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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 19(189)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

Секция: Лингвистика

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Библиографическое описание:
Nurmaganbetova D. LINGUISTIC PERSONALITY OF THE TRANSLATOR // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 19(189). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/189/255028 (дата обращения: 28.03.2025).


Nurmaganbetova Dinara

master’s student, Department of Filology, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dadebayev Zhankara

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, doctor of philological sciences, professor, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Нурмаганбетова Динара Бахытовна

магистрант, кафедра филологии, Казахский Национальный Университет им. Аль-Фараби,

Казахстан, г. Алматы

Дадебаев Жанкара Дадебаевич

научный руководитель, д-р. фил. наук, проф., Казахский Национальный Университет им. Аль- Фараби,

Казахстан, г. Алматы



This article examines the linguistic personality, methods, strategies and the influence of culture on translation. The problem of the translator's linguistic identity has always attracted scientists at all times. Therefore, the article discusses the emergence and further application of the term “linguistic personality". Also, the article shows the aspects of personality, the linguistic personality of the universal model at the semantic, cognitive and motivational levels.


В данной статье рассматривается языковая личность, методы, стратегии и влияние культуры на перевод. Проблема языковой личности переводчика всегда привлекала ученых во все времена. Поэтому, в статье приводится рассматривается появления и дальнейшее применения термина “языковая личность”. Так же, в статье показаны аспекты личности, языковой личности универсальной модели на семантическом, когнитивном и мотивационном уровнях.


Keywords: translator; personality; language; translation; culture; secondary personality.

Ключевые слова: переводчик; личность; перевод; язык; культура; вторичная личность.


Each language has its own tools, functions and properties. In order to correctly convey a certain image or word in translation, you must change them in some aspects. At the same time, it is important not only to preserve the appearance of the image or word, but also to preserve the appearance of the original in translation.

Therefore, the translator must know the translated foreign language, the culture of the country, as well as another language, its structural features, the logic of the interaction of its parts with parts of the native language. The inconsistency of views on the norms of speech adopted among native speakers of different languages is also a serious reproach to the translator.

The level of any translation reflects the level of knowledge, talent and experience of the translator. In addition, making the right decision in the translation process depends on the translator's creative sensitivity. Although the author is responsible for the plot and characters of the work, the translator reproduces the original in another language. According to Toper, literary translation is a creative field. At the same time, the translator not only chooses the language means in advance in the order, but also reproduces the work of art in other linguistic, social, historical conditions [1, 27]. Thus, the scientist attributes the laws of literary translation to the field of art.

A. Satybaldiev spoke about the creative nature of the translator's work:

"Translation is a real creative art. This is not a hobby that everyone can afford. The translator must be fluent in both languages and a writer and a scientist. The quality of translation depends on his talent, knowledge, general cultural level and experience" [2, 23].

In translation studies, a translator is often compared to an artist or a pianist. K.I. Chukovsky emphasized the creative nature of the translator's work, the features of the artist [3, 51].

Any translator is a person from the creative world. After all, as a result of the translation process, he has his own creative school, creative workshop, his own signature. The peculiarity of the translator's profession in comparison with other professions is its individuality. This is evidenced by the complexity of the profession, as well as a special interest, because in the process of translation there are intellectual problems that need to be solved quickly, which sometimes leads to stress. No one can help the translator here, everything depends on his knowledge, behavior, psychophysiological qualities that distinguish one person from another. Armed with the necessary information about translation, its theory and practice, a true professional will be able to correctly determine the level of complexity of the task and find the only correct way to solve it.

In this respect, the translator's behavior at work is exceptional. He must feel the point of view of the audience reading the translation, the meaning of the translated text is the main goal for the translator. At the same time, the translator's voice and behavior should be neutral.

When we talk about the translation process, we imagine not only the interlanguage transformation or transformation of the text from one language to another, but also the psychophysiological process that occurs in the translator's brain during translation. L.S. According to Barkhudarov, the discovery of individual, single correspondences in the translation process, which are not taken into account in any of the translation theories, reflects the creative nature of translation. However, if the translator has not mastered the theory of translation, then neither the communicative function nor the correspondence of the translation can be implemented. At the same time, the translator's activity can be assessed as a communicative act, and the translator as an intermediary of intercultural communication, who knows the language, culture, and national traditions of the country well.

Although the content of the original and the translation may not coincide, the main task of the translator is to convey the full content of the original. It is necessary to be able to distinguish correspondence, translation correspondence, which means the maximum commonality of the content of texts in two languages, the semantic similarity of the source and translated texts achieved by the translator in the translation process.

The question of the translator's role in the translation process, the influence of his personality on the translated text causes a lot of attention and discussion. In the second half of the twentieth century, he assessed the role of the translator in the theory and practice of translation as an "invisible" person and demanded from him the most neutral attitude to the translation process. However, not all translators agree. For example, the famous American translation theorist D. Robinson writes that it is wrong to see a translator in such a role, and not a neutral translation machine. The translator's personal experience, that is, his feelings, attitudes, motivations, associations, is considered not only possible in the translation text, but also one of the necessary elements.

Proponents of the important role of the translator argue that any translation is only one interpretation of the original, so the translator should boldly begin his interpretive work. However, the reader's opinion about the original author is formed depending on the interpretative point of view of the translator. Therefore, we believe that it should perform its interpretive function with conscious reflection.

Each translator has his own translation methods, modern research methods allow the translator to understand individual words and phrases, syntactic structure, terminology, etc. You can identify the desires expressed in the choice. Such an analysis is important for assessing the quality of his work. After all, a thought can be expressed in different ways in different languages. For example, when translating scientific texts, it is important to convey a thought correctly and clearly. A literary translation should not only be close to the original, but also preserve the aesthetic power of the translated work.

To. Chukovsky, who considered artistic translation to be the highest art, speaks of masters of the art of translation: "Master translators differ from philistine translators in that they have a rich fund of synonyms."

When composing synonyms, the translator should not place them randomly. Let him use synonyms precisely according to style, because every word has a sentimental, solemn, humorous, business style" [3, 62], - claims that the use of synonyms in sequence is an aspect of translation skill. Thus, the possibility of using synonyms in the language during the translation process also depends on the skill of the translator. Such techniques help to convey the artistic power and aesthetic impact of the original in translation.

The translator must know the world through the eyes of the author of the translated work. The translator's ability to choose the right author, close to his worldview, inspires his creativity and greatly facilitates his work. Naturally, there is a spiritual harmony between the translator and the writer. In this regard, K. Nurmakhanov concludes that:

"Let one author be translated by someone close in style, spirit, creative nature, then the quality of the translation will be good" [4, 19].

Thus, in translation studies, the translation process is unanimously considered as a branch of creativity. Thus, considering that the translator is bilingual, has writing abilities and comprehensive knowledge, is a creative person, constantly supported by search and experience, the translation reflects the creative personality of the translator, his unique style.



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