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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 13(183)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Gulieva A., Masterskikh S. ANALYSIS OF THE CONDITIONS OF EDUCATIONAL, CULTURAL AND EXTA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES FOR FOREIGN STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF TYUMEN // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 13(183). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/183/246310 (дата обращения: 20.02.2025).


Gulieva Alina

Master’s Degree student, University of Tyumen,

Russia, Tyumen

Masterskikh Svetlana

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, University of Tyumen,

Russia, Tyumen



Гулиева Алина Саварбековна

магистрант, Тюменский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Тюмень

Мастерских Светлана Валерьевна

канд. филол. наук, доц., Тюменский государственный университет,

РФ, г. Тюмень



Данная статья посвящена изучению образовательных и культурно-развлекательных условий деятельности иностранных студентов в Тюменском государственном университете. Авторы статьи провели опрос среди иностранных студентов университета. Анализ показал, что некоторые студенты успешно адаптируются к новой социальной и образовательной среде. Однако, существует процент иностранных студентов, которые не способны успешно адаптироваться в новых условия из-за возникающих трудностей. Нами был сделан вывод о том, что существующие риски акцентируют внимание на необходимости дальнейшего развития и совершенствования образовательной и культурно-развлекательной деятельности иностранных студентов в Тюменском государственном университете.


This article is devoted to the study of educational, cultural, and extra-curricular conditions for the activities of foreign students at University of Tyumen. The authors conducted a survey among foreign students of the university. The analysis indicates that some students successfully adapt to the new social and educational environment, but there is a percentage of foreign students who do not adapt to new conditions due to the difficulties that arise. The authors make the conclusion that the existing risks highlight the need of further development and improvement of the educational and extra-curricular activities of foreign students at University of Tyumen.


Ключевые слова: адаптация, иностранные студенты, бадди, SWOT-анализ.

Keywords: adaptation, foreign students, buddy, SWOT-analysis.


The integration of the Russian education system into the world education space involves the solution of the new tasks related to the expansion of international educational contracts. The cooperation in this area is due to the need to increase the competitiveness of Russian universities and the quality of international educational services. Nowadays the education of foreign students in Russian universities is one of the priority areas in the activities of higher educational institutions.

We have conducted a survey among foreign students of University of Tyumen, aimed at identifying difficulties in learning and analyzing the possibilities of extracurricular activities at the university. 27 students from 10 countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Colombia, Vietnam, Algeria and Mongolia) took part in the survey. According to the survey’s results we can see that the most popular problems which face foreign students are difficulties in adapting to climatic conditions, lack of money, language barrier and difficulties in learning the Russian language, cultural difference, lack of places in a dormitory and terrible living conditions there and difficulties in the migration registration.

There is no doubt that a buddy plays an important role in the process of adapting of foreign students to the new conditions. Commonly, baddies are senior students who have a desire to help foreigners with orientation in a city and university, they want to get acquainted with the representatives of different cultures and gain experience in communication with people in a foreign language. 51,9 % of the respondents did not have a buddy during their first time at the university.


Picture 1. Survey among foreign students


A person who is ready to help you will facilitate the process of adaptation even for ordinary students, and when a foreign student has such an assistant, it only contributes to adaptation to a new cultural and educational environment.

Based on the survey, personal experience, observation and interaction with foreign student was conducted a SWOT-analysis of the educational, cultural and entertainment environment of the university.

Table 1.

SWOT-analysis of the educational, cultural and entertainment environment of the university

Strengths (internal environment)

Weaknesses (internal environment)

  • self - organization of foreign students into communities by countries;
  • functioning of the assistance service for foreigners represented by an assistant-buddy;
  • organization of speaking clubs;
  • provision of places in a dormitory.
  • the lack of help from a buddy in the sphere of educational activity;
  • no need for students from neighboring countries to learn the Russian language at the preparatory department;
  • the lack of places in dormitories;
  • weak functioning of the system assistance to foreign student in the case of emergency;
  • the lack of the comprehensive assistance from the university to students who due to the lack of places in a dormitory are forced to independently register for migration.

Opportunities (external environment)

Treats (external environment)

  • organization of a united area for the interaction of foreign students;
  • increase the number of places in dormitories;
  • implementation of the state-funded places for foreigners wishing to study the Russian language;
  • organization of mini groups of foreigners who are ready to help each other in the educational activity (assigning a curator for each group).
  • disagreements among foreigners due to the difference in mentality;
  • lack of opportunities to increase places in dormitories;
  • impossibility of implementation of state-funded places on the preparatory department due to the lack of funding;
  • the lack of the Russian language teachers for foreign students;
  • the lack of the real opportunities of the university to help foreign students when they register for migration in a private apartment, due to the current legislation in the field of migration.


Based on the survey’s results the following conclusions were made:

Existing at University of Tyumen forms of educational and cultural and entertainment activities of foreign students have several positive aspects. However, the existing weaknesses and threats identified during the survey emphasize the need for improvement and further development of this area.

Having analyzed the conditions of cultural and entertainment activities for foreign students at University of Tyumen, we can offer some options for further development of this area:

  • monitoring of possible activities of various associations of foreign students;
  • creating a team of students who are ready to assist foreign students in doing their homework, preparing various projects etc.;
  • involvement of students of the directions: “Philology” and “The Russian language” to help foreign students who have difficulties in learning the Russian language. Consider this activity for students as practice at the university;
  • providing an opportunity for senior students to pass teaching practice as teachers of the Russian language for mini groups of foreign students;
  • implementation of entrance testing of the level of the Russian language proficiency for all foreign students (testing, oral part);
  • creation of a help desk for foreign students where each of them can address with any issue.



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