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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(188)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Slyamakhmetova M., Rizahodjaeva G. FORMATION OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF 9TH GRADE STUDENTS USING PROJECT TECHNOLOGY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(188). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/188/253316 (дата обращения: 05.03.2025).


Slyamakhmetova Maral

MA student «7М01719-Training of foreign language teachers» Ablaikhan KazUIRand WL,

Almaty, Kazakhstan

Rizahodjaeva Gulnara

phD, Akhmet Yassawi International, Kazakh-Turkish University,

Turkestan, Kazakhstan



Слямахметова Марал Ерболқызы

магистрант, «7М01719-Шетел тілі педагогтарын даярлау», Абылай хан атындағы Қаз ХҚ және ӘТУ,

Қазақстан, Алматы

Ризаходжаева Гүлнара Әбдімәжитқызы

п.ғ.д., Ахмет Йассауи атындағы, Халықаралық Қазақ Түрік Университеті,

Қазақстан, Түркістан



In this article, the problem of forming students ' intercultural communicative competence through design technology is considered. The types and stages of design technology are indicated. The role of design technology in the formation of intercultural communicative competence is shown. The importance of increasing students ' interest in the subject through project technology is shown. The main goal of project learning technology is to improve students' communicative competence in teaching a foreign language.


Берілген мақалада оқушылардың мәдениетаралық коммуникативтік құзіреттілігін жобалау технологиясы арқылы қалыптастыру мәселесі қарастырылған. Жобалау технологиясының түрлері мен кезеңдері көрсетілген. Мәдениетаралық коммуникативті құзіреттілікті қалыптастыруда жобалау технологиясының рөлі көрсетілген. Жобалық технологияның көмегімен студенттердің пәнге деген қызығушылығын арттырудың маңыздылығы көрсетілген. Жобалық оқыту технологиясының негізгі мақсаты студенттердің шет тілін оқытудағы коммуникативтік құзыреттілігін арттыру болып табылады.


Keywords: competence, intercultural communicative competence, project technology, research project.

Тірек сөздер: құзіреттілік, мәдениетаралық коммуникативті құзіреттілік, жобалау технологиясы, ғылыми жоба.


Intercultural communicative competence is the ability to reach mutual understanding with representatives of different cultures, even with an average command of foreign languages, based on knowledge, understanding and compliance with universal rules and norms of behavior that make up the etiquette of international communication.

A project is an activity aimed at a unique, previously unrealized result for a certain time, taking into account certain resources. The project method is a joint creative and productive activity of teachers and students aimed at finding a solution to the problem that has arisen. The technology of project activity is a set of methods and means to achieve the desired result of search activity, contributing to the development and self-development of the student. Thanks to this work, there is a creative connection between the teacher and the student, a new look. Within the walls of the school, the student develops the skills of research, search, identification, proof, synthesis, analysis, and due to the fact that the design method is given for a certain period, the student learns to reduce time.

Types of projects applied to the formation of intercultural communicative competence in teaching English to students of the 9th grade:

  • Research
  • Creative
  • Information
  • Role-playing game
  • Practical
  • Monoproject
  • Interdisciplinary

Research projects-project participants present various hypotheses to solve the specified problem, determine ways to solve it, prove the relevance of the study, discuss the results obtained and draw conclusions.

Creative projects-the results of the project can be presented in the form of a newspaper, essay, video, drama, etc. Any project requires a creative approach, and from this point of view, any project can be called creative. Creative projects in a foreign language lesson include: scenarios for various holidays, a wall newspaper, an album, handmade books and magazines

Information projects-are aimed at collecting information, analyzing it and summarizing it. They require a well-thought-out structure, and the result of the project will be an article, abstract, or report.

Monoproject-projects implemented within the framework of a single topic.

Practice-oriented projects in which priority activities are defined-applied, the purpose of which can be the formation of professional and communicative competencies of students, the improvement of interdisciplinary communication and the development of professional vocabulary in English

Role-playing game projects are a practical lesson based on game elements saturated with educational activities, in which the student's communicative activity is as close as possible to real situations. These projects contain regulated rules, as well as elements of competition, and it is necessary to analyze the results of the event.

Interdisciplinary projects are an integrated educational space in which, in the process of solving the problem, the student turns to different areas of knowledge, seeks answers to their questions, and eliminates gaps in knowledge.

The main goal of using project technology in the formation of language competence is to develop students ' motivation of interest, improve their knowledge through independent work, form information orientation skills and improve critical thinking skills to adapt the student to future self – expression in different situations, in different social environments.

In the formation of intercultural communicative competencies through project technology an important place is occupied by group work in identifying a problem topic and revealing its content, and for this purpose in the discussion. Speaking about the peculiarities of the formation of communicative competence through this technology, first of all, the student works independently within a certain topic. To tell one's own thoughts to another, the game summarizes and systematizes the narrative. In the process of conveying a clear idea, work is carried out on the formation of language competence. Secondly, the formation of communicative competence reveals psychological and physiological opportunities for the development of the student's personality through project technology. During the implementation of this project, the student develops their lifelong learning skills. When revealing the topic, it is clear that the essence of the search work is special. The third advantage of the formation of language skills through the project is that the student gets used to making decisions independently, determines the network of the project. Through the project, the student, who has developed logical thinking, becomes an active participant in the study of the discipline.

Language competence is the student's full assimilation of language skills, i.e. pronunciation, listening, reading and writing skills. In the updated educational program, the student has a good understanding of the project technology and the concept of language competence. After all, the teacher constantly conducts work aimed at the formation of skills and abilities in the student along with knowledge. He noted that the experience of creative activity of students in each lesson is directly related to language competence. The teacher constantly remembers that the work on the formation of students ' language competence in the educational process is an activity that accompanies the educational goals. And competence is the ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the educational process within the framework of a particular topic in practice, in everyday life, to solve any practical and theoretical problems. In this way, you can see how much the student has learned through the work done, and how advanced his knowledge is, how he can show himself in different situations.

Project technology the formation of communicative competence develops the student's lifelong learning skills. In the process of mastering the content of any discipline and achieving the educational goals, the systematic search for the necessary information related to a particular topic, processing, selecting, creating and reflecting the found material in accordance with the topic, joint actions to exchange the found information and ideas with others are directly related to design. By performing the above-mentioned works, language competence is formed.

In order to improve the communicative competence of students, the following set of exercises was developed during the practical experiment:

Exercise 1. Unit. Tradition and language. Theme: invitations

Task: work in pairs. Accept or refuse your partners invitations to 1-5 and make invitation card.

  1. A music festival
  2. New year party
  3. A new dance class
  4. Charity concert
  5. Birthday party

Exercise 2.

Unit. Tradition and language

Theme: my country. Tradition and language.

Task:  work in groups. Find information about marriage traditions in this countries and make presentation. 

  1. Traditions in kazakhstan
  2. Traditions in the usa
  3. Traditions in india

Exercise 3.

  1. Unit. Music and film
  2. Theme: discussing music
  3. Task: make a video on the theme “music genres”.

Exercise 4.

Unit. Music and film

Theme: britain in the 1960s.

Task: give a presentation about a famous decade in your country.

1. Work in groups of three or four and list a few important events which took place during a famous decade in your country.

2. Make notes about the following:

  • Popular music
  • Fashion trends
  • Tv  programmes
  • Famous people
  • New technology

3.give your presentation to the rest of class.

4. Vote for the best presentation.

Exercise 5.

Unit. Travel and tourism

Theme: community center: volunteer holiday

Task: plan a volunteer holiday for a family.

1. Work in pairs and plan a volunteer holiday suitable for a family. Choose a suitable destination and type of volunteer work.

2. Write the notes about following features of the holiday and your own ideas:

  • What adults or children can do;
  • Positive impact of the work;
  • Accommodation and other facilities;
  • Length of stay, transport;
  • Cost of the holiday.

3. Present your volunteer holiday to the rest of the class.

There are many advantages to using project learning in the classroom. As mentioned above, project learning encourages students to learn. When students are given the opportunity to independently manage their learning, they will appreciate it even more. In the course of the study, it was found that students engaged in project learning have a high level of development of thinking skills and abilities. There is a high probability that the information received will be used in a different context, because students will be taught not how to remember facts, but how to find and interpret information. In addition, project-based learning encourages problem solving. Project-based learning teaches students to collaborate with each other, as well as listen to each other and communicate. Project-based learning helps develop students ' personal skills. Students learn not to think what to think, but to think on the contrary. Although project learning has many advantages, there may be certain obstacles to using it. The first obstacle is the time required to prepare and implement the project. Another obstacle is that many students have experienced difficulties when they switch to project learning after traditional education. Because they had not learned to read on their own, and when they were asked to do so, they had some difficulties. Similarly, many teachers are used to using traditional teaching. The transition from the old learning model to project learning can be difficult. In this regard, the development of teaching staff in the implementation of project training creates a great need. In conclusion, we know that the basis of project learning is individual activities. In this process, the main task of education is set and solved. This means creating conditions for the formation of a self-developing personality. The introduction of students into project training should begin with the introduction of self-development and problem-solving methods. That is, conditions are created for the researcher. A preliminary requirement is the formation of a positive attitude to the process of searching for truth and the results of the search, as it determines the presence of internal incentives for learning.it should be noted that the project method allows you to form personal qualities. Be able to choose and make decisions, overcome difficulties, and cultivate willpower. It plays a huge role in the development of creative thinking, the formation of research skills and personality.



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