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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 14(184)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Zinovieva T. FEATURES OF WORKING WITH A TALENTED CHILD // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 14(184). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/184/247337 (дата обращения: 14.03.2025).


Zinovieva Tatiana

3th year student, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


This article reveals the content of the concept of "talented child", describes methods and forms of work with children, extremely important for the state. The features of working with talented children are also considered.


Keywords: a talented child, talent, work peculiarities, social adaptation, psychological and pedagogical support of parents.


A "talented child" is understood as a minor with such results of activity performance that meet the requirement of objective novelty and social significance [5, p. 2].

In modern Russia the problem of development and upbringing of talented children has recently become urgent. Disclosure and realization of their abilities and talents is important not only for the child himself as an individual, but also for society as a whole.

An intensive system of work with gifted children was formed in the last years of the Soviet era, in 1989 the USSR State Council of Education approved the All-Union Program of Research and Development of Talented, Gifted Children, Schoolchildren and Students "Creative Giftedness" (the developer of the program concept was A.M. Matyushkin). Large-scale work with gifted children began in 1996 with the adoption of the Federal Targeted Program called "Gifted Children" [1, p. 39].

Gifted and talented children are the potential of any country, which allows them to develop effectively and constructively solve modern economic and social problems. In this direction teachers should have an extensive system of search and support of talented children, as well as provide them with psychological and pedagogical support throughout the whole period of education and formation of personality.

Issues of education, development and upbringing of gifted and talented children are of particular importance for modern schools. Today the problem of teaching this category of children is directly related to the new conditions and requirements of the rapidly changing world, which gave rise to the idea of organizing targeted education for people with pronounced abilities, who have strong abilities in one or another area of activity.

Modern teachers who work with children today should be able to quickly navigate in different life situations, be able to make competent pedagogical decisions aimed at support and development of gifted and talented children [2, p. 57].

Modern education gives priority to the recognition of the student's personality as the main subject of education. Such goal setting is relevant when it comes to gifted and talented children who have a special value for society.

The problem of working with gifted and talented students is one of the modern tasks of modernization of education, but it has always been present and solved in one way or another at all stages of development of any educational system through differentiated and individualized teaching.

Today's scientists are unanimous in the fact that each person has a huge number of opportunities inherent in it in the form of inclinations.

The following categories of talented children are distinguished:

  • Children with unusually high general and intellectual abilities.
  • Children with signs of special mental giftedness in a particular field of science and specific academic abilities.
  • Children with high creative (artistic) abilities.
  • Children with sports abilities.
  • Children with high leadership (managerial) abilities.

In the educational process the development of a talented child should be considered as the development of his/her potential of internal activity, the ability to be an author, creator, active creator of his/her life, the ability to set a goal, search for ways to achieve it, be capable of free choice and take responsibility for it, as well as to use his/her abilities to the maximum [3, p. 121]. Therefore, the methods and forms of work of the teacher should contribute to the solution of the designated problem. For this category of children the preferred methods of work are:

  • exploratory;
  • partially exploratory;
  • problem-based;
  • projective.

Among the necessary forms of work with gifted children the following can be singled out:

  • class-lesson (work in pairs, small groups, multilevel and creative assignments);
  • consultations on arising questions;
  • discussion;
  • games.

It is also important to use to identify talented children:

  • subject Olympiads;
  • intellectual marathons;
  • various contests and quizzes;
  • word games and fun;
  • projects on various topics;
  • role-playing games;
  • individual creative tasks.

When organizing work with gifted children it is important to consider the principles of increasing the role of extracurricular activities, maximum diversity of provided opportunities for personal development, individualization and differentiation of learning, creating conditions for joint work of students with minimal participation of the teacher and freedom of choice for students of additional educational services, assistance, mentoring [4, p. 124].

Thus, we can conclude that today the problem of gifted children is directly related to the new conditions and requirements of the rapidly changing world, from which the idea to organize targeted training of people with special skills in a particular field of knowledge emerged.

Modern society is a society of global change, of constant creative evolution, influenced by mechanisms that combine macro - (social) factors and micro- (individual factors), completely unpredictable and often radically new. The speed of development of modern society depends on the creative efforts of the individual, on the capabilities and skills he possesses.



  1. Bogoyavlenskaya D.B. Working concept of giftedness / D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya. – Moscow: IE "Magister Publishing House", 2010. – 68 с.
  2. Mezhieva M.V. Development of creative abilities in children of 5-9 years / M.V. Mezhieva – Yaroslavl: Academy Development: Academy Holding. 2008. – 128 с.
  3. 3.Marchenko E.V. Interaction of a psychologist with parents of a gifted child / E.V. Marchenko. // Bibliography, No. 6, 2010. – С. 121.
  4. Landau E. Giftedness requires courage: Psychological support for a gifted child. P. Golubeva; N.M. Nazarov. ed. in Russian / E. Landau – M., 2005. – 144 с.
  5. Skillful children [electronic resource] – Mode of access. – URL: https://mboucsosh1.68edu.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Gifted-talented-children.pdf (accessed 13.04.2022)

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