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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 12(182)

Рубрика журнала: Педагогика

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Библиографическое описание:
Turgenbaeva M. METHODOLOGY FOR THE FORMATION OF INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE OF FUTURE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHERS BASED ON DIGITAL EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 12(182). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/182/246038 (дата обращения: 22.03.2025).


Turgenbaeva Maya

Master degree student, 7M01719 - Training of foreign language teachers, Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty

Dzhussubaliyeva Dina

научный руководитель,

scientific supervisor, Doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor, Kazakh Ablaikhan University of International Relations and World Languages,

Kazakhstan, Almaty



Тургенбаева Майя Маратовна

магистрант, 7M01719 – Подготовка педагогов иностранного языка, Казахский Университет Международных Отношений и Мировых Языков имени Абылай Хана,

Казахстан, Алматы

Джусубалиева Дина Муфтаховна

научный руководитель, д-р пед. наук, проф., Казахский Университет Международных Отношений и Мировых Языков имени Абылай Хана,

Казахстан, Алматы



The article is devoted to the role of digital educational content in the formation of intercultural communicative competence formation of future foreign language teachers. The aim of the study is to develop teaching methods for future teachers of foreign languages based on the use of digital educational content and to analyze the types of digital technologies. The use of information technologies plays a significant role, since it is the most effective approach and education is no longer possible without computer tools in the decade of informational technology. The purpose of teaching foreign languages becomes the formation of a linguistic personality capable of effectively communicating with representatives of other cultures.


Статья посвящена роли цифрового учебного контента в формировании межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции будущих учителей иностранного языка. В основе статьи лежит идея внедрения современных технологий и цифровых образовательных ресурсов в обучение иностранному языку с целью формирования и развития межкультурной коммуникативной компетенции у студентов. Целью исследования является разработка методики обучения будущих учителей иностранных языков на основе использования цифрового образовательного контента и анализ видов цифровых технологий. Использование цифрового образовательного контента играет значительную роль, поскольку это наиболее эффективный подход. Целью обучения иностранным языкам становится формирование языковой личности, способной эффективно вести диалог с представителями других культур.


Keywords: «competence»; digital educational  content;  digital learning resource; «intercultural communicative competence»; ICT; the Internet; culture.

Ключевые слова: «компетенция»; цифровой образовательный контент; цифровой образовательный ресурс; «Межкультурная коммуникативная компетенция»; ИКТ; Интернет; культура.


Nowadays, current society sets significant expectations on the training of professionals of a certain professional orientation who are capable of conducting successful foreign language communication at a professional level; therefore, communication skills are crucial. Mastering a foreign language requires not only the development of speaking abilities, aptitudes, and language knowledge, but also the enhancement of communication skills.

For effective professional training of students - future teachers of a foreign language, it is necessary to build a model for the formation of intercultural competence that could meet the needs of students of pedagogical specialties, as well as the society's demand for qualified specialists. According to Kunanbayeva S.S. the model of intercultural communication serves as another theoretical confirmation of the legitimacy of the methodology of foreign language education, defined as "cognitive–linguoculturological", in favor of which is evidenced by the recognition of: the ethno-linguistic and cultural nature of the consciousness of bilingual communicants; the parallel coexistence of images of the linguistic consciousness of the native language with the assigned foreign cultural images of consciousness; definition of the process of intercultural communication as a reflexive activity of bilingual communicants to compare conceptual and linguistic pictures of the world and ensure the mutual transition (interactive transaction) of types of consciousness in the perception and production of speech messages in intercultural communication [1, p.344].

It is vital to develop an "internal conscious motivation of educational activity that allows to realize demands based on the personal meaning of the learning process and to construct a culture of a linguistic personality" in the training of future teachers. It is essential not only to be fluent in the language, but also to understand linguistic and grammatical features, as well as cultural, conventional, and linguistic norms, rules of nonverbal cues, etiquette, mentality, and other character traits of the social groups of the language being studied. Furthermore, language knowledge is insufficient to successfully overcome communication challenges with representatives of various cultures, because both cultural (extralinguistic) and linguistic (communicative) codes are involved in intercultural communicative competence.

It is believed that students who are motivated to integrate both linguistic and non-linguistic learning outcomes will achieve a higher degree of foreign language proficiency. The future teacher should pay attention to both his linguistic and non-linguistic results. It is impossible to speak a language without knowing the cultural characteristics and values of culture.   Hyde M. notes that the formation of intercultural competence requires a set of skills affecting both the cognitive and affective and behavioral spheres of a person, since he must be aware of the differences between cultures, learn to understand the cultural roots of the negative reaction of native speakers and overcome this reaction, master the rules of behavior and language use that would contribute to more successful communication [2, c.11].

Suvorova S.L. agrees that teaching a foreign language in the context of an intercultural paradigm necessitates the development of a new cultural consciousness of educational subjects as representatives from different ethnic groups and cultures, which is formed on the basis of a meaningful discussion of cultures in a cross - cultural context: native culture and customs of various linguistic communities [3, p.60].

It should be mentioned that innovative technologies are always utilized in foreign language teaching methodology, with the assistance from which the procedure of learning a second language becomes dynamic and realistic, close to the circumstances of the language environment. Great importance is given to digital educational resources. When implementing digital resources, all four communicative competencies (listening, reading, writing and speaking) are involved. In training, you can use various podcasts, blogs, electronic programs for practicing language skills. Dzhusubalieva D.M. defines a digital educational resource in foreign language education as methods, technologies, methods, and algorithms for gathering, applying, presenting, structuring, and communicating data using virtual and communication and information means, multimedia, sound and video means of software applications and telecommunications, videoconferencing, and real-time communication in a foreign language. The author legitimately agrees on the need to introduce information technologies into education, since they are a factor determining the relevance of studying the problem of forming students' intercultural competence using the Internet [4, p.347].

The discipline program "Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication" aims to create circumstances for students to develop particular cultural identities,  skills and knowledge, thereby contributing to personal and professional flexibility, employment market demand in the age of globalization, as well as the capacity and willingness for intercultural communication, in partaking in intercultural communication where is required.

The goals of practical classes in the discipline "Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication" are to form understanding about the theoretical and empirical fundamentals of the real system of teaching a foreign language, their attributes and prerequisites; to familiarize students with advanced technologies and instructional approaches; to form skills in choosing educational content; and to teach students to use academic knowledge.

Working in pairs, simulation business and role-playing games, situational teaching methods case method, protection of presentations using PowerPoint, webinars, and online conferences are used in the course of learning the discipline "Basic foreign language in the context of intercultural communication."

Next, we will briefly consider the main characteristics of the proposed training tools. Padlet is a virtual online whiteboard that can be used to collaborate with various types of content (documents, images, materials, ads, notes). The teacher can create a private wall design where participants fill the wall with information, or an open area that anyone can view and edit. The finished board can be shared on social networks, integrated into the site and exported to various formats. The notebook can be used during the preparation and warm-up stages for brainstorming or checking homework. In addition, it is a great way to have a discussion and debate.

The mobile application "Quizlet" is a service designed to help people learn the vocabulary words of a second language. This enables you to constructively integrate a significant quantity of lexical and grammatical content via the use of associations and sophisticated visualization techniques. The program allows the instructor to keep track of all of the students' educational accomplishments, which are reflected in the "Rating" area. The teacher can even incorporate the required content in the application himself, allowing students to study it not only in the school environment, but also individually.

The Flipgrid app is a simple video service that allows students to produce video clips ranging from 15 to 90 seconds in length. The application offers a novel approach to engage with the audience remotely, provide feedback, and improve communication skills. It is feasible to use this platform to build a remote communication environment in which learners may demonstrate their ability and talents. Applications are excellent for reinforcing information and facilitating discussion about the given subject.

Socrative is an online service for conducting tests in classes at educational institutions. Socrative is a tool for creating, searching and distributing tests, as well as for conducting tests. The service also has a database with ready-made and verified tests by the site administration.

"Prezi.com " is a free service that allows you to create an advanced presentation with a non-linear structure. This service offers various options for visualizing your presentation. The proposed online service can be used by students in the process of preparing homework, defending a project or showing theoretical material.

"Mentimeter.com " is a free, simple, stylish online service for creating polls and voting in real time. This application allows you to conduct surveys at the end of the lesson as a reflection. The application is also convenient for testing knowledge in the classroom.

Zoom is a program for video conferences and calls. In Zoom, you can create a free account, secure your virtual cabinet and study in it on a permanent basis using one link, so as not to create a new one. The application allows you to conduct full-fledged lessons, inviting up to 100 people to the conference. Zoom has an electronic whiteboard where you can write, draw, take notes, sort out mistakes and explain mistakes or new words during an online conference. You can use figures to visually explain rules and constructions in a foreign language.

http://learningapps.org - a Web 2.0 program for creating interactive exercises used for various forms of the educational process, for example, for lessons in a playful way [5].

Electronic didactic materials created in this service can be used in working with an interactive whiteboard or as individual exercises. There is a community of teachers in the program, where there is an opportunity to collaborate and share material.

As a result, the use of digital educational resources in a foreign language class is limitless. In general, digital content leads to the establishment of an informational instructional framework that encourages students to "actively engage" in the taught language and the culture of the language being studied, so developing intercultural communicative competence.



  1. Kunanbayeva S.S. Strategic marks for higher education of foreign language. –Almaty, 2015. – ­­208 p.
  2. Hyde M. Intercultural competence in English language education // Modern English Teacher. Vol. 7, 1998. – №2. – 7 p.
  3. Suvorova S. L. Modern language education from the standpoint of intercultural linguodidactics // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. The series "Education. Pedagogical Sciences", 2014. – 64 p.
  4. Dzhusubalieva, D.M. MOOC – The Evolution of Online Education // Vestnik KazNU, Seriya Pedagogicheskaya. – 2017. – №. (2) 51, 62-68 pp.
  5. Pahomova O.B. Using digital educational resources in English lessons// https://infourok.ru/ispolzovanie-cifrovih-obrazovatelnih-resursov-na-urokah-angliyskogo-yazika-v-gimnazii-3211177.html

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