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Статья опубликована в рамках: Научного журнала «Студенческий» № 7(177)

Рубрика журнала: Филология

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Библиографическое описание:
Guselnikova A. LANGUAGE IN THE LIFE OF MODERN SOCIETY // Студенческий: электрон. научн. журн. 2022. № 7(177). URL: https://sibac.info/journal/student/177/242712 (дата обращения: 21.03.2025).


Guselnikova Alexandra

Student, Department of Russian Language and Russian Literature, Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelGU")

Russia, Belgorod



Гусельникова Александра Владимировна

студент, кафедра русского языка и русской литературы, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет (НИУ «БелГУ»)

РФ, город Белгород



The article deals with the problem of the crisis of humanism, revealed by S.L. Frank in a speech on the day of the death of F.M. Dostoevsky (1931), and the way proposed by the writer to overcome this crisis. The main historical types of humanism identified by Frank are analyzed, and the moment of the origin of the crisis of humanism associated with the teachings of Marx and Nietzsche is recorded.


В статье рассматривается проблема кризиса гуманизма, раскрытая С.Л. Франком в речи ко дню смерти Ф.М. Достоевского (1931), и предложенный писателем способ преодоления этого кризиса. Анализируются основные исторические типы гуманизма, выделенные Франком, и фиксируется момент зарождения кризиса гуманизма, связанный с учениями Маркса и Ницше.


Keywords: creativity, teacher, lesson, филология.

Ключевые слова: творчество, учитель, урок, philology.


Language is very important for human society. It's not just a set of sounds that people transmit. The concept of the world, all kinds of information, human desires - all this is impossible to imagine without language. It is he who connects people with the nation and unites it. It is impossible for a person to identify himself as a person without a language. Motivation, interaction with others, expressing your thoughts and communicating with others - all this requires speech.

The science of language - linguistics (linguistics) studies the general laws of the structure and action of language as the main tool of human communication. Some features allow us to attribute all specific languages of the world to a homogeneous, unified class of phenomena. Any language is a subject of collective use, a subtle and perfect instrument of human communication, a reliable means of forming thoughts and transmitting information. A language that expresses and preserves human values. In addition to direct communication, indirect attitude to people is very important, when human heritage (culture and spirituality) is passed from generation to generation. Historical events, folk wisdom (collected in proverbs and sayings), Orthodox commandments - without which the Russian people cannot imagine.

Language is the main means of communication between people. Language is connected with the life of society, with the people. Society and language cannot exist without each other. The development of society, changes in public life are reflected in the language. People's memories cannot be preserved without language. This cannot be done without the cultural education of its members, so that society does not decline. Communicate effectively with others and show respect to your interlocutors. Cultured people with the right speech are much more likely to turn to others and solve some problems.

Unfortunately, however, modern societies are rich in jargon and wild bars. It is clear that this is always the case. Some words leave the language, and new words appear that always meet the requirements of that era. However, today representatives of some young people are proud of the use of blasphemous language and consider violence part of the image.

Despite the fact that Russian is considered one of the richest countries in the world, there are people who are trying to learn English in order to weaken their native language. But we must remember what we have in our hearts and how we express them. And with this baggage behind people, their lives are alive. And it provides native language support in many ways.

Language education and language development are a wide range of social issues. Speech development in a narrow sense means that students will acquire speech skills that will prepare them for full-fledged oral and written speech communication. At the same time, language and speech knowledge and skills for students form the basis on which the acquisition of speech skills takes place.

The role of language in the labor activity of society. Language in the human collective has become an instrument of effective labor activity. Communication between people has become an integral part of the collective livelihood. With the help of language, people exchanged experiences, which led to the improvement of tools and the improvement of the economy. The ideas that were born in the minds of people became the property of others and were applied in practice by the whole team. Today, a person uses language in many types of work, therefore, from ancient times to the present day, the role of language as a tool of labor has increased and continues to increase with the improvement of social work.

The role of language in the spiritual life of society. Language plays an important role in shaping the spiritual life of society. Here language is an instrument of spiritual help to a person, communication makes our spiritual world richer and more perfect. Since the existence of language art, a person has been undergoing the procedure of spiritual saturation with the help of language, that is, new ideals are formed in his inner world, which he transforms into material life. Language as a means of spiritual communication is the most important factor in the development of the spiritual life of society.

It is also important to emphasize for schoolchildren, students, the fact that the native language is not only a subject of study, but also a means of teaching other disciplines. In Russian language lessons, students learn general academic skills related to authentic speech activity. In fact, all the special speech skills of a student, the ability to analyze readings, the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships and generalize the essence, the ability to plan, the ability to create texts-narratives, explanations or reasoning, conveys its content in detail, briefly or selectively and general education skills.

Russian Russian literature should be considered the beginning of the modern stage of the existence of the Russian literary language, since the basic grammatical norms of the modern Russian language were laid down in his works. Subsequently, the development and improvement of the norms of the literary language continued in the works of the greatest writers and publicists of the XIX-XX centuries.

Therefore, the direction of speech teaching the native language is also understood as the direction of teaching the means of cognition. It turns out that the main task in the formation of language is the development of a person who is fully proficient in oral and written speech. We live in a very complex world where the flow of information is huge, and this disrupts communication between people and reduces communication and understanding. The present of our information, the future of our information erases the boundaries of human spirituality, morality and holiness, so that we do not lose everyone. Any language is unique and entertaining. However, Russian is one of the most interesting, complex and specific languages. This causes great pride and respect for the ancestors who managed to preserve and diversify it.



  1. Golovin B.N. Fundamentals of speech culture. M., 1980. - 115 p.
  2. Sokolova V.V. Culture of speech. Culture of communication. M., 1989. - 93 p.
  3. Soper P.A. Fundamentals of the art of speech. M., 1999. - 18 p.

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