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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(183)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Kozhanova E. FORMATION OF CHILDREN'S GIFTEDNESS BY IMPROVING PEDAGOGICAL CONDITIONS IN AN EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATION // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 13(183). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/183/246828 (дата обращения: 17.02.2025).


Kozhanova Evgeniya

master's student, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education, Belgorod State National Research University,

Russia, Belgorod


The article considers the need for timely identification of gifted children in educational institutions, presents ways to improve the conditions of the educational environment for gifted children, outlines the forms of work with gifted children.


Keywords: children's giftedness, gifted children, formation of children's giftedness, pedagogical conditions for working with gifted children, forms of teaching gifted children.


In the modern world, there is a need for society for a talented, gifted person capable of solving extraordinary tasks. This problem can be traced in the words of Putin V.V. "It is very important for us not to lose a single talented child" [2]. The problem of diagnosis and development of such children is a long–standing problem. After all, since ancient times, society needed useful, capable people. And since ancient times, people have seen the difference between a genius and an ordinary person.

The problem of learning is relevant for all children, and especially for the gifted. Sukhomlinsky V.A. wrote that "A person's giftedness is a small sprout, barely emerging from the ground and requiring great attention. It is necessary to nurture and cherish, take care of him, give him everything necessary so that he grows and gives abundant fruit ..." [1]. Even the most gifted person needs help from adults. Such a child needs support, and such a child also needs to be taught. He needs to be taught to work, to learn to make decisions on his own, and also to be accustomed to perseverance. And the task of the teacher is to see in his student his talent, his ability, his uniqueness, and help him realize himself in life. It is very important not to miss this moment, and not to make a mistake.

The main task of the school is to support the child in all his endeavors, develop abilities, guide him in the right direction, help realize plans and dreams in life, etc.

Based on the above, the following recommendations can be given to improve the pedagogical conditions for the formation of children's giftedness.

Firstly, it is necessary to identify gifted schoolchildren, starting from primary school, for further work with them. A school psychologist is obliged to do this. It is necessary to conduct a psychological study of features, speech, memory, logical thinking, diagnostics of individual capabilities. It is necessary to pay special attention to those who are interested in any one field: art, technology, science. This must be done in order to help the child maximize his abilities and realize his plans and dreams in life.

Secondly, psychological and pedagogical support should be organized throughout all school years for students who have shown outstanding features. It is necessary to support the child, to help develop and realize these abilities, not to lose them. Every year, depending on how the child copes with the tasks given to him, they should be complicated. Psychological and pedagogical support of gifted children is an integral element of school education.

Thirdly, it is necessary to use such forms in working with gifted children as: scheduled activities; school decades; theatrical holidays; olympiads. Therefore, it is possible to use such methods in work as: work in small groups, design and research activities, tasks of a non-standard creative nature, quizzes, contests, intellectual games, lectures, consultations, collective creative work, It is necessary to create optimal conditions for the full development of capable schoolchildren.

Fourth, special attention should be paid to preparing children for the olympiads. It is necessary to conduct individual classes with them, individual and group classes, provide additional scientific literature for study, conduct consultations, it is necessary to increase the intellectual load. With the help of the olympiad, it is possible to identify the most capable and gifted students. Also, the winners and prize–winners of the All-Russian olympiad are the pride of the school.

Fifth, in addition to the intellectual preparation of children for the olympiads, it is necessary to conduct psychological training and develop emotional stability. After all, children, regardless of whether they are gifted or usually developed, all experience fear and excitement before any competitions and olympiads. But such a psychological state negatively affects the results. After all, the most important thing is not victory, but participation. If schoolchildren are taught to cope with such conditions, they will be more confident in their abilities, and, consequently, the results at the olympiads will always be high.

Sixth, it is necessary to constantly encourage children for their active participation and for the high results obtained at the Olympics, sports games, and conferences. These can be various diplomas, awards, their photos on the school stand, gifts, letters of honor, information about their successes and achievements in the media, etc. Incentive measures are a huge incentive to increase motivation to gain more knowledge, to achieve great results. It is necessary to constantly create motivation for such children.

Seventh, teachers should be well prepared to work with gifted children. They should know the basic forms and methods of working with such children. They must be able to apply them in practice. Teachers are required to know the main types of giftedness, identify them, and know the main characteristics of gifted children. The main types are: psychomotor giftedness, intellectual giftedness, academic giftedness, creative giftedness, social giftedness, spiritual giftedness. It is necessary to know that gifted children differ from each other.

The main forms of education for gifted children are:

• differentiation of parallels;

• rearrangement of parallels;

• selection of a group of gifted students from the parallel;

• alternate training;

• the possibility of access to classes in the subjects chosen by gifted children at the university level;

• enriched learning for individual groups of students by reducing the time required to complete the compulsory school curriculum.

Eighth, it is necessary to conduct conversations and consultations with parents of gifted children. Parents, having learned that their child is special, treat this news ambiguously. Some are afraid of this news, they want their child to be like everyone else, and, ignoring this news, continue to engage with him as before. Others, having learned that their child has special abilities, try to take him to all possible sections, leaving absolutely no free time. Thus, parents ruin the abilities of their children. That is why it is necessary to form the correct position in relation to their child from parents.

Thus, we have studied and identified the main recommendations for improving the pedagogical conditions for the formation of children's giftedness. They will help teachers in their work so as not to lose sight of any gifted child. If suddenly this happens, a student with a high intellectual talent, performing tasks on a par with his peers, will simply lose interest in studying, and his abilities will not be fully realized.

Based on the above, we can conclude that school, especially teachers, play a significant role in the development of gifted children. Depending on what position the teacher will take, what forms and methods he will choose in his work, whether he knows how to identify such children, whether he knows how to implement an individual approach to each child - it depends on how the development of children will take place. By choosing the wrong position or the wrong method, he can discourage the child's desire to study, or to a certain area of knowledge. In addition to the teacher, a psychologist, a social pedagogue, and parents play a significant role in the development of giftedness. A psychologist should be able to diagnose with the help of tests and identify such children. Parents should help their child in his hobbies, in the development of his abilities, help pave his way in life.



  1. V. A. Sukhomlinsky on mental education / ed.-comp. M.I. Mukhin – K.: Radyansk school, 1983. – 224 p.
  2. Geopolitics. News. Articles. Analytics [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://geo-politica.info/vladimir-putin-dlya-nas-ochen-vazhno-ne-poteryat-ni-odnogo-talantlivogo-rebenka.html.
  3. Ipenburg, I. Gifted children / I. Ipenburg, F. Monks. – M.: Kogito-Center, 2014. -150 p.

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