrich the language environment of their class, to accelerate the learning process, to improve the assimilation of the subject, to instill interest in the studied subject.

The method of teaching foreign languages involves the use of media in the educational process as an effective means of teaching oral foreign language communication as a goal and, at the same time, as a natural result of learning activities. The special role of authentic media in the methodology of teaching FL is that they bring students as close as possible to real information sources and “immerse” into the world of current events.

The use of authentic self-selected tutors of media texts in the classroom has a long tradition. Until recently, these were mostly newspaper and magazine articles. In the last years to the press materials added television and radio programs, as well as texts taken from the Internet. It is customary to divide the media on visual (posts), audio (conferences) and audiovisual (videos, conferences).

Modern visual media provide a huge amount of material, as well as in digital form using pictures, video, graphics, etc., to create a more suitable learning environment. The media provide a huge amount of new material to the teacher, who can easily find information relevant to the school curriculum. Also work with the material of the media forms in students interest in reading, due to a variety of information, tasks, presentation. All of this helps the student to achieve free and competent knowledge of a foreign language.

Ted Talks conferences tells the audience about real-world events and spread unique ideas. The teacher should only select the appropriate video that will correspond to the age level of the student and the level of his knowledge of the language. Undoubtedly, it needs to take into account the volume, topic, difficulty of understanding the speech and many other factors that can make opposite effect. It must also be said that the teacher has a huge responsibility and requires high commitment and interest during the development of the material, which should be useful for students to understand and have long term effect.

But, despite the videos, for greater motivation and diversity of the educational process, teachers make role-play games in a foreign language lesson. Video and audio help learners to understand speech by ear, you can also overcome the following learning tasks, such as: consideration of dialects of a language, obtaining new knowledge about the country of the target language, repetition of vocabulary or vice-versa, expanding vocabulary, using video to find language information and much more. All this is not only a motivation for the student, but also pushes him to delve into learning a foreign language independently.

Ted Talks has become increasingly popular. Ted Talks is a peculiar environment and comunity, which has a special content and it has an extensive young audience. Due to the peculiarities of the modern person as a visual in the perception of information, the teaching of a foreign language is becoming increasingly oriented towards the use media language shifting from media attraction as an auxiliary, illustrative element to media as a teaching tool.

The leading role of information technology is how to diversify the flow of information, make it more perceived by students and immerse students in a foreign language environment.

Also,In Ted Talks community teacher can make tasks, which are not only to systematize and present educational material, but also to visualize the context of practical use of a particular educational material. Thanks to these tasks, the teacher supports the motivation of students, turns the process of obtaining knowledge into the process of development of language competencies.

As the language of the media is multi-functional, it has various ways to transfer information - visual (video, picture), auditory (audio), oral (speaking) and written (texts).

At first, a long time in the teaching of a foreign language was used only texts in printed or voiced form, but over time, thanks to the Internet, there is an opportunity not only to read and listen to texts, but also to watch videos, which enable not only to hear the speech, but also to observe the behavior or facial expressions of the speaker.

The advantages of using media resources in the classroom obvious, but there are a number of problems that need to be solved. Among them it is necessary to note such as the need to combine information from media sources with the school curriculum material, changing the habit of learning the language exclusively with the help of textbooks on the active use of Ted Talks videos and news sites, as well as creating a student-oriented learning environment.

Thus, it must be said that the media content of Ted Talks have a number of advantages in teaching a foreign language, both for the teacher and for the student:

 1.Ted Talks can provide us with unique ideas of participants;

2.Ted Talks provides the ability to create different tasks for the lesson, which will help to delve into the study of a foreign language;

3.Ted Talks have a large number of illustrations, presentations, video materials, due to which language learning will turn out more interesting both in class.

Communicative competence can be approached as a goal and as a means of learning. In the first case, it acts as means of communication and information transfer. This is what a foreign language is being studied for. In the second, with the help of communicative competence, the development of automatisms in the reproduction and transformation of digestible material is carried out.

The use of oral speech can cause students an interest in the school subject "English" at school and a desire to engage in them. Tasks in this case direct the attention of the student to the semantic content of the statement when he is perceived by ear or in the process of speaking, when he needs himself to speak in this situation. Oral speech is also used as a learning tool through which automatism is developed in reproducing and transforming digestible lexical units and grammatical structures, and oral speech is associated with familiarization and training methods and the expansion of language knowledge. In this case, the tasks are aimed at practicing the form, meaning, and use of the word, phrase, grammatical form; the attention of the student is directed to how they say, how to say in a given situation, what a particular grammatical form conveys, this or that word, a word combination


Based on the above, I can conclude that the main purpose of a foreign language as a subject area of study is to master students ' ability to communicate in a foreign language, and the use of the media in learning English is becoming increasingly popular. We believe that the development of speaking skills using the media is quite effective. In addition, the systematic use of newspaper, audio and video material contributes to the understanding of authentic speech, helps to make learning a foreign language for students more interesting, strengthens speaking skills, as well as contributes to the development of communicative competence, motivates students to conduct reasoned discussions and promotes self-study of various topics.

Each student independently works on the language at the level of their physical and intellectual abilities, which makes the learning process individual.

Also in the educational process of the media should be provided for different forms of work, such as individual, group, collective. The use of different forms of work contributes to the achievement of high results, and also the activity of students is stimulated, their independence and creativity develops.



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