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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 18(188)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Yatsenko A. COMMUNICATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF YOUNGER SCHOOLCHILDREN THROUGH COMPUTER GAMING TECHNOLOGIES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 18(188). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/188/251526 (дата обращения: 01.02.2025).


Yatsenko Anna

student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod

Bogachev Roman

научный руководитель,

scientific director, associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article discusses the concept of communicative development of students at the stage of primary general education, the peculiarities of the influence of computer gaming technologies and their importance in the holistic pedagogical process.


Keywords: pedagogy, development, communicative development, communication, computerization, modern education, junior schoolchildren.


Today, the goal of the educational process is to become a person ready for a full-fledged communication process. And therefore, in modern conditions of education, teachers need to look for and integrate new educational technologies and techniques into the learning process.

Communicative development shows the ability to properly navigate the communication process, to participate in it without much difficulty, which can now be achieved with the help of proper computerization of the educational process.

The communicative development of primary school students is an extremely important task, since this problem affects not only the effectiveness of teaching younger schoolchildren, but also their process of socialization and personality development as a whole. ZUNs develop in activities, and communicative skills and skills are formed in the process of interpersonal communication of students, both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

Communicative development is the formation of competence in the process of communication, including the conscious orientation of students to the position of other children as communicators in communication and general activities, the ability to listen, conduct a dialogue in accordance with the goals and objectives of communication, participate in collective discussion of problems and decision–making, build productive cooperation with peers and adults, based on the mastery of verbal and non-verbal means of communication that allow for free communication.[3]

Primary school is the stage of education in which the formation of a student's personality begins, his worldview is laid, and it is also the basis for communicative development, therefore, it is at this stage that the need to search for new educational technologies is especially acute. The Federal State educational Standard of primary general Education requires computerization of the educational process and integration of modern educational technologies into it.

Currently, computer gaming technologies are of great interest to teachers. In the modern educational process, when the computerization of the school and the educational process as a whole takes place comprehensively, computer gaming technologies are still "innovative" in the system of domestic education. Such technologies have a huge potential, which not all teachers manage to reveal in the conditions of the "old" school, the potential of these technologies lies in the simple implementation of such tasks: the formation of a subjective position of the child in relation to their activities, communicative development, the creation of a positive emotional environment.[1]

In modern pedagogy, the concept of "game" is understood as one of the most important methods of upbringing and education (due to the age characteristics of students), as part of pedagogical culture. In psychology, the game is a way to activate mental processes, a diagnostic method.

In the formation of communicative development, the younger student is faced with the need to put into practice the learned norms of behavior in relation to other people, adapting to their specific situations.

The use of computer gaming technologies allows us to solve one of the most important tasks – the communicative development of the student. Such technologies are the strongest method and means of activating a child in the system of social relations.[4]

Computer game technologies as a way of education and transfer of socio-communicative experience, as a method of activating the educational process can be used in the following cases:

- as technologies for mastering the concept, topic, and even a section of an academic subject;

- as a lesson (lesson) or part of it (introduction, explanation, consolidation, exercise, control);

- as extracurricular technologies.

Younger schoolchildren need computer gaming technologies and a team of peers not only for entertainment, but also for important reasons: in the game process they get the skills of fair fight, learn to interact with each other, obeying the laws of society and finding their place in the team.[2]

Computer gaming technologies are suitable for communicative development, which are a fruitful method of forming communicative skills and abilities, the need for interaction with the world is realized in the game.

For effective communicative development, a certain set of games is most often used:

- didactic computer games - the main feature of such games is determined by their name: these are educational games. But for children playing, the educational value of the didactic game does not appear openly, but is realized through a game task, game actions and rules.

- developing computer games are computer programs that serve to organize the game process, the main purpose of which is the development of personal skills and abilities of younger schoolchildren, including communicative development. []

Through the use of computer gaming technologies, the characteristics of each child, his interests, good and bad character traits are revealed. Observations of children in the process of this type of activity give the teacher a rich material for studying students, help to find the right approach to each child. [5]



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  2. Valikhanov S.R. The use of gaming technologies in Russian language classes in order to form communicative development // Bulletin of the Institute of Languages. 2014. Vol. 1. No. 13. pp. 67-70
  3. Vygotsky L.S. Questions of child psychology / L.S. Vygotsky. – St. Petersburg, 1997
  4. Ibragimova Z.A. The experience of using gaming technologies in teaching schoolchildren // January pedagogical readings. - 2015. - No. 1. - pp. 122-124
  5. Kochetkova T.V. Game technologies of development of communicative competence in children of senior preschoolers // Scientific works of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education. 2015. No. 5 (5). pp. 133-137.

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