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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(184)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Kravchenko Ya. ACTUAL PROBLEMS OF YOUTH SPEECH CULTURE // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 14(184). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/184/247931 (дата обращения: 20.03.2025).


Kravchenko Yana

Student, Department of Sociology and Organization of Work with Youth, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The culture of speech is a common concept in Soviet and Russian linguistics of the twentieth century. It combines knowledge of the language norm of spoken and written languages, as well as "the ability to use expressive language in various communication conditions." It also refers to a language discipline dealing with the definition of the boundaries of the behavior of a cultural language, the development of normative guidelines, the promotion of linguistic norms and expressive means of expression.


Keywords: language, literary language, youth, speech culture, speech culture.


Language is an ever–changing phenomenon that at the same time retains its foundation and core. And the current state of the language is only one of the stages of development, albeit a crisis, but still development. And young people, as you know, are the future of the country. Our task is to prevent the complete vulgarization of the language, its complete barbarism and slang.

In addition to the normative stylistics, speech culture includes the regulation of "those phenomena and areas of speech that are not yet covered by the literary canon and the system of literary norms," that is, all everyday written and oral communication, including forms such as native language, various types of jargon, etc. [3, p. 118].

The problem of speech culture in its broadest sense is the problem of literary language. When considering speech culture at the present stage, such problems as national speech culture, speech culture of a particular national society of a certain (modern) age, social groups, communities, speech culture of a person (personality).

There is no denying the close connection between language and society. Language cannot exist without society, and society cannot exist without language. A person should be attentive to the cultural heritage of society, including the Russian language. The culture of language is certainly an indicator of the culture of society and personality [8, p. 237].

According to Professor B.N. Golovin, the qualities of a good language are: correctness, accuracy, purity, clarity, logic, richness, expressiveness, relevance.

Russian language and Russian speech culture are violated due to the low level of speech culture of media experts. In television speech, this is manifested in an increase in vocabulary with a decrease in emotional colors, colloquial forms, profanity, jargon, slang, the inability of a TV journalist to convey cultural, speech and ethical norms, various deviations from orthopedic norms. According to scientists, this is due to many reasons: the democratization of broadcasting, overcoming the totalitarian past, etc. [4, p. 256].

Over the past decades, the face of the Russian literary language has changed. Changes have occurred in such varieties as the language of fiction, politics, journalism and mass media. We see that the speech of the media largely creates a modern public mood, mass consciousness, modern speech culture and attitude to speech itself are being formed. The mass media also have a significant influence on the formation of "linguistic" taste and linguistic ideal.

Due to the democratization of the media, a serious problem of reference speech arises. What sounds on television screens, from radio broadcasts, is found in the speeches of some writers, and sometimes on stage, can hardly be considered a sample [9, p. 122].

The most significant problem is that the majority of the Russian-speaking population, especially young people, do not have or have lost a sense of normality.

Today, more than half of all new words are foreign words of the modern Russian language, mainly of English origin. This is due to a sharp change in Russia's political and ideological course. Of course, this is one of the main reasons for borrowing.

There are three groups of borrowings according to the degree of penetration into the vocabulary of the Russian language:

  • words of foreign origin, firmly fixed in the Russian language. They have long been borrowed, assimilated by the language and are not perceived as foreign words: sugar, bed, capsule, beetroot, lantern, etc.;
  • words that are also the only names of concepts pronounced in Russian, but recognized as foreign words: sidewalk, service, support, scarf, trolley, container, etc.
  • foreign words that are not widely used. These include words that have Russian parallels, but differ from them in volume, connotation of meaning or scope of use [5, p. 287].

Now our language is in a chaotic state, because the rules of speech communication are not used in any way. Unfortunately, they do not come from family, school, etc. On the pages of magazines, on TV screens, where TV presenters of the most popular talk shows are not shy, we get "examples" of speech behavior. For many, slang vocabulary has become the norm of verbal communication, increasingly replenished with prison jargon. Reading is outdated and out of fashion. Movies on TV are mostly of foreign origin. And their translations simply defy criticism.

It seems that the teenager, unfortunately, cannot find landmarks in the world of Russian speech – there are no samples. Hence the lack of linguistic style and taste [6, p. 188].

Insufficient speech culture reduces the success of any professional who must remember the basic characteristics of cultural speech:

1. Correctness of speech, that is, compliance with literary and linguistic norms adopted in a certain era: pronunciation, stress, education and use of grammatical forms, the use of words.

2. Accuracy is the communicative quality of speech, manifested in the use of words in full accordance with their meaning.

3. Clarity – the quality of speech that provides an adequate understanding of what has been said.

4. Relevance – the correspondence of words and expressions to the goals and conditions of communication.

5. The logic of speech, that is, the fulfillment of the laws of logic. Carelessness of language is caused by vague thinking.

6. Simplicity of speech, that is, lack of art, naturalness, lack of pretense, the "beauty" of the syllable.

7. Purity of speech, that is, the exclusion of words that are not literary, dialect, slang, local, vulgar.

8. Liveliness of speech, that is, the absence of templates, expressiveness, imagery, emotionality.

9. Harmony of speech, that is, compliance with the requirements of a pleasant sound for hearing, the selection of words based on their sound side [2, p. 301].

Very often you can hear obscene swearing, that is, negative words, both among young people and among adults. Some people react negatively to such a vocabulary, with a certain degree of criticism, the second – are indifferent to the behavior of someone else's speech, the third – consider such a dictionary quite normal, that is, they are already used to it.

It is worth seeing the difference between the culture of the language itself and the culture of speech behavior. Language culture teaches how to use the correct normative language. So, the preposition does not control the genitive case, but a deliberate case where you have to be in harmony with the spelling and many others much more. This is the basis of the basics, therefore it is necessary to master the language culture – the basis of the culture of speech behavior [7, p. 180].

You should also remember that politeness and benevolence are at the heart of the culture of speech behavior. Now they are completely forgotten and need to be discussed across the country or, as usual, in a referendum. Here we must talk about the discrepancy imposed on us by all the circumstances of our existence – about the fulfillment of universal norms of politeness, kindness, etiquette necessary for society.

Recently, issues related to the decline of culture and the absence or destruction of moral values have often been discussed. These negative processes affect the state of the language culture of adolescents and young people – both oral and written. The need for a serious approach to language culture and its study is now recognized not only by linguists, but also by people of different professions. Today, interest in the native language is becoming a recognized necessity for millions of young people struggling for success in life with the help of professional knowledge and skills [1, p. 391].

A high level of linguistic culture is an integral feature of a cultured person. Improving our language is a task not only for young people, but also for each of us. To do this, we must monitor our speech to avoid mistakes in pronunciation, the use of word forms and the formation of sentences, and so that future generations do not repeat our mistakes.



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